{ "com.IntelliLocalExclusive4k60fps":"Limited resources. Failed to set 3840 × 2160@60 fps and AI by Recorder at the same time.", "com.IntelliLocalExclusiveVideoSpot":"Limited resources. Failed to output the video sources via HDMI/VGA port and support AI by recorder at the same time.", "com.ClearFrequencyInfoAlarm":"All counts will be reset. Continue?", "com.NotGetDevice":"Failed to read a device.", "ivs.FarLightAngle":"Far Light Angle", "ivs.HelmetColor":"Helmet Color", "com.CertList":"Certificate List", "ivs.WorkSuitDetect":"PPE Detection Mode", "ivs.Compliant":"Match Attributes Alarm", "ivs.NotCompliant":"Mismatch Attributes Alarm", "ivs.CompliantInfo":"AI Attributes", "ivs.CompliantTip1":"Please select qualified AI Attributes.", "ivs.GlassesType":"Glasses Type", "ivs.Vest":"Vest", "ivs.WeekStatReport":"Weekly", "com.FistShowTime":"First Entry Time", "com.FistShowPlace":"First Entry Place", "com.OccurPlaceTimes":"Entries Detected", "com.NormalFaceLib":"Normal Database", "com.PasserbyFaceLib":"Passerby Database", "com.NoFaceDatabaseSpace":"Insufficient face database capacity.", "com.ClearFrequencyInfoAlarm":"All counts will be reset. Continue?", "ivs.TipRemovePasserbyDB":"If you delete the passerby database, exceptions might occur in functions such as face statistics and entries frequency. Continue?", "ivs.MinDuration":"Min Duration", "ivs.VehicleSignZhongyi":"Zhongyi", "net.PassThroughEvent":"Pass-through", "com.StateTimes":"Entries Detected", "ivs.AfterDulpRemove":"After Deduplication", "ivs.BeforeDulpRemove":"Before Deduplication", "ivs.PersonFrequencyAlarm":"Entries Frequency", "ivs.FaceFlowStat":"Face Statistics", "ivs.DirectionStat":"Tripwire Counting", "ivs.NoSupportPasserbyDB":"Operation is not supported under Passerby Database.", "com.PasserByDatabaseNumsWarn":"The number of passerby databases reached the limit.", "com.ImageNum":"Number of Images", "com.StorageFull":"Storage Full ", "ivs.DulpRemoveTime":"Time", "ivs.DetectMode":"Detection Mode", "ivs.CompliantMode":"Compliant Mode", "net.PoEManagementExplanationNoPower":"Note: \n\r1. About icon: for PoE connection status, green circle means the device is connected and red circle means the device is disconnected; \n\r2. Link quality: It mainly contains three levels: poor, average and good. Try to enable signal enhancement mode when the link quality is poor.", "ivs.FlowStatPeriod":"Statistical Cycle", "ivs.SafeHat":"Safety Helmet", "VehiclesDistri":"Vehicle Density", "sys.TimeRangeAll":"Today|Yesterday|Last 2 Days|Last 3 Days|Last 7 Days|Last 14 Days|Last 30 Days|Custom", "com.SelectOneAtLeastTips":"Select at least one item.", "com.FaceEVectorVer":"Face Feature Vector Version", "com.People":"People", "com.PleaseDrawShapeTip":"Please draw graphics.", "ivs.DrawDirection":"Draw Direction Line", "com.VideoLossNum":"Number of Video Losses", "ivs.ObjectMonitor":"Object Monitoring", "ivs.ObjectRemoval":"Object Removal", "ivs.ObjectPlacement":"Object Placement", "com.InteractiveChange":"Change", "com.SortByTime":"Sort by Time", "com.SortBySimilarity":"Sort by Similarity", "ivs.SetFilterSizeTip":"Please draw the target size.", "com.SmtpVideoMotion" : "Motion Detect", "ivs.CheckType":"Detection Type", "com.Split25NoLiveTip":"Live is not available under 25 split views and above.", "com.VideoBlindNum":"Number of Tampered Cameras", "med.NetDisconnectNum":"Number of Offline Cameras", "sto.StorageInfo":"Storage Info", "med.DecoderCap":"Decoding Capability", "com.VideoBlindNum":"Number of Tampered Cameras", "med.NetDisconnectNum":"Number of Offline Cameras", "sto.StorageInfo":"Storage Info", "med.DecoderCap":"Decoding Capability", "sys.OnlineMaintenceTip":"When exception occurs, export data to check details.", "com.DeviceInfo":"Device Info", "ivs.VehicleSignJingLong" : "King Long", "ivs.VehicleSignJMC1" : "JMC", "ivs.VehicleSignLiFan1" : "Skat", "ivs.VehicleSignCoupe" : "Hyundai Coupe", "ivs.VehicleSignHino1" : "GAC bus", "ivs.VehicleSignRichanchai" : "Nissan", "ivs.VehicleSignXiangpai" : "Xiang", "ivs.VehicleSignRANGEROVER2" : "Range Rover", "ivs.VehicleSignDISCOVERY2" : "Discovery", "ivs.VehicleSignAlphard2" : "Toyota Alphard", "ivs.VehicleSignDurabl" : "DURABL", "ivs.VehicleSignEntu" : "ENTU EV", "ivs.VehicleSignHaiquan" : "Shandong Haiquan", "ivs.VehicleSignHangtianlansu" : "LANSEL", "ivs.VehicleSignHuili" : "HUILI", "ivs.VehicleSignZhongjimingyang" : "Zhong Ji Ming Yang", "ivs.VehicleSignZhongguolong" : "Geely China Dragon", "ivs.VehicleSignTjatse" : "Jinbei Thiazi", "ivs.VehicleSignJinpeng" : "Jinpeng", "ivs.VehicleSignMarcopolo" : "Marcopolo", "ivs.VehicleSignNAC" : "NAC", "ivs.VehicleSignRunruji" : "Runruji", "ivs.VehicleSignSitech" : "SITECH", "ivs.VehicleSignLEVC" : "LEVC", "ivs.VehicleSignPolestar" : "Polestar", "ivs.VehicleSignJinghua" : "Jinghua", "ivs.VehicleSignJinguo" : "Jinguo EV", "ivs.VehicleSignFamily" : "Family Mazada", "ivs.VehicleSignDF2" : "DFAC", "ivs.VehicleSignJinma" : "Jinma", "ivs.VehicleSignQingqi" : "Qingqi", "ivs.VehicleSignRongdazhizao" : "CENNTRO", "ivs.VehicleSignZhongqihaohan" : "Sinotruck Haohan", "ivs.VehicleSignZhongqihaoman" : "Sinotruck Homan", "ivs.VehicleSignZhongzhuoshidai" : "Zhongzhuo", "ivs.VehicleSignXingtu" : "EXEED", "ivs.VehicleSignYuzhou" : "Yuzhou", "ivs.VehicleSignXindadi" : "Xindadi", "ivs.VehicleSignZhongzhi" : "ZEV", "ivs.VehicleSignBailujia" : "Bonluck", "ivs.VehicleSignBaoya" : "Baoya", "ivs.VehicleSignHangtianlinghe" : "Aerospace Linghe", "ivs.VehicleSignJihe" : "Geometry", "ivs.VehicleSignKailunbinwei" : "Kien RV", "ivs.VehicleSignOulu" : "Continental", "ivs.VehicleSignYika" : "Yika", "ivs.VehicleSignYuedi" : "YUEDI", "ivs.VehicleSignChangzheng" : "Changzheng", "ivs.VehicleSignZuojun" : "ZUOJUN", "ivs.VehicleSignBaoqi" : "BOIDGE", "ivs.VehicleSignBinshidun" : "Burstner", "ivs.VehicleSignJumafeiteng" : "Juma", "ivs.VehicleSignLishan" : "Lishan", "ivs.VehicleSignIlavoc" : "ILAVOC", "ivs.VehicleSignZoomlion" : "ZOOMLION", "ivs.VehicleSignYuchai" : "Yuchai", "ivs.VehicleSignDali" : "Dali", "ivs.VehicleSignChuanlu" : "Chuanlu", "ivs.VehicleSignJieda" : "Jetta", "ivs.VehicleSignXingkailong" : "Xingkailong", "sys.LLDP":"LLDP", "VehiclesDistri":"Vehicle Density", "ivs.CongestionDetection":"Traffic Congestion", "ivs.VehicleCongestion":"Vehicle Congestion", "ivs.VehicleCongestionAlarm":"Vehicle Congestion Alarm", "ivs.VehicleLimitDetection":"Parking Upper Limit", "ivs.CongestionDuration":"Continuous Congestion Time", "ivs.VehicleLimitAlarm":"Upper Limit Vehicle Quantity Alarm", "com.CarNum":"Vehicles", "ivs.Uint":"vehicles", "ivs.QueueLength":"Queue Length", "alarm_smtp.end":"Clear", "med.InfraredMode":"IR Mode", "med.WhiteMode":"White Light", "med.AIMode":"Smart Illumination", "med.SetAsShieldingRatio":"Set as shielding zoom ratio", "med.OverMaxNum":"Reached max number of blocks.", "med.OverSceneMaxNum":"Reached max number of blocks in the current scene.", "sto.ExistSMRChangeToDiskGroup":"SMR disk is detected. If you switch to Disk Group mode, the SMR disk will not work. Continue?", "sto.DetectSMRChangeToQuataTip":"SMR disk is detected and the device is currently in Disk Group mode. To ensure the stable operation of SMR disk, you need to switch to Disk Quota mode. Continue?", "com.ExportingTip":"Export in progress…", "ivs.IRLightDelay":"Illuminator Delay", "med.LightingScheme":"Fill Light", "med.ZoomPrio":"Zoom Priority", "ivs.SmartIR":"Smart IR", "med.ColorLunp":"Color Lump", "med.Mosaic":"Mosaic", "com.Color":"Color", "med.ShieldingRatio":"Shielding Ratio", "med.ShieldingRatioSetting":"Setting", "med.PrivacyMaskingTypeLimit":"The number of this type has reached the upper limit.", "com.VideoOut4KExclusiveIntelli":"After switching resolution, face detection and face recognition cannot be enabled. Changes will be effective after restarting. Are you sure to change configurations and restart the device?", "com.IntelliExclusiveVideoOut4K":"Please lower the display resolution first.", "ivs.NoMannedConvertibleTricycle":"Open Tricycle without Passenger", "ivs.Motorcycle":"Motorcycle", "ivs.FaceDbTL":"Timor-Leste", "com.IRLight":"Illuminator", "per.PresetLightingManual":"Illuminator Manual", "per.PresetLightingSmartIR":"Illuminator Smart IR", "LightingZoomPrio":"Illuminator Zoom Rate Priority", "per.PresetLightingOff":"Illuminator Off", "ivs.NearLight":"Near Light", "ivs.FarLight":"Far Light", "med.BrightnessLimit":"Brightness Upper Limit", "ivs.Correction":"Compensation", "sys.NewVersionTip":"System Update Notifications", "ivs.DrawBed":"Detection Area", "sys.DeviceLoginPassword":"Camera Login Password", "com.Edit":"Edit", "net.DevicePort":"Device Port", "sys.EuipPassword":"Device Login Password", "med.PlugAndPlay":"Plug and Play", "com.AllDevice":"All", "com.NotInitDevice":"Not Initialized", "com.LimitAutoAddDevice":"Not Auto Connected", "med.BatchAdd":"Add", "med.BatchModifyIp":"Modify IP", "med.BatchDel":"Delete", "sys.ModifyDeviceLoginPassword":"Change Camera Login Password", "med.LimitTip":"The above devices will not automatically connect to the recorder. Remove the devices from the list to restore auto connection.", "com.Remove":"Remove", "med.AddFinishTip":"%d channels of camera have been added automatically.", "med.AddDeviceTip":"The camera and recorder are not in the same network. If the camera is added, its IP address will be changed automatically. Continue?", "com.ModifyIPTimedOut":"Change IP timeout", "com.PeerEndTimedOut":"Peer device response timeout", "com.DeviceInitializedAlready":"The device has been initialized", "com.ContactNotSupported":"Not supported password resetting", "com.FaultHandling":"Emergency Maintenance", "com.CloseAOLTip":"It is recommended that the emergency maintenance be enabled. Are you sure to disable it?", "com.ApplyHasExist":"Application already exists.", "med.VideoFragment":"Video Clip", "appEventAlarmBoxAlarm" : "Extension Alarm", "appEventAlarmCoaxial" : "HDCVI Alarm", "appEventAlarmRaid" : "RAID Exception", "appEventBatteryLowSpace" : "Low Battery", "appEventColdSpotWarning" : "Cold Spot", "appEventComm" : "Alarm Box Event", "appEventFanSpeed" : "Fan Speed Exception", "appEventFireWarning" : "Fire Detection", "appEventHotSpotWarning" : "Hot Spot", "appEventIntellDetect" : "AI Detection", "appEventNASServerState" : "NAS Service Exception", "appEventNumberStat" : "People Counting", "appEventPowerFault" : "Redundant Power Alarm", "appEventRioterDetection" : "Crowd Gathering Estimation", "appEventSafetyAbnormal" : "Security Exception", "appEventUserLock" : "Illegal Login", "appEventVideoAbnormalDetection" : "Video Exception", "appEventVolumeGroupFault" : "Storage Pool Error", "com.12HourStandard" : "12-Hour", "com.24HourStandard" : "24-Hour", "com.2ndIVSExclusiveVideoSpot" : "Limited resources. Failed to output different video sources via HDMI/VGA port or enable the second AI channel at the same time.", "com.AIDisEnhancementTips" : "Disabling AI mode can analyze more video streams, but the detection accuracy will reduce. The DVR will reboot, are you sure to proceed?", "com.AIEnhancementTips" : "Enabling AI mode can improve detection accuracy, but analyze less video streams. The DVR will reboot, are you sure to proceed?", "com.AIMode" : "AI Mode", "com.AIhddforamtTips" : "To use AI function more properly, please format the following disks.", "com.AImoduleState" : "AI BOARD", "com.ALARMTITLE" : "Alarm Subscription", "com.ATW" : "ATW", "com.AVDes" : "Please make sure that the corresponding device or software supports video decryption.", "com.AXIS" : "Axis", "com.AccessPlatform" : "Platform Access", "com.Accessdenied" : "No permission", "com.AccountReserveTip" : "Reserved user cannot be modified or deleted.", "com.LoginErrorNo5" : "The account is locked.", "com.LoginErrorNo4" : "The account is logged in.", "com.ActionNew" : "Action", "com.Add" : "Add", "com.AddNoFreeChan" : "Failed to add port %d. No idle channels available.", "com.AddOffLineDev" : "Add Offline Device", "com.AddPresetFirstTip" : "Please add a preset first.", "com.AddSearchend" : "Search completed.", "com.AddTag" : "Add Tag", "com.AddTaskTips" : "Task exists in this period. Continue to add?", "com.AddTo" : "Add to", "com.AddToCollection" : "Add to Favorites", "com.AddToRemote" : "Add to Remote", "com.AddType" : "Add Mode", "com.Addnulltagname" : "Tag name cannot be empty.", "com.Address" : "Address", "com.Addsameholiday" : "The holiday date already exists.", "com.AdvancedSet" : "Advanced", "com.Afterdcsreplace" : "After Switch", "com.Aftersale" : "After-sale Service", "com.Alarm" : "Alarm", "com.AlarmChannel" : "Alarm Channel", "com.AlarmCoaxialAlarmin" : "HDCVI External Alarm", "com.AlarmCoaxialTemperature" : "HDCVI Temperature Alarm", "com.AlarmCoaxialVoltage" : "HDCVI Voltage Exception", "com.AlarmCount" : "Quantity (items)", "com.AlarmDescription" : "Realtime alarm display, event info search and alarm input/output config.", "com.AlarmDetails" : "Alarm Details", "com.AlarmIPCerror" : "IP Camera external alarm setup failed.", "com.AlarmIVS" : "Alarm&AI&POS", "com.AlarmInfo" : "Alarm Info", "com.AlarmInfoNav" : "ALARM INFO", "com.AlarmInfoQuery" : "Alarm Query", "com.AlarmLevel" : "Alarm Level", "com.AlarmOutEx" : "Extended Alarm Output", "com.AlarmReportQuery" : "Report Query", "com.AlarmSet" : "Alarm", "com.AlarmSetTitle" : "ALARM", "com.AlarmTour" : "Alarm Tour", "com.AlarmType" : "Alarm Type", "com.Alarmtip" : "Display alarm status such as external alarm, motion detection and video loss.", "com.AlertQuitMPlay" : "Exit smart search?", "com.AlignRight" : "Right", "com.All" : "All", "com.AllVideo" : "All Videos", "com.Allmonth" : "Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec", "com.AllowErrorTimeForLogin" : "Login Attempt", "com.Allstate" : "Idle|Backup|Burning|Playback", "com.Amount" : "Transaction Amount", "com.Analog" : "Analog", "com.And" : "and", "com.Annual" : "Always", "com.Anonymity" : "Anonymous", "com.Answer" : "Answer", "com.Aoqiman" : "Watchman", "com.Appear" : "Appear", "com.Apply" : "Apply", "com.ApplyToAll" : "Apply to All", "com.Applyall" : "Copy to All", "com.Applyto" : "Copy to", "com.Approximate" : "≈", "com.April" : "Apr", "com.Arbitrageip" : "Arbitration Setting", "com.AreaErrorTip" : "Area is added.", "com.Arecont" : "Arecont", "com.At" : "at", "com.Attachment" : "Attachment", "com.Attribute" : "Attribute", "com.AttributeSearch" : "Search by Attributes", "com.AudioDescription" : "Audio file management, audio play.", "com.AudioPlay" : "Audio Play", "com.Audiofilecondition" : "File size: 2KB-10MB. Max file quantity: 20.", "com.August" : "Aug", "com.Authentication" : "Authentication", "com.Auto" : "Auto", "com.AutoCheckNote" : "Notify me when updates are available. The system checks for updates daily.\nTo inform you of the latest firmware updates for your device, we need to collect device info such as IP address, device name, language preference, firmware version, device SN, etc. All collected info is used only for the purposes of verifying device validity and pushing update notifications. You can withdraw your consent at any time by opening MAINTAIN->Manager->Update on device interface.", "com.AutoWifiAdd" : "Wireless Pairing", "com.Autodelete" : "Delete Expired Files", "com.BNC" : "BNC", "com.Back" : "Back", "com.BackgroundColor" : "Background Color", "com.BackupNav" : "BACKUP", "com.Bakeup" : "Backup", "com.Bandwidth" : "Remaining Bandwidth/Total Bandwidth:", "com.Baokang" : "Baokang", "com.BarChart" : "Bar Chart", "com.Barorline" : "Bar Chart/Line Chart", "com.Baseconfig" : "Basic", "com.Basic" : "Basic", "com.BatchRegistration" : "Batch Register", "com.BatteryCapacity" : "Battery Capacity", "com.Beforedcsreplace" : "Before Switch", "com.BeginPosition" : "Start Position", "com.BeginTLessThanEndTTip" : "Start time must be earlier than end time.", "com.Best" : "Best", "com.BetweenRulesTemperDiffAlarm" : "Temperature Contrast", "com.BindPhoneOrMailTip" : "For password reset. Recommended or improved in time.", "com.Birth" : "Birthday", "com.Bkupclear" : "Erase", "com.Black" : "Black", "com.BlackList" : "Block List", "com.BlackListExist" : "The plate already exists in the block list.", "com.BlackWhite" : "B/W", "com.Block" : "Blocked", "com.BlockTime" : "Block Time", "com.BlueColor" : "Blue", "com.Bosch" : "Bosch", "com.Bottom" : "Down", "com.BottomMargin" : "Bottom Margin", "com.Bps" : "BPS", "com.Brightness" : "Brightness", "com.Brown" : "Brown", "com.BrowserNotSupport" : "The browser fails to support plug-in and the image cannot be displayed properly. Please try lower version browsers such as IE, Chrome 42 below and Firefox 52 below.", "com.CAName" : "CA CERTIFICATE", "com.CGIService" : "CGI", "com.CHExistOverWrite" : "The IP channel already exists. Want to replace?", "com.CONFIGTITLE" : "Configuration", "com.Calibrate" : "Calibrate", "com.CamIpconflict" : "\nIP address conflict exists between front-end devices and local devices, so some front-end devices may fail to be added. You can go to CAMERA -> Camera List and check if all the devices are added.", "com.CamTimeout" : "Timeout. No new cameras found.", "com.CameraID" : "Camera No.", "com.CameraSet" : "Camera", "com.CanChooseMaxHumanPictures" : "Upload maximum 50 human body pictures.", "com.CanOnlyDevSign" : "Only supports letters, numbers, underlines and @.", "com.Cancel" : "Cancel", "com.CancelCloudUpgrade" : "Cancel online update.", "com.CancelImport" : "Are you sure you want to cancel import?", "com.Canon" : "Canon", "com.CapWriteError" : "Failed to write file.", "com.CaptureLoad" : "Packet sniffer completed. Save now?", "com.Carcolor" : "Color", "com.Card" : "Card", "com.CardInfo" : "Card Info", "com.CardMasking" : "Card No. Masking", "com.CaseSensitive" : "Case Insensitive", "com.Cdromplay" : "From Disc", "com.Centimeter" : "cm", "com.CfgExpEncName" : "Export Encryption", "com.CfmFormatRebootTip" : "Data will be cleared. Are you sure to continue formatting?", "com.ChangeZoom" : "Zoom", "com.Channel" : "Channel", "com.Channel10" : "CAM 10", "com.Channel11" : "CAM 11", "com.Channel12" : "CAM 12", "com.Channel13" : "CAM 13", "com.Channel14" : "CAM 14", "com.Channel15" : "CAM 15", "com.Channel16" : "CAM 16", "com.Channel17" : "CAM 17", "com.Channel18" : "CAM 18", "com.Channel19" : "CAM 19", "com.Channel20" : "CAM 20", "com.Channel21" : "CAM 21", "com.Channel22" : "CAM 22", "com.Channel23" : "CAM 23", "com.Channel24" : "CAM 24", "com.Channel25" : "CAM 25", "com.Channel26" : "CAM 26", "com.Channel27" : "CAM 27", "com.Channel28" : "CAM 28", "com.Channel29" : "CAM 29", "com.Channel3" : "CAM 3", "com.Channel30" : "CAM 30", "com.Channel31" : "CAM 31", "com.Channel32" : "CAM 32", "com.Channel33" : "CAM 33", "com.Channel34" : "CAM 34", "com.Channel35" : "CAM 35", "com.Channel36" : "CAM 36", "com.Channel37" : "CAM 37", "com.Channel38" : "CAM 38", "com.Channel39" : "CAM 39", "com.Channel4" : "CAM 4", "com.Channel40" : "CAM 40", "com.Channel41" : "CAM 41", "com.Channel42" : "CAM 42", "com.Channel43" : "CAM 43", "com.Channel44" : "CAM 44", "com.Channel45" : "CAM 45", "com.Channel46" : "CAM 46", "com.Channel47" : "CAM 47", "com.Channel48" : "CAM 48", "com.Channel49" : "CAM 49", "com.Channel5" : "CAM 5", "com.Channel50" : "CAM 50", "com.Channel51" : "CAM 51", "com.Channel52" : "CAM 52", "com.Channel53" : "CAM 53", "com.Channel54" : "CAM 54", "com.Channel55" : "CAM 55", "com.Channel56" : "CAM 56", "com.Channel57" : "CAM 57", "com.Channel58" : "CAM 58", "com.Channel59" : "CAM 59", "com.Channel6" : "CAM 6", "com.Channel60" : "CAM 60", "com.Channel61" : "CAM 61", "com.Channel62" : "CAM 62", "com.Channel63" : "CAM 63", "com.Channel64" : "CAM 64", "com.Channel7" : "CAM 7", "com.Channel8" : "CAM 8", "com.Channel9" : "CAM 9", "com.ChannelAbbr" : "CH", "com.ChannelInOutTip" : "Entrance channel cannot be the same as exit channel.", "com.ChannelInfo" : "Channel Info", "com.ChannelMust20Length" : "The channel No. must be 20 digits.", "com.ChannelTitle" : "Channel Title", "com.ChannelTotalNum" : "Total Channels", "com.Channelname" : "Camera Name", "com.ChannelnameTooLongFailure" : "Failed to save. Channel name is too long.", "com.Channelstr" : "Channel No.", "com.Chart" : "Diagram", "com.ChartReuse" : "Yellow Green", "com.CheckCompletely" : "Verification completed.", "com.Checkerrordisk" : "Operation failed. Please check if disk error exists.", "com.Child" : "Child", "com.ChooseBkFormateAndSure" : "Please select format mode.", "com.ChooseRightDir" : "Please select the correct folder.", "com.Cifseterror" : "Compression or resolution setting error.", "com.Cityname" : "City Name", "com.Class" : "Category", "com.Clear" : "Remove", "com.ClearAll" : "Clear", "com.Clearnodisk" : "No disc.", "com.Clone" : "Mirror Burning", "com.Close" : "Close", "com.Closeall" : "Close All", "com.Closepower" : "Please power off.", "com.CloudUpgErrParam" : "Server parameters exception.", "com.Cnnt" : "Wi-Fi Connection", "com.CoaxiaUpgrade" : "HDCVI Update", "com.CoaxialHum" : "HDCVI Humidity Alarm", "com.CoaxialHumHigh" : "HDCVI High Humidity Alarm", "com.CoaxialHumLow" : "HDCVI Low Humidity Alarm", "com.CoaxialLocal" : "HDCVI Sensor Alarm", "com.CoaxialTempHigh" : "HDCVI High Temperature Alarm", "com.CoaxialTempLow" : "HDCVI Low Temperature Alarm", "com.ColdSpotWarning" : "Cold Spot", "com.CollectAddNamesame" : "The favorites name already exists.", "com.CollectName" : "Favorites Name", "com.CollectSet" : "Favorites Setting", "com.Colorcustomize" : "Custom Color", "com.Colorful" : "Color", "com.Column" : "Column", "com.ComRebootTipOneKey" : "Configs come into effect after reboot and some will be restored back to default settings. Are you sure you want to reboot the device?", "com.ComWizardreboot" : "Config is already modified. The device will reboot after startup wizard is complete.", "com.Combine" : "Channel Group", "com.Combinevideo" : "Combine Video", "com.Comdefault" : "Default", "com.Compare" : "LessEqual|GreaterEqual", "com.CompleteConfigure" : "Global Config", "com.CompleteProgress" : "Completion Progress", "com.Compressnotsupportext" : "HD transcoding does not support substream.", "com.Comweek" : "Su|Mo|Tu|We|Th|Fr|Sa", "com.Conducting" : "In progress", "com.Config" : "SETTING", "com.ConfigIPC" : "CAMERA", "com.Configing" : "Enabling or disabling AI analysis. Please try again later.", "com.Confignotsupported" : "The config is not supported.", "com.Connect" : "Connect", "com.ConnectFailTip" : "Connection failed.", "com.ConnectOveretimeTip" : "Connection timeout.", "com.Connected" : "Connected", "com.ConnectedSucceed" : "Connection succeeded.", "com.ConnectingTip" : "Connecting...", "com.ConnectionPassword" : "Connection Password", "com.Connectmode" : "Connection Mode", "com.Content" : "Contents", "com.Continue" : "Continue", "com.ContinueAddMore" : "Add More", "com.Convert" : "Character Encode", "com.CoordinateByDay" : "By Day", "com.CoordinateByHour" : "By Hour", "com.CoordinateScale" : "Coordinate Scale", "com.Copy" : "Copy", "com.CopyExplainforIPC" : "Note: Only username and password can be copied.", "com.CorrelateChannelRecordTime" : "Linkage Record Time", "com.Country" : "Region", "com.CourseNotNone" : "%s cannot be null.", "com.Creat" : "Create", "com.CreateFailed" : "Failed to create.", "com.CreateSuccess" : "Created successfully.", "com.Createdir" : "New Folder", "com.Creatvideoanalyserulefailed" : "Failed to create AI rule.", "com.Cross" : "Cross", "com.CrossFenceDetection" : "Crossing Virtual Fence", "com.CrossLineDetection" : "Tripwire", "com.CrossRegionDetection" : "Intrusion", "com.CrowdDenUnit" : "Human/㎡", "com.CrowdDistri" : "Crowd Distribution", "com.CrowdDistriPic" : "Crowd Distribution Map", "com.CrowdDistriTitle" : "CROWD DISTRIBUTION", "com.CtrlUnlock" : "Unlock", "com.CurrentValue" : "Current Value", "com.Currentset" : "Day", "com.Currpage" : "Current Page", "com.Custom" : "Custom", "com.CustomAdd" : "Custom Add", "com.CustomOsd" : "Custom Title", "com.Customsplit" : "Custom Layout", "com.Cyan" : "Cyan", "com.DNSError" : "Domain name resolution error.", "com.DarkOliveGreen" : "Dark Olive Green", "com.DarkOrange" : "Dark Orange", "com.DarkViolet" : "Dark Violet", "com.DataCollectionTip" : "We need to collect your email address, MAC address and device SN in order to reset device password safely . All the collected info is only used for the purposes of verifying device validity and sending the security code. Continue?", "com.DataExport" : "Data Export", "com.Datasource" : "Card Overlay", "com.Date" : "Date", "com.Datespectorsel" : ".|-|/", "com.Day1" : "Mon", "com.Day5" : "Fri", "com.DayNightMode" : "Day/Night", "com.DayReport" : "Daily", "com.DayReportRangeTip" : "Max 24 hours.", "com.Dayago" : "day(s) ago", "com.DbImpExpNote" : "Prompt: Multiple database files can be imported. Do not modify the exported file name and file content.", "com.Ddnsbadauth" : "Identity verification error.", "com.Ddnsfrequencyreg" : "Registration too frequent.", "com.Ddnsnotactive" : "The domain name is prohibited.", "com.Ddnssucceed" : "Registration succeeded.", "com.Ddnssyserror" : "System Error", "com.DealType" : "Transaction Type", "com.Debugging" : "Debug", "com.December" : "Dec", "com.DeepSkyBlue" : "Dark Sky Blue", "com.DeepsenseDescription" : "AI video query and function setting.", "com.DefConfirmConfigTip" : "Are you sure you want to restore default settings?", "com.DefaultConfig" : "Default", "com.Defaultsuccess" : "Click Apply to take effect.", "com.DefenceName" : "Account Lockout", "com.DefogMode" : "Defog Mode", "com.DelScaleArea" : "Delete Area", "com.Delay" : "Delay", "com.Delete" : "Delete", "com.DeleteCluster" : "Unloading cluster. Please wait…", "com.DeleteFile" : "Delete Audio File", "com.DeletePreset" : "Delete Preset", "com.DeleteScale" : "Delete Ruler", "com.DeleteTip" : "After deletion, it cannot be recovered. Delete?", "com.Delimiter" : "Line Break", "com.Description" : "Security scanning can help you get a whole picture of device security status in real time and use the device in a much safer way.", "com.Detail" : "Details", "com.Detect" : "Check", "com.DetectHotplus" : "Hot swapping detected. Please refresh page and scan disks again.", "com.DevAddr" : "Device Address", "com.DevPosition" : "Device Positioning", "com.DevUpgradeing" : "Device update in progress…", "com.Device" : "Device", "com.DeviceAddError" : "Failed to add device.", "com.DeviceInitialize" : "Device Initialization", "com.DeviceInitializeFail" : "Initialization failed.", "com.DeviceModeMismatch" : "Device mismatch.", "com.DeviceModel" : "Device Model", "com.DeviceName" : "Device Name", "com.DeviceNo" : "Device No.", "com.DeviceOffline" : "Device is offline.", "com.DeviceState" : "Device Status", "com.DeviceType" : "Device Type", "com.Devicemanager" : "Device Setting", "com.Devicerunning" : "Device in use.", "com.DimGray" : "Dark Gray", "com.Direction1" : "Direction", "com.Directory" : "Directory", "com.DisSrcChange" : "Channel sequence is already adjusted. Want to save?", "com.Disable" : "Disable", "com.Disconnect" : "Disconnected", "com.DiskSpaceFail" : "There is insufficient disk space or a network error occurred. The operation failed.", "com.Diskfull" : "Disk Full", "com.DisplayDescription" : "Resolution setting, display setting.", "com.DisplayMode" : "Display Mode", "com.DisplayType" : "Display Type", "com.DisplayValue" : "Display Value", "com.Displayencode" : "Encode", "com.DomainExistTip" : "The domain name does not exist.", "com.DomainUsedTip" : "The domain name is already registered.", "com.Down" : "Move down", "com.DownMore" : "More", "com.Download" : "Download", "com.DownloadByFile" : "Download by File", "com.DownloadByTime" : "Download by Time", "com.DownloadCompletelyTip" : "Download completed.", "com.DownloadFailedTip" : "Download failed.", "com.DownloadProgress" : "Download Progress", "com.Downloading" : "Downloading", "com.DrawPatternPassword" : "Draw the unlock pattern.", "com.DrawPatternPasswordAgain" : "Draw it again.", "com.DrawPatternPasswordError" : "Draw at least %d nodes.", "com.Drawing" : "Draw", "com.DrawingIsCompletedTip" : "Drawing is completed.", "com.DsernameMustnotNullTip" : "Username cannot be null.", "com.Dstweekday" : "1st|2nd|3rd|4th|Last", "com.Duration" : "Duration", "com.EditTag" : "Modify Tag", "com.Editcustomsplit" : "Modify Custom Layout", "com.EmailFormatError" : "Email Format Error", "com.Emptyname" : "Name cannot be null.", "com.Enable" : "Enable", "com.EnableConflict" : "Card Overley and POS function cannot be enabled at the same time.", "com.Encode4KExclusiveVideoSpot" : "Limited resources. Failed to output different video sources via HDMI/VGA port or support 4K resolution at the same time.", "com.EncodeEnhancement" : "Encode Enhancement", "com.EncodeEnhancementTips" : "It will disable AI function, extra screen function and lower decoding capability. Are you sure you want to modify config and reboot the device?", "com.EncodeEnhancementTips2" : "It will disable extra screen function and lower decoding capability. Are you sure you want to modify config and reboot the device?", "com.EncryPassword" : "Encryption Password", "com.Encryption" : "Encryption", "com.End" : "End", "com.EndAddress" : "End Address", "com.EndTime" : "End Time", "com.Endstring" : "End Identifier", "com.Enter" : "Enter", "com.Confirm" : "Enter", "com.EnterAlarmPersonNumber" : "Alarm Persons(Enter)", "com.EnterGateReportResult" : "Data report results of entering security gate between %s and %s.", "com.EnterHighRiskAlarmPersonNumber" : "High Risk Alarm Number(Enter)", "com.EnterIn" : "Enter", "com.EnterLowRiskAlarmPersonNumber" : "Low Risk Alarm Number(Enter)", "com.EnterMiddleRiskAlarmPersonNumber" : "Medium Risk Alarm Number(Enter)", "com.EnterPassPersonNumber" : "Passed Persons(Enter)", "com.Entermenu" : "Enter Menu", "com.Eqset" : "Image EQ", "com.Equilibrium" : "Equilibrium", "com.Error" : "Error", "com.ErrorCode" : "Error Code", "com.ErrorReceiver" : "Receiver format error.", "com.ErrorSection" : "Max 6 periods can be set.", "com.ErrorType" : "Error Type", "com.Etc" : "etc.", "com.Ethernet" : "Ethernet", "com.Event" : "Event", "com.EventHandler" : "Trigger", "com.EventInfo" : "Event Info", "com.EventManage" : "Event", "com.EventType" : "Event Type", "com.Eventaction" : "Event Action", "com.Everyday" : "Everyday", "com.Example" : "Example", "com.ExceedMaxFace" : "Please reduce channel quantity of face detection and try again.", "com.Exceededmaxnumberofchannelgroups" : "Exceeded max number of channel groups.", "com.Exceedmaxanalysecap" : "Reached max capability of AI analysis.", "com.Exception" : "Exception", "com.ExistOverWrite" : "The file already exists. Want to replace?", "com.Exits" : "Exit", "com.Exitstartupwizard" : "Exit startup wizard?", "com.ExpEncryptionDesc" : ": Supported when the protocol is ONVIF;", "com.ExpLinkTypeDesc" : ": Optional. It is Auto by default;", "com.Export" : "Export", "com.FIELD" : "Field", "com.FTP" : "FTP", "com.FTPUpload" : "FTP Upload", "com.FaceCompareExporting" : "Exporting search results.", "com.FaceDescription" : "Face search and smart config.", "com.FaceDetectionChInfo" : "Face Detection", "com.FaceFindfailed" : "Failed to search face database.", "com.FacePicDecodeErr" : "Decoding failed.", "com.FacePicDecodeErrMulti" : "Analyse image: %d; Decoding failed: %d; No human face: %d", "com.FaceResultTimeOut" : "Wait timeout.", "com.FaceSnapnametip" : "The picture format shall be .jpg\n Naming Format:Name#SGender#BBirthday#NRegion#TCredential Type#MCredential No.#AAddress.jpg(Name required, others optional)\ne.g. Tom#S1#B19900101#NUS#T1#M123456789#ANorth Main Street.jpg\nGender, 1.Male 2.Female\nType, 1.ID Card 2.Passport 3.Officer Card", "com.Facesearch" : "Face Search", "com.Factory" : "Manufacturer", "com.FactoryDefault" : "Factory Defaults", "com.Fail" : "Failed", "com.False" : "No", "com.FanMode" : "Case Fan Mode", "com.FanModeOn" : "Always", "com.FanSpeedAlarm" : "Fan Speed Exception", "com.Fanspeed" : "Fan", "com.Fast" : "Fast", "com.FastUP" : "Fast", "com.FebruDay" : "Feb", "com.Field0" : "Field 1", "com.Field1" : "Field 2", "com.Field2" : "Field 3", "com.Field3" : "Field 4", "com.FightDetection" : "Violence Detection", "com.Figure" : "Gesture Control", "com.File" : "File", "com.FileCheckError" : "Operation failed. File verification error.", "com.FileDownloading" : "Downloading files…", "com.FileFormatDefaultTip" : "File format is invalid.", "com.FileInBrowserDownloadDirectory" : "Please view files in the video storage path.", "com.FileList" : "File List", "com.FileManage" : "FILE MANAGEMENT", "com.FileName" : "File Name", "com.FileNameInvalidTip" : "Invalid file name.", "com.FileNotExist" : "The file does not exist.", "com.FileOperateErrorTip" : "Failed to operate files.", "com.FilePath" : "Path", "com.FileSize" : "File Size", "com.FileSize1" : "File Size:", "com.FileType" : "File Type", "com.Fileformat" : "File Format", "com.Filemanage" : "File Management", "com.FilenameExist" : "The file name already exists.", "com.Fileread" : "Failed to read the file.", "com.FindRecord" : "Display {0} - {1} , Total {2}", "com.FireAlarm" : "Fire Detection", "com.FireWall" : "Firewall", "com.FirewallContent" : "Achieve a flexible access control based on IP, MAC and port, and block unauthorized access attempts.", "com.Firewarningmode" : "Fire Mode", "com.Firewarningmodedetail" : "Preset|Global", "com.FirstPage" : "Home", "com.FirstWeek" : "1st", "com.FishEye" : "Fisheye", "com.FishNotfishstream" : "Operation failed. Non-fisheye stream cannot be dewarped.", "com.FishNotsupport" : "Operation failed. Fisheye dewarping in progress.", "com_msg.fish.notsupport" : "Operation failed. Fisheye dewarping in progress.", "com.FishOverlimit" : "Limited resources. Failed to use fisheye dewarping.", "com.FisheyeDewarp" : "Fisheye Dewarp", "com.FisheyeipcNotSupporIntellianalyse" : "Device AI cannot be supported by fisheye camera.", "com.Flicker" : "Flicker", "com.Flip" : "Flip", "com.Fluency" : "Fluent", "com.Fntip" : "Select/cancel backup device or file.", "com.Focus" : "Focus", "com.Folder" : "Folder", "com.FontColor" : "Font Color", "com.FontSize" : "Font Size", "com.ForbidRaidCaps" : "RAID space cannot exceed 16TB. Please select again.", "com.Forbidden" : "Forbidden", "com.ForestGreen" : "Forest Green", "com.ForgetPattern" : "Forgot Pattern", "com.Forgetsecret" : "Forgot password?", "com.ForifyPreset" : "Add Preset", "com.Format" : "Format", "com.FormatErrTip" : "This resolution or encoding format is not supported", "com.Formatdeclarenew" : "Note: Address refers to IP address, domain name or RTSP address. Port value ranges from 1 to 65535. Single-channel IPC is 1 when remote channel No. is larger than 1; The manufacturers include:", "com.Formatfailed" : "Format failed:", "com.Formatting" : "Formatting in progress.Please wait…", "com.FourthWeek" : "4th", "com.FrameExtractionRatio" : "Frame Extraction Ratio", "com.FrameNumberDiscontinity" : "Frame No. Discontinuous", "com.FrameNumberError" : "Frame No. Error", "com.Framedataverifyerror" : "Frame Data Error", "com.Friday" : "Fri", "com.FromReduantDisk" : "From Redundant Disk", "com.FullScreen" : "Full Screen", "com.GAVICollectObject" : "View Database Collection Object", "com.GAVIConfigInfo" : "View Database Config Info", "com.GB28181" : "GB28181", "com.General" : "General", "com.GeneralAlarm" : "General Alarm", "com.GeneralSet" : "General", "com.Genset" : "GENERAL", "com.GetPTZinfofail" : "Failed to acquire PTZ dome coordinates.", "com.GettingConfigsFail" : "Failed to acquire config.", "com.Gold" : "Gold", "com.Gps" : "°", "com.Gray" : "Gray", "com.GreenColor" : "Green", "com.GreenYellow" : "Green Yellow", "com.GroupNameLenNotValid" : "Operation failed. The group name length should be", "com.HDMI" : "HDMI", "com.HardDiskHealth" : "Health Monitoring", "com.HddDetectRisktip" : "Disk check might cause record frame drop on video recording. Continue?", "com.HddDiskreaderr" : "Operating disk read error.", "com.HddDiskwriteerr" : "Operating disk write error.", "com.Hddinfo" : "Disk", "com.Hddrecinfo" : "Record", "com.Hddsmartinfo" : "The disk fails to acquire S.M.A.R.T info.", "com.Hdmiout" : "HDMI Output", "com.HealthEnable" : "Health Mail", "com.HealthStatus" : "Health Status", "com.HeartWeek" : "Keep Alive Interval", "com.Hex" : "HEX", "com.High" : "High", "com.HighRiskAlarmPersonNumber" : "High Risk Alarm Number", "com.HighSpeed" : "High Speed", "com.HighTemper" : "High Temperature", "com.Hissynopsis" : "History Synopsis", "com.Holiday" : "Holiday", "com.HolidayConfig" : "Holiday", "com.HolidayNameIsSame" : "The holiday name already exists.", "com.HolidayRepeat" : "Effective Mode", "com.Holidayweek" : "Sun|Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat|Holiday|All", "com.HostName" : "Host Name", "com.HotPullInsert" : "Hot Swap", "com.HotSpotWarning" : "Hot Spot", "com.HotTrace" : "Cold Hot Spot", "com.Hour" : "hr.", "com.Hue" : "Hue", "com.Human" : "Human", "com.Humidity" : "Humidity", "com.ICMPFloodContent" : "An attacker might send out an abnormally large number of ICMP packets to the device, which will use up all computing resources and thus make the device crash. When hit by an ICMP flood attack, the device will defend itself by using the ICMP message filtering tactic.", "com.ID" : "Credential No.", "com.IDType" : "Credential Type", "com.IPAddress" : "IP Address", "com.IPFilterNav" : "IP FILTER", "com.IPconflict" : "IP Conflict", "com.Ignore" : "Ignore", "com.Image" : "Image", "com.ImageAdjustment" : "Image Adjustment", "com.Import" : "Import", "com.ImportFileTooBig" : "The imported file is too large.", "com.ImportUpdateFile" : "Please import updates first.", "com.Importaudiofileerror" : "Please check file size and quantity. Check if the backup device is already plugged in.", "com.Imtdset" : "Smart Scene Detection", "com.InAreaPeopleCountingReport" : "In Area People Counting Report", "com.Increase" : "Incremental Value", "com.Infant" : "Toddler", "com.Info" : "INFORMATION", "com.InfoSearch" : "IoT Search", "com.Infotitle" : "Start Time Type", "com.Inntingsystem" : "Initialization in progress. Please wait…", "com.Inpreviewplay" : "The operation is not supported during Live or Playback.", "com.InputError" : "The value is beyond the range, the range is:", "com.InputFileName" : "Please input a file name.", "com.Inputregcode" : "Please input a registration code.", "com.IntelliCloseExclusionFunctions1" : "Limited resources. Please disable IVS of recorder first and then enable the function", "com.IntelliCloseExclusionFunctions2" : "Please disable intelligent Video Metadata by device first and then enable this function.", "com.IntelliCloseSMD" : "Please disable SMD first and then enable this function.", "com.IntelliDiagnosis" : "Intelligent Diagnosis", "com.IntelliPlaytip" : "AI recording, picture search and playback.", "com.Intellipiay" : "Smart Search", "com.InteractiveAgree" : "Agree", "com.InteractiveCustomDurationNotEmptyTip" : "Custom duration cannot be null.", "com.InteractiveCutTime" : "Shorten", "com.Interval" : "Interval", "com.InvalidPlateNo" : "Plate No. invalid.", "com.InvalidValue" : "Invalid input value.", "com.Invalidpeoplenum" : "Invalid No.", "com.IotDescription" : "IoT chart, search, report export and function settings.", "com.IotManager" : "IoT", "com.IpExtendIntel" : "IP channel switch function and AI function cannot be enabled at the same time.", "com.IpHasExisted" : "This IP address already exists.", "com.January" : "Jan", "com.July" : "Jul", "com.JumpTo" : "Goto", "com.June" : "Jun", "com.Keyword" : "Keywords", "com.LVisusing" : "The shared folder is in use.", "com.Language" : "Language", "com.Large" : "Large", "com.LastPage" : "End", "com.LastWeek" : "Last", "com.Lastchecktime" : "The last scanning time: %s", "com.Lborder" : "Left Limit", "com.LeaveAlarmPersonNumber" : "Alarm Persons(Exit)", "com.LeaveGateReportResult" : "Data report results of exiting security gate between %s and %s.", "com.LeaveHighRiskAlarmPersonNumber" : "High Risk Alarm Number(Exit)", "com.LeaveLowRiskAlarmPersonNumber" : "Low Risk Alarm Number(Exit)", "com.LeaveMiddleRiskAlarmPersonNumber" : "Medium Risk Alarm Number(Exit)", "com.LeavePassPersonNumber" : "Passed Persons(Exit)", "com.Left" : "Left", "com.LeftMargin" : "Left Margin", "com.LeftTime" : "Remaining Time", "com.Length" : "Length", "com.LessEqual" : "LessEqual", "com.Line" : "Line", "com.LineChart" : "Line Chart", "com.ListExist" : "The item already exists.", "com.ListLimit" : "Quantity limit reached. Failed to add.", "com.LoaclUpLoad" : "Local Upload", "com.Loading" : "Loading...", "com.LoadingConfig" : "Loading config info. Please wait…", "com.Local" : "Local", "com.LocalPC" : "Local", "com.LocalRange" : "Digital Zoom", "com.Localplay" : "Local Playback", "com.Location" : "Location", "com.Lock" : "Lock", "com.LockContent" : "Restrict the number of wrong login attempts and lock out illegal login actions, which can effectively prevent brute-force password attacks.", "com.LockInfoLooklock" : "Locked Info", "com.LockTime" : "Lock Time", "com.LockTitleLockFile" : "File Lock", "com.LogContent" : "Support recording logs by levels to ensure traceability of system operations and events.", "com.LogName" : "Log Security", "com.LogRecDownload" : "Download [CH%d %s]", "com.LogRecSearchStop" : "Exit video playback [%s]", "com.Login" : "Login", "com.LoginAuthMode" : "Private Protocol Authentication Mode", "com.LoginErrorNo0" : "Other network errors.", "com.LoginErrorNo1" : "Wrong username or password.", "com.LoginErrorNo18" : "Device not initialized.", "com.LoginErrorNo2" : "The account does not exist.", "com.LoginErrorNo21" : "Login failed. This device does not support login with Security Mode.", "com.LoginErrorNo3" : "The login return time is up.", "com.LoginErrorNo34" : "Service returned message error", "com.LoginErrorNo51" : "Devices do not match.", "com.LoginErrorNo52" : "Failed to parse the domain.", "com.LoginErrorNo6" : "The IP is not allowed to log in.", "com.LoginErrorNo61" : "Video encrypted.", "com.LoginErrorNo8" : "Please check the version number.", "com.LoginFailTip" : "Login failed.", "com.LoginLocalShutDown" : "Failed to shut down. Local user logged in.", "com.LoginSucceeded" : "Device Login", "com.Loginaslocal" : "Local user is logged in. Failed to reboot.", "com.Logout" : "Logout", "com.LogoutMonitorAuth" : "Non-login User Permission", "com.LogoutSucceeded" : "Device Logout", "com.Logtip" : "View system logs, user operation logs and event logs etc.", "com.Logtitle" : "Time Type", "com.Loguser" : "Log User", "com.LookDownload" : "View download", "com.Low" : "Low", "com.LowRiskAlarmPersonNumber" : "Low Risk Alarm Number", "com.LowTemperature" : "Low Temperature", "com.Lowerlimit" : "Lower Than", "com.MBstr" : "MB", "com.Machinenameinvalid" : "Device name can only include numbers, letters, underlines and hyphens.", "com.Machinenamenotnull" : "Device name cannot be empty.", "com.MainRecclass" : "All|Alarm|Motion|M&A|Card|General", "com.MainScreenConfirm" : "Are you sure to switch the main screen?", "com.MainStream" : "Main Stream", "com.MainStreamNotEmpty" : "Main stream cannot be null.", "com.MainconnectFailed" : "Main connection failed.", "com.Mainmenu" : "Main Menu", "com.Maintain" : "MAINTAIN", "com.MaintenanceManager" : "Manager", "com.ManageTag" : "Tag Management", "com.Management" : "Management", "com.MandAStream" : "Main/Sub Stream", "com.Manual" : "Manual", "com.ManualControl" : "Manual Control", "com.ManualDatum" : "Custom Area", "com.MappingFailTip" : "Mapping Failed", "com.MappingSuccessTip" : "Mapping Succeeded", "com.March" : "Mar", "com.Maroon" : "Chestnut", "com.MasterLog" : "Main Processor Log", "com.MasterRepairFailed" : "Main repair failed.", "com.MasterSlaveSetFailed" : "Main device does not exist.", "com.MasterSlaveSwitchFailed" : "Main/Sub switch failed.", "com.MasterStorageBreakdown" : "Main storage crashed.", "com.MaxDirList" : "Too many files or subdirectories. Failed to display all.", "com.MaxImportUserNum" : "Note: Import max 100 records each time.", "com.MaxLimit" : "Upper Limit", "com.MaxLimitTemp" : "Max Temperature", "com.MaxPicture" : "Reached max playback channels: %d", "com.MaxStrLen" : "Reached max character length.", "com.MaxSupportIpcNum" : "Update max 8 remote devices each time.", "com.LoginErrorNo10" : "Exceeded maximum connections.", "com.May" : "May", "com.MediaEncrypt":"Audio/Video Encrypted Transmission", "com.Memory" : "Memory", "com.MetalDetect" : "METAL DETECTION", "com.Meter" : "m", "com.Middle" : "Medium", "com.MiddleAged" : "Middle-aged", "com.MiddleRiskAlarmPersonNumber" : "Medium Risk Alarm Number", "com.Million" : "M", "com.Minute" : "min.", "com.MistyRose" : "Light Rose", "com.ModMulIP" : "Batch Modify", "com.Mode" : "Mode", "com.Modify" : "Modify", "com.Modifycombine" : "Channel Group Modified", "com.Moduletitle" : "Security Modules Scanning(Scan the running status of security modules except whether they are enabled.)", "com.Monday" : "Mon", "com.Monitor" : "Monitor", "com.MonitorTour" : "Tour", "com.Month" : "Month", "com.MonthReportRangeTip" : "Max 1 month.", "com.MoreSet" : "More", "com.MotionAlarm" : "M&A", "com.MotionDetect" : "Motion", "com.Motionerror" : "Motion detection setting error.", "com.MoveDetection" : "Fast Moving", "com.Mtdworksheet" : "Video Detection Period", "com.MultiPreview" : "Zero-Channel", "com.MutilPreviewFailed" : "Zero-channel live failed.", "com.MutualExclusionWithEncodeEnhancement" : "The function can be enabled after encode enhancement is disabled.", "com.MutualExclusionWithEncodeEnhancementIpExtend" : "The function can be enabled after encode enhancement and IP extension are disabled.", "com.MutualSignAuth" : "Mutual Identity Signature Authentication", "com.NOSERVICE" : "No Service", "com.NTPService" : "NTP Server", "com.Name" : "Name", "com.Nametype" : "Name(Type)", "com.Necessary" : "Required", "com.NeedChromeApp" : "Please download App and use it for access.", "com.NetAllnet" : "Several IP segments are detected. Please configure device network.", "com.NetEmptyrecvaddr" : "Receiver address cannot be null.", "com.NetEmptysendaddr" : "Sender address cannot be null.", "com.NetSsidnotnull" : "SSID cannot be null.", "com.NetWorkError" : "Network exception.", "com.Netalarm" : "Network", "com.Netcamera" : "Camera List", "com.Netovertime" : "Network Timeout", "com.NetovertimeTip" : "(5-900 sec.)", "com.Netsetting" : "Set basic network functions, email, P2P.", "com.NetsettingLC" : "Set basic network functions, email, Cloud.", "com.Netsettip" : "Set basic network function, Wi-Fi, email and P2P.", "com.NetsettipLC" : "Set basic network functions, Wi-Fi, email, Cloud.", "com.NetworkTest" : "Network Test", "com.Never" : "Never", "com.NextFrame" : "Next Frame", "com.NextPage" : "PgDn", "com.NextRecord" : "Next Day", "com.NextStep" : "Next", "com.Nextday" : "Next day", "com.Night" : "Night", "com.NoAddSameTasks" : "Do not add the same task repeatedly.", "com.NoConfigFile" : "Please select config file first.", "com.NoData" : "No data available.", "com.NoHdd" : "No Disk", "com.NoInputChMarksSpaceTip" : "Only supports characters except quotation marks, Chinese and spaces.", "com.NoLV" : "The shared folder does not exist.", "com.NoPicSelectSaveOld" : "System still uses previous face picture since you have not select a new one.", "com.NoPictures" : "No Picture.", "com.NoPluginTip" : "Please click here to download and install the plug-in.", "com.NoResults" : "No results", "com.NoSlaveDevice" : "Sub device does not exist.", "com.NoSupportFaceAnalysis" : "The channel fails to support face comparison.", "com.NoVideo" : "No recording", "com.NoVideoTips" : "No video. Failed to create task.", "com.Noallowlikemac" : "Only supports letters, numbers, underlines, hyphens and dots.", "com.Nochannelconnected" : "No connected channels", "com.Nodisk" : "No write disk available.", "com.Nofile" : "No files for backup.", "com.NofileTip" : "Failed to open file.", "com.Noise" : "Noise", "com.None" : "None", "com.Noraid" : "The RAID does not exist.", "com.Normal" : "Normal", "com.Normalspeed" : "Medium", "com.Noselectchannel" : "Please select a valid channel.", "com.Nosignal" : "No Signal", "com.Nospace" : "Low backup space.", "com.NotDefaultIp" : "Non-default IP address.", "com.NotInit" : "Uninitialized", "com.Notsupportface" : "Failed to support face detection.", "com.Notsupportfolder" : "Cannot select folder.", "com.Notsupportmodify" : "Failed to modify the config.", "com.Notsupportnumstat" : "Failed to support people counting.", "com.Novermber" : "Nov", "com.Null" : "Null", "com.NullPwdTip" : "Password cannot be null.", "com.Nulldev" : "No backup device.", "com.NumberValue" : "No.", "com.Numbers" : "No.", "com.NumeberSerial" : "No.", "com.October" : "Oct", "com.Off" : "Off", "com.Offline" : "Failed to copy because the remote device is offline.", "com.Offlineuser" : "Block User", "com.Ok" : "OK", "com.OldAged" : "Elderly", "com.OldConfig" : "Old Setting", "com.On" : "On", "com.OnVideo" : "Recording", "com.Once" : "Once", "com.OneKeyAddNote" : "Enable Smart Add, and then the system would initialize and add all the available cameras automatically.Camera password and email are the same as admin user.", "com.Onebuttonoptimize" : "One-click Optimization", "com.Onekey" : "One-Click Backup", "com.OnlyAlpNumUnderlineMidline" : "Only supports letters, numbers, underlines, hyphens.", "com.OnlyNumber" : "Only supports numbers.", "com.Onlychooseonedevice" : "Only one device IP address can be modified.", "com.Onlyone" : "Only CD/DVD-RW is supported.", "com.Onlyonedev" : "Simultaneous backup of multiple devices is not supported.", "com.OnvifService" : "ONVIF", "com.Open" : "Open", "com.OpenCluster" : "Loading cluster. Please wait…", "com.OpenFile" : "Open File", "com.OpenVideoSound" : "Play Alarm Tone", "com.Openall" : "Open All", "com.OperateConfirm" : "Are you sure you want to operate?", "com.Operateingfailure" : "Operation failed.", "com.Operateingsuccess" : "Operation succeeded.", "com.Operation" : "Operation", "com.Optimize" : "Optimize", "com.OrPressButtonOfMouse" : "(Or Right-click)", "com.Oragnization" : "Organization", "com.Other" : "Other", "com.Otherdevrun" : "Operation failed. The device is in use.", "com.Otherdevstop" : "Non-working device is selected.", "com.OuterPort" : "External Port", "com.Outmode" : "Display", "com.OutmodeTitle" : "DISPLAY", "com.Outtip" : "Logout, shutdown and reboot system etc.", "com.OverLimitedNum" : "Exceeded max number of selected items.", "com.OverView" : "Overview", "com.OverWriteAll" : "The remote device already exists. Want to replace?", "com.Overlay" : "Overlay Mode", "com.OverwritePlateNo" : "Current plate number already exists. Overwrite or not?", "com.P2pTips" : "To assist you in remotely managing your device, the P2P will be enabled. After enabling P2P and connecting to Internet, we need to collect IP address, MAC address, device name, device SN, etc. All collected info is used only for the purpose of remote access. \nIf you don't agree to enable P2P function, please deselect the check box.", "com.PKey" : "Value", "com.Page" : "Page", "com.PageJump" : "Skipping to login page.", "com.Pagesound" : "Volume Control", "com.Pair" : "Pair", "com.PairFail" : "Pairing failed.", "com.Pairing" : "Pairing in progress. Please wait", "com.Panasonic" : "Panasonic", "com.PanicButton" : "Emergency Button", "com.Panorama" : "Panoramic Image", "com.ParameterSet" : "Parameters", "com.ParkingDetection" : "Parking Detection", "com.PassGateReportResult" : "Data report results of passing through security gate between %s and %s.", "com.PassPersonNumber" : "Passed People No.", "com.PasswdLenNotValid" : "Operation failed. The password length should be", "com.Password" : "Password", "com.PasswordAssist" : "Password Hint", "com.PasswordProtect" : "Password Protection", "com.Paste" : "Paste", "com.PasteDetection" : "Sticker Detection", "com.Pathnameinvalidchar" : "Operation failed. Illegal characters are included in the path.", "com.Pathnotnull" : "The storage path cannot be null or the same.", "com.PatternPassword" : "Unlock Pattern", "com.PatternPasswordCheckFaildAndTryAgain" : "Unlock patterns do not match.", "com.Pause" : "Pause", "com.Pelco" : "Pelco", "com.PeopleNum" : "People No.", "com.Peopleout" : "Exit No.", "com.PerCh" : "Channel(s)", "com.PerPeopleNum" : "By People Number", "com.PersonName" : "Name", "com.PhoneSeting" : "Mobile Settings", "com.PicAnalyseTips" : "Please select one type and then search.", "com.PicExport" : "Picture Export", "com.PicInPic" : "PIP", "com.PicLoss" : "Picture missing.", "com.PicSearchTip1" : "There is no valid target. Please draw an area again.", "com.PicSearchTip2" : "There are too many targets. Please narrow down the search area.", "com.Picture" : "Picture", "com.PictureSearch" : "Search by Picture", "com.PipTitle" : "Remaining Channels/Total Channels", "com.PipcapsError" : "Limited resources. PIP combination mode reached upper limit.", "com.PipcfgError" : "The channel quantity of PIP mode does not match that of the device.", "com.Place" : "Location", "com.Platform" : "Platform", "com.PlatformChoice" : "Platform 1|Platform 2", "com.Play" : "Play", "com.PlayTime" : "Duration", "com.PlaybackDescription" : "Record, picture query and playback.", "com.Playdownloadconflict" : "Network playback or download in progress. All-channel playback is unavailable now.", "com.PleaseChooseChannel" : "Please select channel.", "com.PleaseDrawLineTip" : "Please draw a rule.", "com.PleaseLoginFirst" : "Please log in first.", "com.PleaseSelect" : "Please select an item.", "com.PleaseSelectFile" : "Please select a file.", "com.PleaseSetPTZprotocolFirst" : "Please set PTZ protocol of the channel first.", "com.Pleaseaddglobalconfig" : "Please add global setup first.", "com.Pleaseloginotherdevice" : "Please log in other devices and check cluster status.", "com.Pleasesetintellisrc" : "Please set smart plan first.", "com.PoEBitRate" : "Rate(Mbps)", "com.PoEConsumption" : "Power(W)", "com.PoEPortsLinked" : "Connected/Total ", "com.PoETotalPowerConsumption" : "Actual/Total Power(W)", "com.PocConnectedAndAdd" : "%d AF PoC camera(s) and %d AT PoC camera(s) are connected,\n%d AT PoC camera(s) or %d AF PoC camera(s) can be added.", "com.PocNote" : "Note", "com.PoePortNum" : "Port %d:", "com.PoePowerOffTips" : "Failed to provide power to the devices above connected to PoE port because it exceeded max power.", "com.PortInUseTip" : "Operation failed. Port is already occupied.", "com.PortNoSameTip" : "Port Conflict", "com.Portnotnull" : "Operation failed. Port cannot be 0 or null.", "com.Pos" : "POS", "com.PosDescription" : "POS function setting, info query and playback.", "com.PosSearch" : "POS Search", "com.PowerFaultAlarm" : "Redundant Power Alarm", "com.PowerStateValue" : "Unknown|Active|Sleep|Idle", "com.Powerfault" : "Redundant Power", "com.PrePage" : "PgUp", "com.PrePlay" : "Interval Before Tag", "com.PreRecord" : "Previous Day", "com.Prerecord" : "Pre-Record", "com.PresetExistTip" : "The preset already exists.", "com.Prevday" : "Previous day", "com.PreviewDescription" : "View live video.", "com.PreviewMode" : "Live Mode", "com.Previews" : "Live", "com.Previous" : "Previous", "com.Privacy" : "Privacy", "com.Privacy1" : "Privacy 1", "com.Privacy2" : "Privacy 2", "com.Privacy3" : "Privacy 3", "com.Private" : "Private", "com.Privatetitle" : "Private Protocol", "com.Progress" : "Progress", "com.Prompt" : "Note", "com.Protected" : "Protection Reboot", "com.Protocol" : "Protocol", "com.Protocoltype" : "Protocol Type", "com.Province" : "Province", "com.PtzControl" : "PTZ Control", "com.PtzTip" : "Note: SIT is already enabled. Right click to exit SIT and then you can make other config.", "com.Purple" : "Purple", "com.PwdDifTip" : "Passwords do not match.", "com.PwdResetFailRepirTip" : "Failed to reset password.", "com.PwdResetSuccessTip" : "Password is reset successfully.", "com.PwdStatName" : "Device User Status", "com.QrCode" : "QR Code", "com.QueryConditionNoAllowEmpty" : "Select at least one item for both passing mode and alarm degree.", "com.QueryReportNoAllowEmpty" : "Select at least one item for both passing mode and display content.", "com.Question1" : "Question 1", "com.Question2" : "Question 2", "com.Question3" : "Question 3", "com.QuestioninfoNew1" : "What is your favorite children's book?", "com.QuestioninfoNew10" : "What was the brand of your first cellphone?", "com.QuestioninfoNew11" : "What was the name of your first elementary school?", "com.QuestioninfoNew12" : "What was the first thing you learned to cook?", "com.QuestioninfoNew13" : "What is the name of your favorite fruit?", "com.QuestioninfoNew14" : "Where did you go the first time you flew on a plane?", "com.QuestioninfoNew15" : "Where is your hometown?", "com.QuestioninfoNew16" : "What was your major in college?", "com.QuestioninfoNew17" : "When was your first time to go to work?", "com.QuestioninfoNew18" : "What is the name of your favorite sports team?", "com.QuestioninfoNew19" : "What is your employee ID now?", "com.QuestioninfoNew2" : "What was you dream job when you were young?", "com.QuestioninfoNew20" : "When did you last enroll?", "com.QuestioninfoNew3" : "What was your nickname?", "com.QuestioninfoNew4" : "What was the color of your first car?", "com.QuestioninfoNew5" : "What is your favorite singer or band?", "com.QuestioninfoNew6" : "What is the name of your favorite film?", "com.QuestioninfoNew7" : "What was the first name of your first boss?", "com.QuestioninfoNew8" : "When is your father's birthday?", "com.QuestioninfoNew9" : "What was the name of your first pet?", "com.QueueStat" : "Queue People Counting", "com.QuickSelect" : "Quick Select", "com.Quicksearch" : "Search", "com.ROLL" : "Roll", "com.RTSPService" : "RTSP", "com.RaidAlarm" : "RAID Exception", "com.RaidStatus" : "RAID Status", "com.RateTip" : "(1: Sensitivity Unchanged, 50: Sensitivity 50 Times Lower)", "com.ReadonlyUserName" : "Read-Only Username", "com.RealDisplay" : "Realtime Display", "com.Realtimebkrunning" : "Operation failed. Backup in progress.", "com.Reboot" : "Reboot", "com.Rebooting" : "Rebooting…", "com.Recdown" : "Download Video", "com.Recheck" : "Rescan", "com.Recmodes" : "General|Motion|Alarm", "com.RecordChannel" : "Record Channel", "com.RecordClosemessagetip" : "Recording in progress. Please disable recording first, otherwise IPC update may fail. Continue?", "com.RecordRelative" : "Record Linkage", "com.RecordType" : "Type", "com.Recordcontral" : "Record Mode", "com.Recordplan" : "Record", "com.Recstream" : "Main Stream|Sub Stream", "com.RectIntell" : "Intelligent", "com.RedColor" : "Red", "com.Refresh" : "Refresh", "com.RefuseName" : "File Anti-copy", "com.Region" : "Region", "com.RegionalNumber" : "In Area No.", "com.RegistGap" : "Registration Interval", "com.RegistPassword" : "Registered Password", "com.Rejoin" : "Rejoin Detection", "com.ReleaseResourceFailed" : "Failed to release resources.", "com.ReleaseResourceSucceeded" : "Resource release succeeded.", "com.RemSel" : "Filter", "com.Remaintime" : "Remaining time %d,%d,%d", "com.Remark" : "Remarks", "com.RemarkHasForbiddenCharacter" : "Illegal characters are included in the backup path.", "com.RemindLater" : "Reboot later.", "com.Remoteaddr" : "Remote Control Address", "com.Remotedevinfo" : "Firmware", "com.Remoteinfo" : "Remote Info", "com.Remoteipnotinit" : "Please initialize device '%s' first.", "com.Remoteupgrade" : "Update", "com.RepalceCycle" : "Interval", "com.Replaybytime" : "Instant Playback", "com.ReportType" : "Report Type", "com.Repretaplay" : "Loop", "com.Reqandimport" : "CA Application and Import", "com.Requesttip" : "Procedure: \n Step 1: Select 'Create Certificate Request' to generate a certificate request file.\n Step 2: Submit the certificate request file to a third-party CA institution to apply for a certificate.\n Step 3: Select 'Import Certificate' and then import the CA certificate issued by the third-party institution.", "com.ResLimOpenVideoFailTip" : "Limited resources. Failed to play videos.", "com.ReservedMaskPwdTip" : "****** is a reserved string and cannot be set as a password.", "com.Reset" : "Reset", "com.Resetadmin" : "Reset the password of (%s)", "com.Resetpwd" : "Password Reset", "com.ResetpwdCloseNote" : "Password can only be reset by security questions on the local interface after the function is disabled (Please make sure if security questions are already set).", "com.Resolutionchange" : "Resolution is automatically adjusted.", "com.Results" : "Results", "com.Retryraidlater" : "RAID operation in progress. Please refresh page and try again later.", "com.RioterDetection" : "Crowd Gathering Estimation", "com.Rule" : "Rule", "com.RuleIsntEnableTip" : "Rule is not enabled.", "com.SMD" : "SMD", "com.SMDPreview" : "SMD Preview", "com.SPic" : "sec.", "com.SaleService" : "After-sale QR Code", "com.SameNumTip" : "The No. already exists.", "com.Samsung" : "Samsung", "com.Saturday" : "Sat", "com.Save" : "Save", "com.SaveChanneltileModiyTip" : "Camera name is already modified. Want to save?", "com.SaveIP" : "Save IP address failed.", "com.SavePic" : "Picture Storage", "com.SavePicChn" : "Picture Storage Channel", "com.Savepath" : "Storage Path", "com.Savingdata" : "Saving data...", "com.ScaleAll" : "Please draw a horizontal ruler and three vertical rulers.", "com.Scan" : "Browse", "com.SceneChangeerror" : "Scene changing config error.", "com.Scenechange" : "Scene Changing", "com.Scenetype" : "Scene Mode", "com.ScheduleRecordAndEvent" : "Scheduled&Event", "com.Screen" : "Screen", "com.ScreenHDMIConfirm" : "Are you sure to switch HDMI output to main screen?", "com.ScreenMouseInputChange" : "Are you sure you want to switch main/sub screen output?", "com.ScreenVGAConfirm" : "Are you sure to switch VGA output to main screen?", "com.Search" : "Search", "com.SearchBeard" : "No|Yes", "com.SearchGlass" : "No|Yes", "com.SearchKey" : "Goods Name", "com.SearchTitle" : "SEARCH", "com.SecStateTitle" : "Security Status", "com.SecWarnName" : "SECURITY WARNING", "com.Second" : "sec.", "com.SecondWeek" : "2nd", "com.Secretquestion" : "Security Question", "com.Secretquestionillegal" : "The answer cannot be null.", "com.SecurityDataRiskTip" : "There might be data leakage risk if this service is disabled. Continue?", "com.SecurityGateUpgrade" : "Metal Detector Door Update", "com.Select" : "Select", "com.SelectDevice" : "Selected Device", "com.SelectFile" : "Select File", "com.SelectImgFile" : "Select Image", "com.SelectLanguage" : "Please first select your language and video standard.", "com.SelectPic" : "Add Picture", "com.SelectReportType" : "Please select report type.", "com.SelectedNum" : "Selected Device Quantity:", "com.SelfCheckError10" : "Disabled. It is recommended to enable.", "com.SelfCheckError2" : "Authentication method is not safe. It is recommended to use Digest.", "com.SelfCheckError3" : "Anonymous login mode is enabled. It is recommended to close it.", "com.SelfCheckError4" : "The SNMP V1/V2 is at risk. It is recommended to use SNMP V3.", "com.SelfCheckError5" : "Authentication method is not safe. It is recommended to use SHA.", "com.SelfCheckError7" : "Authentication method is not safe. It is recommended to use SSL/TLS.", "com.SelfCheckError8" : "FTP is used. It is recommended to use SFTP.", "com.SelfCreated" : "Create Certificate", "com.Selfadaption" : "Self-adaptive", "com.SendDataFail" : "Failed to send data.", "com.SendEMail" : "Send Email", "com.Sensitivity" : "Sensitivity", "com.Sensor" : "Sensor", "com.Sep" : "Sep", "com.SerialNo" : "Device SN", "com.ServerInvalid" : "Server name invalid.", "com.ServicePort" : "Service Port", "com.Servicenamenotnull" : "Service name cannot be null.", "com.Servicetitle" : "User & Service Detection(Detect whether the current configuration conforms to recommendation.)", "com.SetPwd" : "Set Password", "com.Setsucceed" : "Set successfully. Please reset first if you need to modify security questions.", "com.Setting" : "Setting", "com.Sftp" : "SFTP (Recommended)", "com.Sftype" : "Verification Type", "com.ShadowGreen" : "Green Gradient", "com.Show" : "Display", "com.ShowContent" : "Display", "com.ShowGraph" : "Display Chart", "com.Shutdownaffirm" : "Shutdown confirmed…", "com.Size" : "Size", "com.Size(KB)" : "Size(KB)", "com.Skip" : "Skip", "com.SlaveBoardRebooting" : "Sub board reboot in progress.", "com.SlaveDevice" : "Sub Device", "com.SlaveDeviceLoginFailed" : "Failed to log in sub device.", "com.SlaveDeviceNotRecord" : "Sub device cannot record.", "com.SlaveLog" : "Sub Processor Log", "com.Slavecannotbedeleted1" : "Failed to delete. The device is being replaced.", "com.Sliceplay" : "Subperiod", "com.Slight" : "Slight", "com.Small" : "Small", "com.Smaller" : "Less than", "com.SmartDetection" : "SMART DETECTION", "com.SmartDetectionDescription" : "Search SMD, face detection, and IVS information, and configure related settings.", "com.SmartID" : "ID", "com.SmokeDetection" : "Smoke Detection", "com.Snap" : "Snapshot", "com.SnifferFrameId1" : "Keywords 1", "com.SnifferFrameId2" : "Keywords 2", "com.SnifferFrameId3" : "Keywords 3", "com.SnifferFrameId4" : "Keywords 4", "com.SnifferFrameId5" : "Keywords 5", "com.SnifferFrameId6" : "Keywords 6", "com.Sony" : "Sony", "com.SoundPath" : "Tone Path", "com.Sourcedisk" : "From R/W Disk|From I/O Device", "com.SpeedDown" : "Low Speed", "com.Split" : "Live Layout", "com.StAdd" : "Start Address", "com.Start" : "Start", "com.StartPortBigger" : "The end port shall be larger than the start port.", "com.StartTalk" : "Start Talk", "com.Startbroadcast" : "Broadcast", "com.Startlogbkup" : "Log Backup", "com.Startstring" : "Start Identifier", "com.Stateunormal" : "Exception", "com.StatisticsType" : "Statistics Type", "com.Status" : "Status", "com.StereoBehavior" : "Stereo Analysis", "com.Stop" : "Stop", "com.StopAll" : "Stop All", "com.StopRec" : "Stop Recording", "com.StopTalk" : "Stop Talk", "com.StopTalkingFirst" : "Please stop talk first.", "com.StopTheClusterTip" : "Are you sure you want to stop the cluster?", "com.Stoppingdev" : "Unloading. Please wait...", "com.StorageBreakdown" : "Storage Breakdown", "com.StorageRepaired" : "Storage restored.", "com.StorageSet" : "Record schedule, disk management, disk detection, storage space calculation etc.", "com.Student" : "Student", "com.Succeed" : "Succeed", "com.Sun" : "Sun", "com.Sunday" : "Sun", "com.Support" : "Support", "com.SureToRebootTip" : "Are you sure you want to reboot the device?", "com.Survey" : "Overview", "com.SwitchADMINuser" : "Please switch to <%s> user for login.", "com.Switchpage" : "Please switch to one-channel mode and operate again.", "com.Swithuser" : "Switch User", "com.SyetemBusy" : "System Busy", "com.SyncFloodContent" : "An attacker might send out repeated SYN messages to the device, leaving many half-open TCP connections on the device, which will make the device crash. When hit by an SYN flood attack, the device will defend itself by discarding the first message.", "com.SyncInfo" : "Sync Info", "com.SyncTip" : "Do you want to sync %s to remote device accessed by private protocol?", "com.SyncWaiting" : "%s sync in progress. Please wait…", "com.SynopsisParams" : "Synopsis Parameters", "com.Sys" : "System", "com.SysInfo" : "View device info, version, logs, network, disk, BPS.", "com.Sysinfotip" : "View disk information, record information, BPS and version information.", "com.Sysmangager" : "System", "com.Syssettip" : "View and modify system basic config, system COM, network PTZ config and etc.", "com.LoginErrorNo7" : "The system is busy or running low on resources.", "com.SystemResource" : "System Resources", "com.Sysupgradefilefail" : "Update verification failed.", "com.SzTip" : "Sync", "com.SzTipPlayBack" : "Play Backward", "com.TCWS" : "TCWS(OEM version)", "com.TTYLog" : "Run Log", "com.TURN" : "Page", "com.TagAddedSame" : "Operation failed. Cannot add the tag of same time.", "com.TagFilePlaying" : "Operation failed. The file is being played, please exit first.", "com.TagName" : "Tag Name", "com.TagSearchedFailed" : "Too many tags and failed to display all.", "com.TagTime" : "Tag Time", "com.Taglist" : "Tag List", "com.Tagtitle" : "Tag Time Name", "com.TailDetection" : "Tail Detection", "com.Takeeffectafter5scd" : "Effective in 5 seconds.", "com.TakenAwayDetection" : "Missing Object", "com.Talkback" : "Talk", "com.Tday" : "Days", "com.Temeper" : "Temperature", "com.TempHumi" : "Temperature/Humidity", "com.Tempalarmtype" : "Fire|Temperature|Temperature Contrast|Cold Spot|Hot Spot|Call Detection|Smoking Detection|Smog Alarm", "com.TemperatureAlarm" : "Temperature Alarm", "com.TempunitC" : "℃", "com.TempunitF" : "℉", "com.Test" : "Test", "com.TestingTip" : "Testing...", "com.TextAlign" : "Text Alignment", "com.TextAlignLeft" : "Left", "com.Thankstips" : "Thank you for purchasing our product.", "com.Theme" : "Subject", "com.ThermalAlarm" : "Thermal Alarm", "com.ThermographyOnlySupportPreivs" : "Thermal only supports AI by camera.", "com.ThirdWeek" : "3rd", "com.Threshold" : "Threshold", "com.Thursday" : "Thu", "com.Timconflict" : "Time conflict exists.", "com.Time" : "Time", "com.TimeChange" : "By Time", "com.TimeSec" : "Period", "com.TimeTitle" : "Time Title", "com.TimeZones" : "Time Zone", "com.TimedFormat" : "Time Format", "com.Timeformatsel" : "24-Hour|12-Hour", "com.Timing1" : "Period 1", "com.Timing2" : "Period 2", "com.Timing3" : "Period 3", "com.Timing4" : "Period 4", "com.Timing5" : "Period 5", "com.Timing6" : "Period 6", "com.Tip" : "Video synopsis needs to take a long time. Please wait…", "com.Title" : "Title", "com.TitlePreview" : "LIVE", "com.To" : "To", "com.Toobiggernotupload" : "Operation failed. The picture size cannot exceed %s.", "com.ToomanyChannel" : "Too many remote devices. It can only import and add the maximum connected channels supported by the local device.", "com.TourCfg" : "Tour Setting", "com.Tourctrl" : "Tour Control", "com.Transparency" : "Transparency", "com.Triggersnap" : "Event", "com.Tschedule" : "Schedule", "com.Tue" : "Tue", "com.Tuesday" : "Tue", "com.TumbleDetection" : "Fall Detection", "com.TwistedPair" : "UTP10|UTP17|UTP25|UTP35", "com.Type" : "Type", "com.TypeAlarmVideo" : "External Alarm", "com.TypeCommonVideo" : "General", "com.TypeGrid" : "List", "com.Typefilter" : "None|IPC|DVR|Other", "com.UP" : "Up", "com.UgmPwdfailed" : "Wrong username or password. %d attempts remaining.", "com.Unenable" : "Disable", "com.Unfocus" : "Defocus", "com.Unknow" : "Unknown", "com.Unsupportedcamera" : "Invalid camera video standard.", "com.Up" : "Move Up", "com.UpdatePreset" : "Update Preset", "com.Updatefailed" : "Update failed.", "com.Updatesucess" : "Updated successfully.", "com.UpdatingPleaseWait" : "Transmitting files. Please wait…", "com.UpgradingForbidExitWeb" : "System update in progress. Please do not log out Web or power off.", "com.Upload" : "Upload", "com.UploadFailed" : "Failed to upload.", "com.UploadSuccess" : "Uploaded successfully.", "com.Upone" : "Previous", "com.UsbException" : "Device exception. Please refresh and check.", "com.Usbdev" : "USB Management", "com.Usbmode" : "USB Mode", "com.Usbplayrunning" : "Operation failed. Video playback of I/O device in progress.", "com.UseNvrEmailInfo" : "Use local password and email.", "com.UseNvrInfo" : "Use local password and mobile.", "com.UsemannageErrGroupTip" : "User already exists. Cannot delete group or reduce its permission.", "com.User" : "User", "com.UserExist" : "The account already exists.", "com.UserInuse" : "The account is being used.", "com.UserNameHasForbiddenCharacter" : "Username can include numbers, letters, underlines, dots and @.", "com.Username" : "Username", "com.Using" : "In use", "com.UsrNameLenNotValid" : "Operation failed. The username length should be", "com.VGisusing" : "The storage pool is in use.", "com.VGnotvalid" : "Storage pool invalid.", "com.Validpeoplenum" : "Valid No.", "com.VeriNoOddEven" : "None|Odd|Even|Mark|Space", "com.Verifyfailed" : "Wrong answer. Failed to operate.", "com.Version" : "Version", "com.VidDetection" : "Video Detection", "com.VideoAbnormalDetection" : "Video Quality Analytics", "com.VideoBlind" : "Video Tampering", "com.VideoGuide" : "Video", "com.VideoInput" : "Video Input", "com.VideoLoss" : "Video Loss", "com.VideoMotion" : "Motion Detection", "com.Videolosstitle" : "No Video", "com.VolumeGroupFault" : "Storage Pool Error", "com.WB" : "WB", "com.WaitAnalyse" : "Please wait...", "com.WantToClear" : "Are you sure you want to clear?", "com.Warning" : "Warning", "com.WaterMarkJuggleInfo" : "Tampered Watermark Info", "com.Wating" : "Please wait...", "com.Wave" : "Wave", "com.Wed" : "Wed", "com.Wednesday" : "Wed", "com.Week" : "Week", "com.WeekReportTip" : "Max 7 days.", "com.Weekday" : "Sun|Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat|All", "com.White" : "White", "com.WhiteBlackList" : "Vehicle Blocklist/Allowlist", "com.WhiteListExist" : "The plate already exists in the allow list.", "com.WhiteSmoke" : "White Smoke", "com.Whitelevel" : "Low|Medium|High", "com.Whitename" : "Allow List", "com.WifiDisConnect" : "Disconnect", "com.Wirelessnet" : "WLAN", "com.Work" : "Working", "com.WorkingMode" : "Working Mode", "com.WrongFileUpgradeTip" : "Updates error.", "com.Yaan" : "Yaan", "com.Year" : "Year", "com.YearReport" : "Yearly", "com.YearReportRangeTip" : "Max 12 months.", "com.Yellow" : "Yellow", "com.Yes" : "Yes", "com.Youth" : "Young", "com.ZoomRate" : "Zoom Rate", "com.Zysb" : "Main Device", "com.audio" : "Audio", "com.audio1" : "Audio 1", "com.audio2" : "Audio 2", "com.lookup" : "Go to", "Calibrate Region" : "Calibration Area", "FDExhaustion" : "No more network connection resources.", "gui.AutoGuideEnable" : "Startup Wizard", "gui.Complete" : "Startup wizard is completed.", "gui.DVRtoPC" : "To connect to this DVR from a computer or mobile device on the same local network, enter the address shown below into an internet explorer browser window or in the monitoring software. You should also write this address down for later use:", "gui.Displaysrc" : "Sequence", "gui.Exist" : "The channel group already exists.", "gui.ExtraScreen" : "Sub Screen", "gui.Finish" : "OK", "gui.GettingIP" : "Getting IP address...", "gui.Info" : "Welcome to use startup wizard. The wizard will help you to set important parameters. Click Next to continue.", "gui.MainScreenRecover" : "The main screen will be restored back to previous display mode in %d seconds.", "gui.Navigation" : "Navigation Bar", "gui.OutMode" : "Output Port", "gui.Portstate" : "Opening port 85 and 37777...", "gui.RefrehInterval" : "Refresh Interval", "gui.ResolutionRecover" : "The main screen will be restored back to previous resolution in %d seconds.", "gui.RightMargin" : "Right Margin", "gui.ScreenMouseInputAux" : "Sub Screen", "gui.ScreenSaveTime" : "Screensaver Time", "gui.Split1" : "View 1", "gui.Split16" : "View 16", "gui.Split2" : "View 2", "gui.Split25" : "View 25", "gui.Split36" : "View 36", "gui.Split4" : "View 4", "gui.Split64" : "View 64", "gui.Split8" : "View 8", "gui.Split9" : "View 9", "gui.SyncLanguageAndVideoFroamt" : "(Include language, standard)", "gui.SyncLanguageVideoStandardAndTimeZone" : "(Include language, format and time zone)", "gui.SyncRemote" : "Sync Remote Device", "gui.TopMargin" : "Top Margin", "HeatImagingTemper" : "Temperature Alarm", "ivs.AI" : "AI", "ivs.AIHeatMap" : "AI Heatmap", "ivs.ANPR" : "ANPR", "ivs.AbnormalFace" : "Abnormal Face", "ivs.Abstract" : "Modeling", "ivs.AbstractFailed" : "Modeling failed.", "ivs.AbstractStatus" : "Modeling Status", "ivs.AbstractSuccessful" : "Modeling Succeeded", "ivs.AddPic2FaceLib" : "Add to Face Database", "ivs.AddPlate2VehicleLib" : "Add to Plate Database", "ivs.AddScale" : "Add Ruler", "ivs.AddScaleArea" : "Add Area", "ivs.AdjacentFace" : "Adjacent Face", "ivs.Age" : "Age", "ivs.AiAnalyseTask" : "AI Analysis Task", "ivs.AimFiltrate" : "Target Filter", "ivs.Aiplay" : "AI SEARCH", "ivs.AlExeTime" : "Executed Time", "ivs.AlarmChannelNo" : "Alarm Channel No.", "ivs.AlarmFaceNum" : "Face Alarm No.", "ivs.AlarmObject" : "Effective Target", "ivs.AnalyseTaskOpeAdd" : "Create Task", "ivs.AnalyseTaskOpeMoveDown" : "Move down Task", "ivs.AnalyseTaskOpeMoveUp" : "Move up Task", "ivs.AnalyseTaskOpePause" : "Pause Task", "ivs.AnalyseTaskOpeRemove" : "Delete Task", "ivs.AnalyseTaskOpeStart" : "Enable Task", "ivs.AnalyseTaskStateFail" : "Task failed.", "ivs.AnalyseTaskStateFinish" : "Task is completed.", "ivs.AnalyseTaskStateStart" : "Task is started.", "ivs.AnalyseTaskStateStop" : "Task is paused.", "ivs.Areastatgraphic" : "Area People Counting", "ivs.ArmFaceLib" : "Target Face Database", "ivs.Attributeset" : "Properties", "ivs.AverageStrandTimeReport" : "Average Stay Time Report", "ivs.AvgStandedTime" : "Average Stay Time", "ivs.Both" : "Both", "ivs.CarItems" : "Ornament", "ivs.CarLogo" : "Logo", "ivs.CarNumberFeature" : "Plate Feature", "ivs.Carriage" : "Sedan", "ivs.ChoosePtzIdFirst" : "Please select a preset for the rule.", "ivs.ClearZero" : "Reset", "ivs.ColorOlive" : "Olive", "ivs.ColorOrange" : "Orange", "ivs.ColorPink" : "Pink", "ivs.ColorSeagreen" : "Ocean Green", "ivs.ColorSliver" : "Silver", "ivs.ColorTomato" : "Tomato Red", "ivs.ConstructionTruck" : "Construction Truck", "ivs.CreateTime" : "Creation Time", "ivs.Crossdirection" : "Enter|Exit|Both", "ivs.CrowdDensGlobal" : "Crowd Density(Global)", "ivs.CrowdDensGlobalandRegion" : "Crowd Density(Global&Area)", "ivs.CrowdDensRegion" : "Crowd Density(Area)", "ivs.CrowdDensity" : "Crowd Density", "ivs.DetectZone" : "Detection Region", "ivs.DownClothesType" : "Bottom", "ivs.DrawRegion" : "Draw Area", "ivs.DrawRule" : "Draw Rule", "ivs.DrawTarget" : "Draw Target", "ivs.ExeOrder" : "Execution Order", "ivs.ExeStrategy" : "Execution Strategy", "ivs.ExeTime" : "Execution Period", "ivs.ExportPlateResult" : "Export search results.", "ivs.Face" : "Face", "ivs.FaceAngery" : "Angry", "ivs.FaceBeard" : "Beard", "ivs.FaceCertTypeIDCard" : "ID Card", "ivs.FaceCertTypePassport" : "Passport", "ivs.FaceCharm" : "Charm", "ivs.FaceConfig" : "Face Database Config", "ivs.FaceConfused" : "Confused", "ivs.FaceDatabase" : "Face Database", "ivs.FaceDbAD" : "Andorra", "ivs.FaceDbAE" : "United Arab Emirates", "ivs.FaceDbAF" : "Afghanistan", "ivs.FaceDbAG" : "Antigua & Barbuda", "ivs.FaceDbAI" : "Anguilla", "ivs.FaceDbAL" : "Albania", "ivs.FaceDbAM" : "Armenia", "ivs.FaceDbAO" : "Angola", "ivs.FaceDbAR" : "Argentina", "ivs.FaceDbAS" : "American Samoa", "ivs.FaceDbAT" : "Austria", "ivs.FaceDbAU" : "Australia", "ivs.FaceDbAW" : "Aruba", "ivs.FaceDbAX" : "Åland Islands", "ivs.FaceDbAZ" : "Azerbaijan", "ivs.FaceDbBA" : "Bosnia & Herzegovina", "ivs.FaceDbBB" : "Barbados", "ivs.FaceDbBD" : "Bangladesh", "ivs.FaceDbBE" : "Belgium", "ivs.FaceDbBF" : "Burkina Faso", "ivs.FaceDbBG" : "Bulgaria", "ivs.FaceDbBH" : "Bahrain", "ivs.FaceDbBI" : "Burundi", "ivs.FaceDbBJ" : "Benin", "ivs.FaceDbBL" : "St.Barthélemy", "ivs.FaceDbBM" : "Bermuda", "ivs.FaceDbBN" : "Brunei", "ivs.FaceDbBO" : "Bolivia", "ivs.FaceDbBQ" : "Caribbean Netherlands", "ivs.FaceDbBR" : "Brazil", "ivs.FaceDbBS" : "Bahamas", "ivs.FaceDbBT" : "Bhutan", "ivs.FaceDbBV" : "Bouvet Island", "ivs.FaceDbBW" : "Botswana", "ivs.FaceDbBY" : "Belarus", "ivs.FaceDbBZ" : "Belize", "ivs.FaceDbCA" : "Canada", "ivs.FaceDbCC" : "Cocos (Keeling) Islands", "ivs.FaceDbCD" : "Congo-Kinshasa", "ivs.FaceDbCF" : "Central African Republic", "ivs.FaceDbCG" : "Congo-Brazzaville", "ivs.FaceDbCH" : "Switzerland", "ivs.FaceDbCI" : "Côte d'lvoire", "ivs.FaceDbCK" : "Cook Islands", "ivs.FaceDbCL" : "Chile", "ivs.FaceDbCM" : "Cameroon", "ivs.FaceDbCN" : "China", "ivs.FaceDbCNAnhui" : "Anhui", "ivs.FaceDbCNBeijing" : "Beijing", "ivs.FaceDbCNChongqing" : "Chongqing", "ivs.FaceDbCNFujian" : "Fujian", "ivs.FaceDbCNGansu" : "Gansu", "ivs.FaceDbCNGuangdong" : "Guangdong", "ivs.FaceDbCNGuangxi" : "Guangxi", "ivs.FaceDbCNGuizhou" : "Guizhou", "ivs.FaceDbCNHainan" : "Hainan", "ivs.FaceDbCNHebei" : "Hebei", "ivs.FaceDbCNHeilongjiang" : "Heilongjiang", "ivs.FaceDbCNHenan" : "Henan", "ivs.FaceDbCNHubei" : "Hubei", "ivs.FaceDbCNHunan" : "Hunan", "ivs.FaceDbCNInnerMongolia" : "Neimenggu", "ivs.FaceDbCNJiangsu" : "Jiangsu", "ivs.FaceDbCNJiangxi" : "Jiangxi", "ivs.FaceDbCNJilin" : "Jilin", "ivs.FaceDbCNLiaoning" : "Liaoning", "ivs.FaceDbCNNingxia" : "Ningxia", "ivs.FaceDbCNQinghai" : "Qinghai", "ivs.FaceDbCNShaanxi" : "Shaanxi", "ivs.FaceDbCNShandong" : "Shandong", "ivs.FaceDbCNShanghai" : "Shanghai", "ivs.FaceDbCNShanxi" : "Shanxi", "ivs.FaceDbCNSichuan" : "Sichuan", "ivs.FaceDbCNTianjin" : "Tianjin", "ivs.FaceDbCNTibet" : "Xizang", "ivs.FaceDbCNXinjiang" : "Xinjiang", "ivs.FaceDbCNYunnan" : "Yunnan", "ivs.FaceDbCNZhejiang" : "Zhejiang", "ivs.FaceDbCO" : "Colombia", "ivs.FaceDbCR" : "Costa Rica", "ivs.FaceDbCU" : "Cuba", "ivs.FaceDbCV" : "Cape Verde", "ivs.FaceDbCW" : "Curaçao", "ivs.FaceDbCX" : "Christmas Island", "ivs.FaceDbCY" : "Cyprus", "ivs.FaceDbCZ" : "Czechia", "ivs.FaceDbDE" : "Germany", "ivs.FaceDbDJ" : "Djibouti", "ivs.FaceDbDK" : "Denmark", "ivs.FaceDbDM" : "Dominica", "ivs.FaceDbDO" : "Dominican Republic", "ivs.FaceDbDZ" : "Algeria", "ivs.FaceDbEC" : "Ecuador", "ivs.FaceDbEE" : "Estonia", "ivs.FaceDbEG" : "Egypt", "ivs.FaceDbER" : "Eritrea", "ivs.FaceDbES" : "Spain", "ivs.FaceDbET" : "Ethiopia", "ivs.FaceDbFI" : "Finland", "ivs.FaceDbFJ" : "Fiji", "ivs.FaceDbFM" : "Micronesia", "ivs.FaceDbFO" : "Faroe Islands", "ivs.FaceDbFR" : "France", "ivs.FaceDbGA" : "Gabon", "ivs.FaceDbGB" : "United Kingdom", "ivs.FaceDbGD" : "Grenada", "ivs.FaceDbGE" : "Georgia", "ivs.FaceDbGF" : "French Guiana", "ivs.FaceDbGG" : "Guernsey", "ivs.FaceDbGH" : "Ghana", "ivs.FaceDbGI" : "Gibraltar", "ivs.FaceDbGL" : "Greenland", "ivs.FaceDbGM" : "Gambia", "ivs.FaceDbGN" : "Guinea", "ivs.FaceDbGP" : "Guadeloupe", "ivs.FaceDbGQ" : "Equatorial Guinea", "ivs.FaceDbGR" : "Greece", "ivs.FaceDbGS" : "So. Georigia & So. Sandwich Isl.", "ivs.FaceDbGT" : "Guatemala", "ivs.FaceDbGU" : "Guam", "ivs.FaceDbGW" : "Guinea-Bissau", "ivs.FaceDbGY" : "Guyana", "ivs.FaceDbHK" : "Hong Kong, China", "ivs.FaceDbHM" : "Heard & McDonald Islands", "ivs.FaceDbHN" : "Honduras", "ivs.FaceDbHR" : "Croatia", "ivs.FaceDbHT" : "Haiti", "ivs.FaceDbHU" : "Hungary", "ivs.FaceDbIC" : "Canary Islands", "ivs.FaceDbID" : "Indonesia", "ivs.FaceDbIE" : "Ireland", "ivs.FaceDbIL" : "Israel", "ivs.FaceDbIM" : "Isle of Man", "ivs.FaceDbIN" : "India", "ivs.FaceDbIO" : "British Indian Ocean Territory", "ivs.FaceDbIQ" : "Iraq", "ivs.FaceDbIR" : "Iran", "ivs.FaceDbIS" : "Iceland", "ivs.FaceDbIT" : "Italy", "ivs.FaceDbJE" : "Jersey", "ivs.FaceDbJM" : "Jamaica", "ivs.FaceDbJO" : "Jordan", "ivs.FaceDbJP" : "Japan", "ivs.FaceDbKE" : "Kenya", "ivs.FaceDbKG" : "Kyrgyzstan", "ivs.FaceDbKH" : "Cambodia", "ivs.FaceDbKI" : "Kiribati", "ivs.FaceDbKM" : "Comoros", "ivs.FaceDbKN" : "St.Kitts & Nevis", "ivs.FaceDbKR" : "Republic of Korea", "ivs.FaceDbKW" : "Kuwait", "ivs.FaceDbKY" : "Cayman Islands", "ivs.FaceDbKZ" : "Kazakhstan", "ivs.FaceDbLA" : "Laos", "ivs.FaceDbLB" : "Lebanon", "ivs.FaceDbLC" : "St.Lucia", "ivs.FaceDbLI" : "Liechtenstein", "ivs.FaceDbLK" : "Sri Lanka", "ivs.FaceDbLR" : "Liberia", "ivs.FaceDbLS" : "Lesotho", "ivs.FaceDbLT" : "Lithuania", "ivs.FaceDbLU" : "Luxembourg", "ivs.FaceDbLV" : "Latvia", "ivs.FaceDbLY" : "Libya", "ivs.FaceDbMA" : "Morocco", "ivs.FaceDbMC" : "Monaco", "ivs.FaceDbMD" : "Moldova", "ivs.FaceDbME" : "Montenegro", "ivs.FaceDbMF" : "St.Martin", "ivs.FaceDbMG" : "Madagascar", "ivs.FaceDbMH" : "Marshall Islands", "ivs.FaceDbMK" : "Macedonia", "ivs.FaceDbML" : "Mali", "ivs.FaceDbMM" : "Myanmar (Burma)", "ivs.FaceDbMN" : "Mongolia", "ivs.FaceDbMO" : "Macao, China", "ivs.FaceDbMP" : "Northern Mariana Islands", "ivs.FaceDbMQ" : "Martinique", "ivs.FaceDbMR" : "Mauritania", "ivs.FaceDbMS" : "Montserrat", "ivs.FaceDbMT" : "Malta", "ivs.FaceDbMU" : "Mauritius", "ivs.FaceDbMV" : "Maldives", "ivs.FaceDbMW" : "Malawi", "ivs.FaceDbMX" : "Mexico", "ivs.FaceDbMY" : "Malaysia", "ivs.FaceDbMZ" : "Mozambique", "ivs.FaceDbNA" : "Namibia", "ivs.FaceDbNC" : "New Caledonia", "ivs.FaceDbNE" : "Niger", "ivs.FaceDbNF" : "Norfolk Island", "ivs.FaceDbNG" : "Nigeria", "ivs.FaceDbNI" : "Nicaragua", "ivs.FaceDbNL" : "Netherlands", "ivs.FaceDbNO" : "Norway", "ivs.FaceDbNP" : "Nepal", "ivs.FaceDbNR" : "Nauru", "ivs.FaceDbNU" : "Niue", "ivs.FaceDbNZ" : "New Zealand", "ivs.FaceDbOM" : "Oman", "ivs.FaceDbPA" : "Panama", "ivs.FaceDbPE" : "Peru", "ivs.FaceDbPF" : "French polynesia", "ivs.FaceDbPG" : "Papua New Guinea", "ivs.FaceDbPH" : "Philippines", "ivs.FaceDbPK" : "Pakistan", "ivs.FaceDbPL" : "Poland", "ivs.FaceDbPM" : "St.Pierre & Miquelon", "ivs.FaceDbPN" : "Pitcairn Islands", "ivs.FaceDbPR" : "Puerto Rico", "ivs.FaceDbPS" : "Palestinian Territories", "ivs.FaceDbPT" : "Portugal", "ivs.FaceDbPW" : "Palau", "ivs.FaceDbPY" : "Paraguay", "ivs.FaceDbQA" : "Qatar", "ivs.FaceDbRE" : "Réunion", "ivs.FaceDbRO" : "Romania", "ivs.FaceDbRS" : "Serbia", "ivs.FaceDbRU" : "Russia", "ivs.FaceDbRW" : "Rwanda", "ivs.FaceDbSA" : "Saudi Arabia", "ivs.FaceDbSB" : "Solomon Islands", "ivs.FaceDbSC" : "Seychelles", "ivs.FaceDbSD" : "Sudan", "ivs.FaceDbSE" : "Sweden", "ivs.FaceDbSG" : "Singapore", "ivs.FaceDbSH" : "St.Helena", "ivs.FaceDbSI" : "Slovenia", "ivs.FaceDbSJ" : "Svalbard & Jan Mayen", "ivs.FaceDbSK" : "Slovakia", "ivs.FaceDbSL" : "Sierra Leone", "ivs.FaceDbSM" : "San Marino", "ivs.FaceDbSN" : "Senegal", "ivs.FaceDbSO" : "Somalia", "ivs.FaceDbSR" : "Suriname", "ivs.FaceDbSS" : "South Sudan", "ivs.FaceDbST" : "São Tomé & Príncipe", "ivs.FaceDbSV" : "El Salvador", "ivs.FaceDbSX" : "Sint Maarten", "ivs.FaceDbSY" : "Syria", "ivs.FaceDbSZ" : "Swaziland", "ivs.FaceDbTC" : "Turks & Caicos Islands", "ivs.FaceDbTD" : "Chad", "ivs.FaceDbTF" : "French Southern Territories", "ivs.FaceDbTG" : "Togo", "ivs.FaceDbTH" : "Thailand", "ivs.FaceDbTJ" : "Tajikistan", "ivs.FaceDbTK" : "Tokelau", "ivs.FaceDbTM" : "Turkmenistan", "ivs.FaceDbTN" : "Tunisia", "ivs.FaceDbTO" : "Tonga", "ivs.FaceDbTP" : "Timor-Leste", "ivs.FaceDbTR" : "Turkey", "ivs.FaceDbTT" : "Trinidad & Tobago", "ivs.FaceDbTV" : "Tuvalu", "ivs.FaceDbTW" : "Taiwan, China", "ivs.FaceDbTZ" : "Tanzania", "ivs.FaceDbUA" : "Ukraine", "ivs.FaceDbUG" : "Uganda", "ivs.FaceDbUM" : "U.S. Outlying Islands", "ivs.FaceDbUS" : "United States", "ivs.FaceDbUY" : "Uruguay", "ivs.FaceDbUZ" : "Uzbekistan", "ivs.FaceDbVA" : "Vatican City", "ivs.FaceDbVC" : "St.Vincent & Grenadines", "ivs.FaceDbVE" : "Venezuela", "ivs.FaceDbVG" : "British Virgin Islands", "ivs.FaceDbVI" : "U.S. Virgin Islands", "ivs.FaceDbVN" : "Vietnam", "ivs.FaceDbVU" : "Vanuatu", "ivs.FaceDbWF" : "Wallis & Futuna", "ivs.FaceDbWS" : "Samoa", "ivs.FaceDbXK" : "Kosovo", "ivs.FaceDbYE" : "Yemen", "ivs.FaceDbYT" : "Mayotte", "ivs.FaceDbZA" : "South Africa", "ivs.FaceDbZM" : "Zambia", "ivs.FaceDbZW" : "Zimbabwe", "ivs.FaceDetected" : "detected", "ivs.FaceDetectionEnhance" : "Face Enhancement", "ivs.FaceDisgust" : "Disgusted", "ivs.FaceExpression" : "Expression", "ivs.FaceFaceAppendSelectFolder" : "Select Folder", "ivs.FaceFaceAppendSelectPics" : "Select pictures, maximum %d each time.", "ivs.FaceFaceDetected" : "Face detected.", "ivs.FaceFaceLibAppendContinue" : "Other operations are not supported when uploading pictures. Continue?", "ivs.FaceFaceLibFileFilter" : "Filtered the files to be uploaded.", "ivs.FaceFaceLibNameIllegal" : "Username format error.", "ivs.FaceFaceLibNotDeployed" : "Disarm", "ivs.FaceFaceLibOnlyOne" : "Only one item can be selected.", "ivs.FaceFacePicSelect" : "Several pictures of faces are detected. Please select one to upload.", "ivs.FaceFear" : "Scared", "ivs.FaceFeatureErrorNum" : "Error No.", "ivs.FaceFeatureFailedNum" : "Failed No.", "ivs.FaceFeatureStateAbstracting" : "Modeling in progress", "ivs.FaceFeatureStateAll" : "All|Failed|Succeeded|In progress|Error", "ivs.FaceFeatureStateError" : "Modeling error", "ivs.FaceGlassBlack" : "Black-framed", "ivs.FaceGlassNormal" : "General", "ivs.FaceGlasses" : "Glasses", "ivs.FaceHappy" : "Happy", "ivs.FaceHave" : "Yes", "ivs.FaceHaveGlasses" : "Yes", "ivs.FaceHaveHat" : "Cap", "ivs.FaceIdentify" : "Face Recognition", "ivs.FaceIntelliType" : "AI by Camera|AI by Recorder", "ivs.FaceLibDeployed" : "Arming", "ivs.FaceMan" : "Male", "ivs.FaceMask" : "Face Mask", "ivs.FaceNeutral" : "Calm", "ivs.FaceNo" : "No", "ivs.FaceNoFaceDetected" : "No face detected.", "ivs.FaceOfficercert" : "Officer Card", "ivs.FaceOpen" : "Face", "ivs.FaceOverHeatingen" : "Face Overtemperature", "ivs.FacePersonLibNameNull" : "Face database name cannot be null.", "ivs.FacePicDetecting" : "The picture is being processed. Please wait…", "ivs.FaceRace" : "Skin Color", "ivs.FaceRegist" : "Register", "ivs.FaceSadness" : "Sad", "ivs.FaceSearchExpressionAll" : "All|Angry|Sad|Disgusted|Scared|Surprised|Calm|Happy|Confused", "ivs.FaceSearchGlasses" : "All|General|Black-framed|Sunglasses|No", "ivs.FaceSearchYesOrNo" : "All|No|Yes", "ivs.FaceSex" : "Gender", "ivs.FaceSexAll" : "All|Male|Female", "ivs.FaceShowAttrTip" : "Select attributes to display.(Max four)", "ivs.FaceSimilarity" : "Similarity", "ivs.FaceStrangeFaceDetected" : "Stranger detected.", "ivs.FaceStrangersMode" : "Stranger Alarm", "ivs.FaceSurprise" : "Surprised", "ivs.FaceSwapper" : "Face Matting", "ivs.FaceTeenager" : "Teenager", "ivs.FaceWearsunglasses" : "Sunglasses", "ivs.FaceWoman" : "Female", "ivs.FishFisheye" : "Fisheye dewarp is not supported in modes like play backward, slow play and fast play etc.", "conf_ivs.fish.fisheye" : "Fisheye dewarp is not supported in modes like play backward, slow play and fast play etc.", "ivs.FishOutoflimit" : "Reached max channels for fisheye dewarp.", "ivs.FitMod" : "Mounting Mode", "ivs.FlowrateAlarm" : "People Counting Alarm", "ivs.FlowrateDir" : "People Counting Direction", "ivs.FullChannel" : "Channel Full", "ivs.GreaterEqual" : "GreaterEqual", "ivs.GroupNameSame" : "The rule name already exists.", "ivs.Hat" : "Hat", "ivs.HeatMap" : "Heat Map", "ivs.Helmet" : "Helmet", "ivs.HideAIPreview" : "Hide AI Rule", "ivs.HideEye" : "Cover Eyes", "ivs.HideMouth" : "Cover Lips", "ivs.Horizontal" : "Horizontal", "ivs.HumanBag" : "Bag", "ivs.HumanCoat" : "Top", "ivs.HumanCoatcolor" : "Top Color", "ivs.HumanFaceSnap" : "Face Snapshot", "ivs.HumanGUITip" : "Please exit human body preview mode", "ivs.HumanHandbag" : "Handbag", "ivs.HumanPacksack" : "Backpack", "ivs.HumanPants" : "Pants", "ivs.HumanPreviewTip" : "Please exit plate or human face preview mode and then enter human body detect interface.", "ivs.HumanPureColor" : "Pure", "ivs.HumanTrolleyCase" : "Trolley Case", "ivs.IVSRule" : "IVS", "ivs.IntelIpExtend" : "AI functions will be disabled after IP channel is switched. Continue?", "ivs.IntelPic" : "AI Picture", "ivs.IntellSearch" : "AI Search", "ivs.IntellSetting" : "AI Setting", "ivs.IvsDistLimit" : "Valid Target Movement Distance", "ivs.IvsDuration" : "Duration", "ivs.IvsOverlap" : "Valid Target Overlap Rate", "ivs.IvsRule" : "AI Rule", "ivs.IvsScheme" : "Smart Plan", "ivs.IvsTimeLimit" : "Valid Target Moving Time", "ivs.IvsTrackNote" : "Operation failed. Please exit smart tracking mode first.", "ivs.LeftDetection" : "Abandoned Object", "ivs.LeftDetectionMissing" : "Abandoned Object|Missing Object", "ivs.LeftToRight" : "A to B", "ivs.LightTruck" : "Light Truck", "ivs.Linedirection" : "A to B|B to A|Both", "ivs.LiveVideo" : "Live View", "ivs.LongSleeve" : "Long Sleeves", "ivs.LowerBodyColor" : "Bottom Color", "ivs.MPV" : "MPV", "ivs.MasterslaveCalibrateFailed" : "Calibration failed. Please calibrate again.", "ivs.MasterslaveCalibratepointsatmost8" : "Supports max %s calibration points.", "ivs.MasterslaveCalibratepointsmustlargerthan3" : "Supports at least %s calibration points.", "ivs.MasterslaveCamera" : "Bullet Camera", "ivs.MasterslaveExpect" : "Adjust Zoom Rate", "ivs.MasterslaveFishball" : "Fisheye + PTZ|Bullet + PTZ", "ivs.MasterslaveFishorCameraPTZDome" : "1 Fisheye + 1 PTZ|1 Fisheye + 2 PTZ|1 Fisheye + 3 PTZ|1 Bullet + 1 PTZ|1 Bullet + 2 PTZ|1 Bullet + 3 PTZ", "ivs.MasterslaveMainchannelcannotbeNULL" : "The main camera cannot be null.", "ivs.MasterslaveMasterchannel" : "Main Camera", "ivs.MasterslaveMasterposition" : "Main", "ivs.MasterslaveNamecannotbeNULL" : "Scene name cannot be null.", "ivs.MasterslaveNotexist" : "Neither main nor sub camera exists.", "ivs.MasterslaveNotsupportmasterslaveDevicenotonline" : "Failed to support smart tracking. Camera offline.", "ivs.MasterslaveNotsupportmasterslaveNotbind" : "Failed to support smart tracking. Either main or sub camera is not bound.", "ivs.MasterslaveNotsupportmasterslaveNotcalibrate" : "Failed to support smart tracking. Either main or sub camera is not calibrated.", "ivs.MasterslavePTZDome" : "Sub Camera", "ivs.MasterslavePleaseselecfarreference" : "In order to improve linkage accuracy, please select further reference object for the first group of calibration points.", "ivs.MasterslaveResetexpect" : "Reset Zoom Rate", "ivs.MasterslaveSamenameexist" : "Scene name exists.", "ivs.MasterslaveSavetrackerornot" : "Want to save the smart tracking config?", "ivs.MasterslaveSecletonemaster" : "Please select a main camera.", "ivs.MasterslaveSecletslaver" : "Please select at least one sub camera.", "ivs.MasterslaveSlavechannelsnotright" : "Sub camera type error.", "ivs.MasterslaveSlaverchannelcannotbeNULL" : "The sub camera cannot be null.", "ivs.MasterslaveSlaverpositon" : "Sub", "ivs.MasterslaveSuretoresetexpect" : "Are you sure you want to reset zoom rate?", "ivs.MaxDetectionHeight" : "Maximum Detection Height", "ivs.MaxEnter" : "Enter No.", "ivs.MaxShouldbeGreaterThanMin" : "Maximum detection height should be larger than minimum detection height.", "ivs.MaxStranded" : "Stay No.", "ivs.MidPassengerCar" : "Medium Bus", "ivs.MidTruck" : "Medium Truck", "ivs.MinRioterArea" : "Minimum Gathering Area", "ivs.MiniBus" : "Minibus", "ivs.MiniCarriage" : "Minicar", "ivs.Minsize" : "Min Size", "ivs.MostSize" : "Max Size", "ivs.MotorBus" : "Large Bus", "ivs.MotorVehicle" : "Motor Vehicle", "ivs.NoMotorVehicle" : "Non-Motor Vehicle", "ivs.NoScaleAddFailed" : "Please add a ruler.", "ivs.NoTargetImage" : "No valid target is detected.", "ivs.NonMotorAnalyse" : "Non-motor Vehicle Detection", "ivs.NonmotorTricycle" : "Tricycle", "ivs.NotSupportHeatmap" : "Failed to support heat map.", "ivs.NotSupportIntellisrc" : "Smart plan not supported.", "ivs.OnescaleHorizontal" : "Only a horizontal ruler is supported.", "ivs.Outdoor" : "Outdoor", "ivs.PerfumeBox" : "Perfume Box", "ivs.PersonDetail" : "Human Details", "ivs.PersonGoldPic" : "Target Picture", "ivs.PersonnelAnalyse" : "Human Detection", "ivs.PersonnelHair" : "Hair Style", "ivs.Phone" : "Calling", "ivs.PhoneCallDetect" : "Call Detection", "ivs.PicSearchMaxNumTips" : "Note: Upload max 30 pictures.", "ivs.PicSearchWarn" : "Please select at least one picture for search.", "ivs.Pickup" : "Pickup", "ivs.PlateColor" : "Plate Color", "ivs.PlateColorYellowGreen" : "Yellow-Green Combination", "ivs.PlateNo" : "Plate No.", "ivs.PtzNumberStat" : "People Counting", "ivs.PtzVoltageUnusual" : "Voltage Exception", "ivs.Quality" : "Quality Priority", "ivs.QueueDetection" : "Queuing", "ivs.QueueNumberAlarm" : "Queue People No. Alarm", "ivs.QueueTime" : "Queue Time", "ivs.QueueTimeAlarm" : "Queue Time Alarm", "ivs.Rborder" : "Right Limit", "ivs.RealeLength" : "Actual Length", "ivs.RegisterNo" : "Register No.", "ivs.Rider" : "Number of Passengers", "ivs.RightToLeft" : "B to A", "ivs.RuleConfig" : "Rule Config", "ivs.RuleTypeValues" : "People Counting|In Area No.", "ivs.SSA" : "SSA", "ivs.SafetyBelt" : "Seatbelt", "ivs.ScaleArea" : "Calibration Area", "ivs.ScaleCheck" : "Calibration Verification", "ivs.ScaleHeight" : "Height Verification", "ivs.ScaleLine" : "Ruler", "ivs.ScaleWeight" : "Width Verification", "ivs.SceneName" : "Scene Name", "ivs.SearchAgeDetail" : "All|1-6:Toddler|7-13:Child|14-19:Teenager|20-39:Young|40-59:Middle-aged|60:Elderly", "ivs.SelectOneAtLeastTips" : "Please select at least one effective target when target filter is enabled.", "ivs.SerialNo" : "Serial Port No.", "ivs.ShortSkirt" : "Skirt", "ivs.ShortSleeve" : "Short Sleeves", "ivs.Shorts" : "Shorts", "ivs.ShoulderBag" : "Shoulder Bag", "ivs.Showtime" : "Display Time", "ivs.SmokingDetect" : "Smoking Detection", "ivs.Sodium" : "Sodium Lamp", "ivs.StandedAlarm" : "Stay Alarm", "ivs.StandedTime" : "Stay Time", "ivs.StartIVS" : "Smart Tracking", "ivs.StreetLamp" : "Street Lamp", "ivs.Striation" : "Stripe", "ivs.SunLouver" : "Sunshield", "ivs.Target" : "Target", "ivs.Task" : "Task List", "ivs.TaskMana" : "Task Management", "ivs.TaskName" : "Task Name", "ivs.TaskType" : "Task Type", "ivs.ThreescaleVertical" : "Only three vertical rulers are supported.", "ivs.TissueBox" : "Tissue Box", "ivs.ToBoth" : "Both", "ivs.TrackAlarm" : "Auto Tracking", "ivs.TrackTime" : "Tracking Duration", "ivs.TwoWheeledVehicle" : "Two-wheeled Vehicle", "ivs.Umbrella" : "Umbrella", "ivs.Unbalance" : "Color Cast", "ivs.UnifyConfig" : "Unified Configuration", "ivs.Unit" : "Unit:", "ivs.UnopenedGB28181" : "GB28181 service not enabled.", "ivs.VechilePic" : "Vehicle Body Matting", "ivs.VehicleAmbulance" : "Ambulance", "ivs.VehicleAnalyse" : "Motor Vehicle Detection", "ivs.VehicleBus" : "School Bus", "ivs.VehicleDisplay" : "Motor Vehicle", "ivs.VehicleFireEngine" : "Fire Engine", "ivs.VehicleLargeTruck" : "Heavy Truck", "ivs.VehicleMachineshopTruck" : "Engineering Truck", "ivs.VehicleMicrobus" : "Van", "ivs.VehiclePassengerCar" : "Bus", "ivs.VehiclePendant" : "Pendant", "ivs.VehiclePolice" : "Police Car", "ivs.VehiclePowerLotVehicle" : "Powder Material Truck", "ivs.VehicleSUV" : "SUV", "ivs.VehicleSignAVIC" : "AVIC", "ivs.VehicleSignAY" : "Anyuan", "ivs.VehicleSignAcura" : "Acura", "ivs.VehicleSignAlfaBus" : "Alfa Bus", "ivs.VehicleSignAlfaRomeo" : "Alfa Romeo", "ivs.VehicleSignAnKai" : "Ankai", "ivs.VehicleSignAstonMartin" : "Aston Martin", "ivs.VehicleSignAudi" : "Audi", "ivs.VehicleSignBAICDaoDa" : "BAIC DaoDa", "ivs.VehicleSignBEIBENTRUCK" : "Beiben", "ivs.VehicleSignBMW" : "BMW", "ivs.VehicleSignBQHS" : "BAIC Huansu", "ivs.VehicleSignBRABUS" : "Brabus", "ivs.VehicleSignBYD" : "BYD", "ivs.VehicleSignBYDDaimler" : "BYD Daimler", "ivs.VehicleSignBaoJun" : "BaoJun", "ivs.VehicleSignBaolong" : "Baolong", "ivs.VehicleSignBeifang" : "North", "ivs.VehicleSignBeijing" : "BAIC", "ivs.VehicleSignBeiqizhizao" : "BAW", "ivs.VehicleSignBentley" : "Bentley", "ivs.VehicleSignBenz" : "Benz", "ivs.VehicleSignBesturn" : "Besturn", "ivs.VehicleSignBiaoMa" : "BiaoMa", "ivs.VehicleSignBisu" : "Bisu", "ivs.VehicleSignBobang" : "Bobang", "ivs.VehicleSignBoloda" : "Boloda", "ivs.VehicleSignBorgward" : "Borgward", "ivs.VehicleSignBuick" : "Buick", "ivs.VehicleSignByvin" : "Byvin", "ivs.VehicleSignCCTRUCKS" : "C&C Trucks", "ivs.VehicleSignCORE" : "CORE", "ivs.VehicleSignCOWIN" : "Cowin", "ivs.VehicleSignCRCC" : "CRCC", "ivs.VehicleSignCSR" : "CSR", "ivs.VehicleSignCadillac" : "Cadillac", "ivs.VehicleSignCanghe" : "Changhe", "ivs.VehicleSignCarlsson" : "Carlsson", "ivs.VehicleSignChangAn" : "Changan", "ivs.VehicleSignChangjiangEV" : "ChangjiangEV", "ivs.VehicleSignCharade" : "XiaLi", "ivs.VehicleSignChery" : "Chery", "ivs.VehicleSignChevrolet" : "Chevrolet", "ivs.VehicleSignChrysler" : "Chrysler", "ivs.VehicleSignChuFeng" : "ChuFeng", "ivs.VehicleSignChuanQi" : "Trumpchi", "ivs.VehicleSignChuanQiYeMa" : "Yema", "ivs.VehicleSignChunlan" : "Chunlan", "ivs.VehicleSignCitroen" : "Citroen", "ivs.VehicleSignCoasterBus" : "Coaster", "ivs.VehicleSignDAIHATSU" : "Daihatsu", "ivs.VehicleSignDENZA" : "Denza", "ivs.VehicleSignDF" : "DongFeng", "ivs.VehicleSignDS" : "Citroen DS", "ivs.VehicleSignDadi" : "Dadi", "ivs.VehicleSignDaewoo" : "Daewoo", "ivs.VehicleSignDafudi" : "Dafudi", "ivs.VehicleSignDahan" : "Dahan", "ivs.VehicleSignDahe" : "Dahe", "ivs.VehicleSignDayang" : "Dayang", "ivs.VehicleSignDayun" : "Dayun", "ivs.VehicleSignDearcc" : "Dearcc", "ivs.VehicleSignDodge" : "Dodge", "ivs.VehicleSignDojo" : "Dojo", "ivs.VehicleSignDongFangHong" : "Dongfanghong", "ivs.VehicleSignDongNan" : "Soueast", "ivs.VehicleSignDongyu" : "Dongyu", "ivs.VehicleSignDorcen" : "Dorcen", "ivs.VehicleSignEquus" : "Equus", "ivs.VehicleSignEuropestar" : "Lotus", "ivs.VehicleSignFerrari" : "Ferrari", "ivs.VehicleSignFiat" : "Fiat", "ivs.VehicleSignFord" : "Ford", "ivs.VehicleSignFornasari" : "Fornasari", "ivs.VehicleSignForta" : "Forta", "ivs.VehicleSignFoton" : "Foton", "ivs.VehicleSignFudi" : "Foday", "ivs.VehicleSignFuhuan" : "Fuhuan", "ivs.VehicleSignFulu" : "Fulu", "ivs.VehicleSignFuqiQiteng" : "Keyton", "ivs.VehicleSignGMC" : "GMC", "ivs.VehicleSignGONOW" : "Gonow", "ivs.VehicleSignGagcTruck" : "GAC", "ivs.VehicleSignGeely" : "Geely", "ivs.VehicleSignGranton" : "Granton", "ivs.VehicleSignGreatWall" : "Great Wall", "ivs.VehicleSignGreenWheelEV" : "Green Wheel", "ivs.VehicleSignGuilin" : "Guilin", "ivs.VehicleSignHUASONG" : "Huasong", "ivs.VehicleSignHaFei" : "Hafei", "ivs.VehicleSignHafu" : "Haval", "ivs.VehicleSignHaiMa" : "Haima", "ivs.VehicleSignHaige" : "Higer", "ivs.VehicleSignHanTang" : "HanTang", "ivs.VehicleSignHangtianchenggong" : "GHT", "ivs.VehicleSignHanteng" : "Hanteng", "ivs.VehicleSignHawTai" : "Hawtai", "ivs.VehicleSignHengTong" : "HengTong", "ivs.VehicleSignHenghe" : "Henghe", "ivs.VehicleSignHengshan" : "Hengshan", "ivs.VehicleSignHengtian" : "CHTC", "ivs.VehicleSignHonda" : "Honda", "ivs.VehicleSignHongQi" : "Hongqi", "ivs.VehicleSignHongYan" : "Hongyan", "ivs.VehicleSignHongri" : "Hongri", "ivs.VehicleSignHorki" : "Horki", "ivs.VehicleSignHowoBus" : "Howo", "ivs.VehicleSignHuaLing" : "Hua Ling", "ivs.VehicleSignHuakai" : "Huakai", "ivs.VehicleSignHuangHai" : "Huanghai", "ivs.VehicleSignHuapu" : "SMA", "ivs.VehicleSignHuizhong" : "Huizhong", "ivs.VehicleSignHummer" : "Hummer", "ivs.VehicleSignHyundai" : "Hyundai", "ivs.VehicleSignInfiniti" : "Infiniti", "ivs.VehicleSignJAC" : "JAC", "ivs.VehicleSignJMC" : "JMC", "ivs.VehicleSignJaguar" : "Jaguar", "ivs.VehicleSignJeep" : "Jeep", "ivs.VehicleSignJetour" : "Jetour", "ivs.VehicleSignJianghuan" : "Jianghuan", "ivs.VehicleSignJieFangTruck" : "Jiefang", "ivs.VehicleSignJihai" : "Jihai", "ivs.VehicleSignJinLv" : "Golden Dragon", "ivs.VehicleSignJinNing" : "Smart", "ivs.VehicleSignJinbei" : "JinBei", "ivs.VehicleSignJionggong" : "Jionggong", "ivs.VehicleSignJoyLong" : "Joylong", "ivs.VehicleSignKAMA" : "kama", "ivs.VehicleSignKandi" : "Kandi", "ivs.VehicleSignKarry" : "Karry", "ivs.VehicleSignKasheng" : "Kasheng", "ivs.VehicleSignKawei" : "Kawei", "ivs.VehicleSignKia" : "Kia", "ivs.VehicleSignKombat" : "Kombat", "ivs.VehicleSignLANCIA" : "Lancia", "ivs.VehicleSignLEVDEO" : "Levdeo", "ivs.VehicleSignLITE" : "LITE", "ivs.VehicleSignLaJoya" : "La Joya", "ivs.VehicleSignLamborghini" : "Lamborghini", "ivs.VehicleSignLandRover" : "ROVER", "ivs.VehicleSignLandWind" : "Land Wind", "ivs.VehicleSignLeapmotor" : "Leapmotor", "ivs.VehicleSignLewei" : "Lewei", "ivs.VehicleSignLexus" : "Lexus", "ivs.VehicleSignLiFan" : "Lifan", "ivs.VehicleSignLichi" : "Lichi", "ivs.VehicleSignLieBao" : "Leoparrd", "ivs.VehicleSignLincoln" : "Lincoln", "ivs.VehicleSignLinian" : "Everus", "ivs.VehicleSignLinkTour" : "Link Tour", "ivs.VehicleSignLixiang" : "Lixiang", "ivs.VehicleSignLotus" : "Lotus", "ivs.VehicleSignLsuzu" : "ISUZU", "ivs.VehicleSignLuchi" : "Luchi", "ivs.VehicleSignLuxgen" : "Luxgen", "ivs.VehicleSignLynk&Co" : "Lynk&Co", "ivs.VehicleSignMAN" : "MAN", "ivs.VehicleSignMG" : "MG", "ivs.VehicleSignMINI" : "Mini", "ivs.VehicleSignMaserati" : "Maserati", "ivs.VehicleSignMaybach" : "Maybach", "ivs.VehicleSignMazda" : "Mazda", "ivs.VehicleSignMitsubishi" : "Mitsubishi", "ivs.VehicleSignMitsubishiFuso" : "Fuso", "ivs.VehicleSignNETA" : "NETA", "ivs.VehicleSignNIO" : "NIO", "ivs.VehicleSignNanJunTruck" : "CHMC", "ivs.VehicleSignNanjingjinlong" : "NanJing KingLong", "ivs.VehicleSignNaveco" : "Iveco", "ivs.VehicleSignNeoplan" : "Neoplan", "ivs.VehicleSignNissan" : "Nissan", "ivs.VehicleSignOpel" : "Opel", "ivs.VehicleSignOra" : "Ora", "ivs.VehicleSignOushan" : "Oushan", "ivs.VehicleSignPagani" : "Pagani", "ivs.VehicleSignPeugeot" : "Peugeot", "ivs.VehicleSignPorsche" : "Porsche", "ivs.VehicleSignQOROS" : "Qoros", "ivs.VehicleSignQiantu" : "Qiantu", "ivs.VehicleSignQingxing" : "Qingxing", "ivs.VehicleSignRIICH" : "Riich", "ivs.VehicleSignRanz" : "Ranz", "ivs.VehicleSignRedStar" : "Red Star", "ivs.VehicleSignRely" : "Rely", "ivs.VehicleSignRenault" : "Renault", "ivs.VehicleSignRoewe" : "Roewe", "ivs.VehicleSignRolfhartge" : "Rolfhartge", "ivs.VehicleSignRollsRoyce" : "Rolls-Royce", "ivs.VehicleSignRuichi" : "Ruichi", "ivs.VehicleSignRuiyi" : "Ruiyi", "ivs.VehicleSignSAIC" : "SAIC", "ivs.VehicleSignSANY" : "Sany", "ivs.VehicleSignSEAT" : "Seat", "ivs.VehicleSignSGMW" : "SGMW", "ivs.VehicleSignSINOMOTORS" : "Sinocars", "ivs.VehicleSignSINOTRUK" : "Sinotruck", "ivs.VehicleSignSOL" : "SOL", "ivs.VehicleSignSSANGYONG" : "Ssangyong", "ivs.VehicleSignSWM" : "SWM", "ivs.VehicleSignSaab" : "Saab", "ivs.VehicleSignScania" : "Scania", "ivs.VehicleSignShanQiTruck" : "Shacman", "ivs.VehicleSignShangqidatong" : "Maxus", "ivs.VehicleSignShanqitongjia" : "Tong Jia", "ivs.VehicleSignShaoRao" : "ShaoRao", "ivs.VehicleSignShaolin" : "Shaolin", "ivs.VehicleSignShenLongBus" : "Shenlong", "ivs.VehicleSignShiDai" : "Forland", "ivs.VehicleSignShifeng" : "Shifeng", "ivs.VehicleSignShineray" : "Shineray", "ivs.VehicleSignShuangHuan" : "Shuanghuan", "ivs.VehicleSignShuangfu" : "Shuangfu", "ivs.VehicleSignShuchi" : "Shuchi", "ivs.VehicleSignShudu" : "Shudu", "ivs.VehicleSignSilver" : "Silver", "ivs.VehicleSignSiming" : "Ciimo", "ivs.VehicleSignSingulato" : "Singulato", "ivs.VehicleSignSinogold" : "Sinogold", "ivs.VehicleSignSkoda" : "Skoda", "ivs.VehicleSignSkywell" : "Skywell", "ivs.VehicleSignSowar" : "Sowar", "ivs.VehicleSignSpeed" : "Speed", "ivs.VehicleSignSubaru" : "Subaru", "ivs.VehicleSignSunwin" : "Sunwin", "ivs.VehicleSignSupaq" : "Supaq", "ivs.VehicleSignSuzuki" : "Suzuki", "ivs.VehicleSignTATRA" : "Tatra", "ivs.VehicleSignTEG" : "TEG", "ivs.VehicleSignTKNG" : "T.King", "ivs.VehicleSignTXDDC" : "TXDDC", "ivs.VehicleSignTataMotors" : "Tata", "ivs.VehicleSignTechArt" : "TechArt", "ivs.VehicleSignTesla" : "Tesla", "ivs.VehicleSignTianma" : "Tianma", "ivs.VehicleSignTongxin" : "Tongxin", "ivs.VehicleSignToyota" : "TOYOTA", "ivs.VehicleSignTraum" : "Traum", "ivs.VehicleSignTriRingSitom" : "Tri-ring Sitom", "ivs.VehicleSignUD" : "UD", "ivs.VehicleSignVenucia" : "Venucia", "ivs.VehicleSignVerong" : "Verong", "ivs.VehicleSignVolkswagen" : "Volkswagen", "ivs.VehicleSignVolvo" : "Volvo", "ivs.VehicleSignWAW" : "WAW", "ivs.VehicleSignWEY" : "WEY", "ivs.VehicleSignWanda" : "Wanda", "ivs.VehicleSignWanfo" : "Wanfo", "ivs.VehicleSignWangpai" : "Wangpai", "ivs.VehicleSignWanxiang" : "Wanxiang", "ivs.VehicleSignWanxiangAuto" : "Wanxiang Auto", "ivs.VehicleSignWeikerui" : "Weikerui", "ivs.VehicleSignWeiwang" : "Weiwang", "ivs.VehicleSignWeltmeister" : "Weltmeister", "ivs.VehicleSignWuzhoulong" : "Wuzhoulong", "ivs.VehicleSignXCMG" : "XCMG", "ivs.VehicleSignXDBS" : "XDBS", "ivs.VehicleSignXinkai" : "Xinkai", "ivs.VehicleSignXpeng" : "Xpeng", "ivs.VehicleSignYEMA" : "Ford Mustang", "ivs.VehicleSignYEMACar" : "Yema", "ivs.VehicleSignYTC" : "YTC", "ivs.VehicleSignYangZhouYaXing" : "AsiaStar", "ivs.VehicleSignYangZi" : "YangZi", "ivs.VehicleSignYangtse" : "Yangtse", "ivs.VehicleSignYaolon" : "Yaolon", "ivs.VehicleSignYiqi" : "FAW", "ivs.VehicleSignYixing" : "Yixing", "ivs.VehicleSignYizhing" : "Enranger", "ivs.VehicleSignYongyuan" : "Jonway", "ivs.VehicleSignYouYiKeChe" : "Youyi", "ivs.VehicleSignYuTong" : "Yutong", "ivs.VehicleSignYuancheng" : "Yuancheng", "ivs.VehicleSignYudo" : "Yudo", "ivs.VehicleSignYuejin" : "Yuejin", "ivs.VehicleSignYuesun" : "Yuesun", "ivs.VehicleSignYuexi" : "Yuexi", "ivs.VehicleSignYujie" : "Yogomo", "ivs.VehicleSignYulu" : "Yulu", "ivs.VehicleSignZD" : "ZD", "ivs.VehicleSignZINORO" : "Zinoro", "ivs.VehicleSignZhongDaBus" : "Zanda", "ivs.VehicleSignZhongHua" : "Zhonghua", "ivs.VehicleSignZhongTong" : "Zhongtong", "ivs.VehicleSignZhongshun" : "Polarsun", "ivs.VehicleSignZhongxin" : "Zhongxin", "ivs.VehicleSignZotye" : "Zotye", "ivs.VehicleSignZxAuto" : "Zhongxing", "ivs.VehicleSlotTankCar" : "Tank Truck", "ivs.VehicleSuctionSewageTruck" : "Sewage Suction Truck", "ivs.VehicleTankCar" : "Dangerous Goods Vehicle", "ivs.VehicleTaxi" : "Taxi", "ivs.VehicleTractor" : "Tractor", "ivs.VehicleVehicleSize" : "Type", "ivs.VehicleWateringCar" : "Sanitation Truck", "ivs.VehicleWithoutSafeBelt" : "No", "ivs.Vertical" : "Vertical", "ivs.VideoStructrue" : "Video Metadata", "ivs.VideoType" : "Video Source Type", "ivs.Videostatgraphic" : "People Counting Report", "ivs.WanderDetection" : "Loitering Detection", "ivs.WaterSensor" : "Water Sensor Alarm", "ivs.VehicleSignYoungman" : "Young Man", "Log_Abort" : "Interrupted Exception", "Log_CheckTime" : "Time Synchronized", "Log_EventEnd" : "Event End", "Log_EventStart" : "Event Start", "Log_RebootFlag" : "Reboot Flag", "Log_RebootType" : "Reboot Type", "Log_ShutTime" : "Shutdown Time", "Log_StartUp" : "Start up", "med.1080pMode" : "1080P", "med.2DdepressNoise" : "2D NR", "med.3DdepressNoise" : "3D NR", "med.720pMode" : "720P", "med.AcoustoOpticAlarmConfig" : "Audio/Light Alarm", "med.AddRecordTag" : "Add Record Tag", "med.AlarmAfterSecs" : "After Alarm Trigger", "med.AlarmBell" : "Wireless Siren", "med.AlarmEnd" : "Alarm End:%d", "med.AlarmLink" : "Local", "med.AlarmMethod" : "Linkage", "med.AlarmMode" : "Alarm Mode", "med.AlarmOutput" : "Alarm-out Port", "med.AlarmReset" : "Alarm Reset", "med.AlarmSound" : "Alarm Tone", "med.AlarmStatus" : "Alarm Status", "med.AlwaysBright" : "Always On", "med.AlwaysClose" : "NC", "med.AlwaysON" : "NO", "med.ArmDisarm" : "Schedule", "med.AudioChip" : "Audio Clip", "med.AudioChipUpgrade" : "Update Audio Clip", "med.AudioCompression" : "Compression", "med.AudioConfig" : "Audio", "med.AudioConfigNav" : "AUDIO", "med.AudioException" : "Audio Exception", "med.AudioOutInfo" : "Audio Output Info", "med.AudioSource" : "Audio Source", "med.AudioVideoSet" : "Audio/Video", "med.Audiodetection" : "Audio Detection", "med.Audioencode" : "Audio Format", "med.AudiosampRate" : "Sampling Frequency", "med.Audiosource" : "Local|HDCVI", "med.AutoFocus" : "Auto Focus", "med.Autosearch" : "Device is auto searching cameras now…", "med.BLC" : "BLC", "med.BackupSpaceneeded" : "(Needed Space)", "med.BeepEnable" : "Buzzer", "med.Bitratevalue" : "Bit Rate(Kb/S)", "med.Brcsele" : "CBR|VBR", "med.BroadcastName" : "Voice Broadcast", "med.CBR" : "CBR", "med.Cabletype" : "Cable Type", "med.ChangeResolution" : "Switch Resolution", "med.ChantypeTips" : "Note: An analog channel can be converted to an IP channel after it is disabled. Channel conversion must start from the last analog channel.", "med.Chip" : "Clip", "med.Clockwise90Ex" : "90°", "med.Clockwise90Ex2" : "270°", "med.CloseSnapLink" : "Reached max bit rate and snapshot is disabled.", "med.Closechannel" : "Reached max bit rate. Need to close channels:", "med.Coaxial" : "HDCVI", "med.CoaxialAccessPoint" : "Chn%d-Airfly", "med.Colormode" : "Color Mode", "med.Colormodeset" : "----|Standard|Soft|Bright|Vivid|Bank", "med.ConfAutoAdd" : "Auto Allocation", "med.ConfigFlie" : "Day|Night|General", "med.ConfigValue" : "Day|Night|General|Switch by Period", "med.Contrast" : "Contrast", "med.Count" : "Quantity", "med.CurtainSensor" : "IR Curtain", "med.DecMode" : "Realtime|General|Fluent", "med.Delaytypesel" : "NC|NO", "med.Denoise" : "NR", "med.DisarmLinkageTip" : "Disarm Alarm Linkage Action", "med.Disarming" : "Disarming", "med.Diskerror" : "Disk Error", "med.DoorMagnetism" : "Door Sensor", "med.Enableloop" : "Enable Tour", "med.EncodeEnableNeedReboot" : "Are you sure you want to enable smart codec? The camera will reboot and some functions (such as AI, ROI, SVC and flip mode etc.) may be invalid after it is enabled.", "med.EncodeModes" : "Compression", "med.EncodeType" : "Encode Type", "med.Exposure" : "Exposure", "med.Extra" : "Sub Stream", "med.Extracode1" : "Sub Stream 1", "med.Extracode2" : "Sub Stream 2", "med.Flip180Ex" : "180°", "med.FlipEx" : "Flip", "med.FpsselPal" : "1 FPS|2 FPS|3 FPS|6 FPS|12 FPS|25 FPS", "med.Fpsselntsc" : "1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12|13|14|15|16|17|18|19|20|21|22|23|24|25|26|27|28|29|30", "med.Fpsselpal" : "1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12|13|14|15|16|17|18|19|20|21|22|23|24|25", "med.FramePerSec" : "Frame Rate(FPS)", "med.Front" : "Foreground Color", "med.Gain" : "Gain", "med.GainMode" : "Gain Mode", "med.Gamma" : "Gamma", "med.GlareInhibition" : "HLC", "med.HumiditySensor" : "Humidity Sensor", "med.Humiunit" : "%RH", "med.IFrameInterval" : "I Frame Interval", "med.ImageFreeze" : "Image Freeze", "med.Imagequality" : "Quality", "med.Imagesize" : "Size", "med.Indoor" : "Indoor", "med.IpcExt" : "CAM Ext", "med.Iris" : "Iris", "med.IrisAuto" : "Auto Iris", "med.Kbps" : "Kbps", "med.LineCoaxial" : "Coaxial", "med.LineUTP" : "UTP", "med.Linetypeselect" : "Cable", "med.LocalAlarm" : "Local Alarm", "med.MACconflict" : "MAC Conflict", "med.ManualSnap" : "Manual Snapshot", "med.MauRemChnNum" : "Remote CH No.", "med.Maxbps" : "Max BPS", "med.Maxdecodercap" : "Maximum Decoding Capability", "med.Maxinputcap" : "Maximum Encoding Capability", "med.Mirror" : "Mirror", "med.Modeswitch" : "Mode Switch", "med.MotionDetectNotSet" : "Motion detection area cannot be set in all channels.", "med.Mutationen" : "Intensity Change", "med.NaturalLight" : "Natural", "med.NetDisconnect" : "CAM Offline", "med.NetUploadPic" : "Upload picture when alarm triggered", "med.NetloadEnable" : "Report Alarm", "med.NoFlipEx" : "0°", "med.Nospace" : "Low Space", "med.Onlylockmainstream" : "Only main stream files can be locked.", "med.OriginalRate" : "Original Ratio", "med.Overexposure" : "Overexpose", "med.Overlap" : "Overlay", "med.Overlimit" : "Reached max bit rate.", "med.PIRAlarm" : "PIR", "med.PicStream" : "Snapshot", "med.PlayTimes" : "Play Times", "med.PortList" : "Mic|Audio", "med.Previewqualityincrease" : "Live Enhancement", "med.PrivateCover" : "Privacy Masking", "med.PtzLinkNotSet" : "PTZ linkage can be set after selecting one channel.", "med.Ptzlink" : "PTZ Linkage", "med.Quality" : "Quality", "med.Quite" : "Mute", "med.RealTime" : "Realtime", "med.Recalarmdetct" : "Video Motion Dedection", "med.Recordpath" : "Record Path", "med.RemDevSrch" : "Search Device", "med.RemoteAudio" : "Camera Audio", "med.RemoveDither" : "Anti-Dither", "med.Resolution" : "Resolution", "med.ResolutionConfirm" : "Want to switch resolution?", "med.Right" : "Right", "med.Ruletype" : "Rule Type", "med.Saturation" : "Saturation", "med.Screentip" : "Show Message", "med.SensorAlarm" : "Sensor Alarm", "med.Sharpness" : "Sharpness", "med.Shouldclose" : "Channels to be closed:", "med.Siren" : "Siren", "med.Smartcodec" : "Smart Codec", "med.SnapMode" : "Packet Sniffer Mode", "med.SnapSpeed" : "Interval", "med.Snapcount" : "1|2|3|4|5", "med.Snapcountbyone" : "/Time", "med.Snapframereal" : "1/2 sec.|1 sec.|2 sec.|3 sec.|4 sec.|5 sec.|6 sec.|7 sec.", "med.Snapmodesele" : "Scheduled|Event", "med.Snappath" : "Snapshot Path", "med.Sound" : "Volume", "med.Sounds" : "Sound", "med.StandardDefiniton" : "SD", "med.StreamContorl" : "Bit Rate Type", "med.StreamSwitch" : "Switch Stream", "med.StreamType" : "Stream Type", "med.Suggestbitrate" : "Reference Bit Rate", "med.Sunny" : "Sunny", "med.Synopsis" : "Video Synopsis", "med.SzTipButtonVideoCut" : "Video Clip", "med.Timesnap" : "Scheduled", "med.TwinkleFre" : "Flicker Frequency", "med.Type" : "Frame-extraction Record Type", "med.VBR" : "VBR", "med.Video" : "Video", "med.VideoDelayTime" : "Post-Record", "med.VideoFile" : "Video File", "med.VideoInBacklight" : "Backlight", "med.VideoInputConfig" : "Image", "med.VideoMatrix" : "Video Matrix", "med.VideoOpeare" : "Record", "med.VideoStandard" : "Video Standard", "med.VideoencTitle" : "Audio/Video Encryption", "med.Videoformat" : "CAM Standard", "med.Videoposition" : "Position", "med.Videotrans" : "Audio/Video Transmission", "med.VoiceDeliveryPort" : "Mic", "med.WDROptions" : "Off|On|Auto", "med.WaterMarkInfo" : "Watermark Info", "med.WaterTimeStamp" : "Watermark Time", "med.WaterVerify" : "Watermark", "med.WatermarkSetting" : "Watermark", "med.WatermarkVerifyError" : "Watermark error.", "med.Waterstr" : "Watermark String", "med.WaterstrNotNull" : "Watermark string cannot be null.", "med.WhiteLight" : "Warning Light", "med.WideDynamicRange" : "WDR", "med.YOKO" : "Legrand", "med.Zone" : "Region", "med.imagefps1" : "1 sec.", "net.1xContent" : "802.1x is a network access control protocol which can effectively prevent access from unauthorized hosts.", "net.24GHZ" : "2.4GHz", "net.3G" : "3G", "net.3G4Gmoudlereset" : "3G/4G Module Reset", "net.3GNosignal" : "3G/4G No Signal", "net.3GRessignal" : "3G/4G Signal Recovered", "net.4G" : "4G", "net.5GHz" : "5GHz", "net.APFailed" : "Wi-Fi AP module update failed.", "net.APN" : "APN", "net.APSuccess" : "Wi-Fi AP module update succeeded.", "net.AccessPoint" : "Access Point", "net.AccessType" : "Access Type", "net.Accesspower" : "Access Permission", "net.ActiveBackup" : "Fault Tolerance", "net.AddFaidByUninitDevice" : "Please initialize device first.", "net.Addmasterdev" : "Add Main Device", "net.Addslavedev" : "Add Sub Device", "net.AlarmServer" : "Alarm Center", "net.Alarprotol" : "Private|Bosch|Custom", "net.AlternateIP" : "Alternate IP", "net.ApAddedNums" : "Connected Device Quantity", "net.AuthenticationFailed" : "Authentication failed.", "net.AuthenticationPassword" : "Authentication Password", "net.AuthenticationType" : "Authentication Type", "net.Authmethod" : "Authentication Mode", "net.AutoDialup" : "Auto Dial-up", "net.AutoRepeater" : "Auto Cascade", "net.AutoRepeatering" : "Cascading now. Please try again later.", "net.AverageDelay" : "Average Delay", "net.BRMode" : "Enhancement Mode", "net.BRModeGroup" : "Off|On", "net.BadFormatIPV6address" : "Invalid IPv6 address, default gateway or DNS server.", "net.BalanceRR" : "Load Balance", "net.Bandwidth" : "Bandwidth", "net.BlackNote":"Source hosts whose IP/MAC are in the following list are not allowed to access corresponding ports of the device.", "net.BondMembers2" : "Bond at least two NICs.", "net.BondingNetCard" : "NIC Bond %d", "net.BroadcastAudioout" : "Play", "net.CACert" : "CA Certificate", "net.Caller" : "Caller", "net.CapBak" : "Packet Sniffer Backup", "net.CapSize" : "Packet Sniffer Size", "net.CardMode" : "NIC Type", "net.Cardpri" : "Priority", "net.ChaSelmode" : "Digital|Analog", "net.Chatype" : "Channel Type", "net.Chknetcnnt" : "Checking network connection…", "net.ChnUsedByPoe" : "PoE channel is already occupied by LAN camera.", "net.Client" : "Mobile Client", "net.ClientCert" : "Client Certificate", "net.ClientKey" : "Private Key", "net.ClientKeyPassword" : "Private Key Password", "net.CloseWifiAutoAdd" : "Pairing, do you want to stop?", "net.ClusterControl" : "Cluster Control", "net.ClusterService" : "Cluster Service", "net.ClusterSetting" : "Cluster Setting", "net.Config" : "Broadcast", "net.ConflictIP" : "The conflict IP address is", "net.ConnectAutomatically" : "Connect Automatically", "net.ConnectDVR" : "Please connect the Network cable from the DVR to the router.", "net.ConnectReLoading" : "The certificate is already created. IP address is redirecting...", "net.Connectlog" : "Connection", "net.Connectmode" : "Security Type", "net.Creatcluster" : "Create Cluster", "net.CreateCertificate" : "Create Certificate", "net.CurHotPoint" : "SSID", "net.DDNSRiskTip" : "After enabling DDNS function, third-party server may collect your device info.", "net.DHCP" : "DHCP", "net.DVRIP" : "DVR IP address is", "net.DataControl" : "Data Control", "net.DcsDeleteInfo" : "Note: Cluster will stop when DCS sub is not online. Cluster will start again when the DCS sub is online.", "net.Dcsclose" : "Stop Cluster", "net.Dcsopen" : "Start Cluster", "net.Ddns" : "DDNS", "net.DdnsDomain" : "Get List", "net.Ddnsabuse" : "The client is blocked due to many update requests.", "net.Ddnsbadagent" : "The client is blocked due to too much junk data.", "net.Ddnsnotfqdn" : "Domain name parameter or format error.", "net.Ddnsserrup" : "DNS update failed.", "net.DefaultCard" : "Default Card", "net.Delslavedev" : "Delete Sub Device", "net.DestinationIP" : "Destination IP", "net.DevQRcode" : "Device QR Code", "net.Devicehasexisted" : "The device already exists.", "net.Devicenamehasexisted" : "The device name already exists.", "net.Dfltgate" : "Default Gateway", "net.DhcpServer" : "DHCP Server", "net.DialNum" : "Dial-up No.", "net.Dialup" : "Dial", "net.DnsAndDhcp" : "DNS DHCP", "net.Dnsautoregister" : "Automatically acquired DNS server address.", "net.DomainName" : "Domain Name", "net.DownloadCertificate" : "Download Certificate", "net.DvrethDevices" : "NIC 1|NIC 2|NIC Bonding", "net.Emailset" : "Email", "net.EncryptionType" : "Encryption Type", "net.ErrorSender" : "Sender format error.", "net.ErrorstartFailedappLocalNCTalk" : "Local talk in progress. Failed to enable voice broadcast.", "net.ErrorstartFailedappWeb" : "Talk between client and device in progress. Failed to enable voice broadcast.", "net.ErrorstartFailedappWebBroadcstTalk" : "Talk between client and camera in progress. Failed to enable voice broadcast.", "net.EthDevName" : "NIC Name", "net.EthPrimary" : "Primary Port", "net.EthernetCard" : "NIC", "net.EthernetCardBonding" : "NIC Bonding", "net.ExpandCard" : "Expansion Card", "net.FTPName" : "FTP Security Configuration", "net.FirstDNSServer" : "Preferred DNS", "net.ForbiddenPing" : "PING Prohibited", "net.ForbiddenSemijoin" : "Semi Join", "net.Free" : "Idle", "net.GB28181Client" : "GB28181 Client", "net.GB28181Server" : "GB28181 Server", "net.HTTPSName" : "HTTPS Security Configuration", "net.HTTPsPort" : "HTTPS Port", "net.HlsFormat" : "HLS Format", "net.HttpPorts" : "HTTP Port", "net.HttpPorttip" : "(1-65535)", "net.Https" : "HTTPS", "net.HttpsDisableTip" : "Disabling HTTPS may be at risk. Continue?", "net.IPArea" : "IP Segment", "net.IPCannotBetheame" : "IP address conflict between network cards.", "net.IPCanotbenull" : "IP address cannot be null.", "net.IPDomainName" : "IP/Domain Name", "net.IPExistedTips" : "This IP address already exists. Continue to modify?", "net.IPSCanNotInSameExtent" : "Internal IP address cannot exist in the same segment with physical IP or virtual IP.", "net.IPaddrMAC" : "IP Address/MAC Address", "net.IPandGatWaynotinsamegridding" : "The IP address does not match the default gateway.", "net.IPnotconflict" : "IP is available.", "net.IPorGatWaygui32notvalid" : "The first section of IPv4 address ranges from 1 to 223.", "net.IPorGateWayisnotvalid" : "Invalid IP address or gateway.", "net.IPreLoading" : "IP address is modified. Web page is redirecting…", "net.IPv4Invalid" : "Invalid IP address.", "net.IPv6HostGateWayDNSNotEmpty" : "IPv6 address, gateway or DNS server cannot be null.", "net.ISCSITargets" : "iSCSI List", "net.ISCSIType" : "iSCSI", "net.Incepter" : "Receiver", "net.Init" : "Initialize", "net.InitRemoteSelect" : "Please select uninitialized device.", "net.Innerip" : "LAN IP", "net.Intport" : "Internal Port", "net.InvalidURL" : "Invalid URL", "net.IpNotNowTip" : "IP address cannot be the same as the device address.", "net.Ipaddressnotzero" : "IP address cannot be or", "net.Iptype" : "IP Address|IP Segment", "net.Lechange" : "Cloud", "net.LinenoteLive" : "Activate by Dial-up/SMS", "net.LinkAddress" : "Link Address", "net.Linkinfo" : "Camera Linked Info", "net.Linkstate" : "Status", "net.LocalSipPort" : "Local SIP Port", "net.LogNetAlarm" : "Network alarm: %d %s", "net.Logamendgateway" : "Gateway modified as [%d.%d.%d.%d].", "com.LoginErrorNo33" : "Network disconnected.", "net.LostRate" : "Packet Loss Rate", "net.MACHasExisted" : "MAC address already exists.", "net.MACInvalid" : "Invalid MAC address.", "net.MTU" : "MTU", "net.MacAddress" : "MAC Address", "net.Mailsender" : "Sender", "net.MainIP" : "Preferred IP", "net.MainNetCameratip" : "Add and configure cameras.", "net.MainNetCameratipForEncode" : "Add cameras, set A/V encode, camera properties and camera name.", "net.ManageCard" : "Manage NIC", "net.ManualRepeater" : "Manual Cascade", "net.MappedCAM" : "Added Device", "net.MappedCAMFull" : "Camera needs at least %d idle channels. Failed to add. No idle channels available.", "net.Masterip" : "Main IP Address", "net.Maxconntip" : "(0-128)", "net.MaximumConnect" : "Max Connection", "net.MaximumOutConnect" : "Max Failure Times", "net.ModRemoteIP" : "Modify IP", "net.ModifyMapping" : "Modify Mapping", "net.ModifyRemoteIPWaiting" : "IP address is being modified. Please wait…", "net.ModifyRemoteIPdataerror" : "Failed to modify IP address.Data error.", "net.ModifyRemoteIPnoauthority" : "Operation failed. No permission.", "net.ModifyRemoteIPnosupport" : "Operation failed.The IP address of the device cannot be modified.", "net.ModifyRemoteIPtimeout" : "IP modification timeout. Reconnect the camera and refresh camera list.", "net.Modulestate" : "Module Status", "net.MsgNoDdnsSet" : "No valid DDNS setting.", "net.MsgTip1" : "IPv4: Both start IP and end IP of DHCP must exist in the same segment.", "net.MsgTip2" : "IPv4:End IP of DHCP must be bigger than start IP.", "net.MsgTip4" : "IPv4: Device IP and Wi-Fi module IP cannot exist in the same segment.", "net.Multicast" : "Multicast", "net.MulticastAddress" : "Multicast Address", "net.MuticastIpError" : "Wrong multicast address. Correct range is from to", "net.NTPServicePort" : "NTP Server Port", "net.Needonemasterdeviceandoneslavedevice" : "At least one main device and one sub device are needed.", "net.NetAccess" : "Network Access", "net.NetAlarmPresecs" : "Before Alarm Trigger", "net.NetApnnotnull" : "Both APN and dialing No. cannot be null.", "net.NetCardBondMembers" : "NIC Member", "net.NetDetectTip" : "View online users, network load, test network status and network packet.", "net.NetDhcp" : "DHCP in progress. Please wait…", "net.NetDns" : "DNS Setting", "net.NetInfo" : "Network", "net.NetIpv6Dns" : "IPv6 DNS Setting", "net.NetMode" : "Network Mode", "net.NetMultNetIPConflict" : "DHCP failed. IP address conflict exists between local device and front-end device, so it fails to add. Please configure device network again. Auto setting will assign a suitable IP address to your device and modify IP segment of front-end device, and these devices will be added to the list.", "net.NetRepair" : "Report a Repair", "net.NetSgjgPicuploadTypeContent" : "Test|Acceptance|Maintenance", "net.NetSgjgRepairType" : "Repair Type", "net.NetSpeedSend" : "Transmit", "net.NetType" : "Network Type", "net.Netabort" : "Offline", "net.Netabortrecover" : "Network restored.", "net.Netcardnum" : "Total NIC", "net.Netportbindfailed" : "Failed to bind network port.", "net.Nettip" : "Please check the network cable make sure if connected to the router or try another cable. Restart DVR.If still error,look for the instruction on the CD.", "net.Network" : "Network", "net.NetworkSettings" : "Network", "net.Networkload" : "Network Load", "net.NextDNSServer" : "Alternate DNS", "net.NotFindDeviceInfo" : "Failed to find corresponding device info.", "net.NotSupportSwitch" : "The NIC does not support Switch function.", "net.NoteLive" : "Activate by SMS", "net.NoteSend" : "Send SMS", "net.Ntpset" : "NTP", "net.Offline" : "Offline", "net.OfflineDownLoad" : "ANR", "net.Online" : "Online", "net.OragnizationUnit" : "Organization Unit", "net.Outerip" : "WAN IP", "net.P2P" : "P2P", "net.P2pclienttips" : "Scan to download", "net.POEanddeviceinsamegridding" : "Switch IP and device IP cannot exist in the same segment.", "net.PPPoE" : "PPPoE", "net.Pcaping" : "Packet sniffer in progress. Operation failed.", "net.PhoneLive" : "Phone Activation", "net.PhoneMonitor" : "Cell Phone Surveillance", "net.Pleasopendcsfirst" : "Please enable cluster first.", "net.PoEManagementExplanation" : "Note: \n\n1. About icon:for PoE connection status, green circle means the device is connected and red circle means the device is disconnected;\n\n2. Power protection function:Once the system detects the connected total power consumption exceeds the threshold, it begins to disconnect device one by one according to the port number (N~1). System stops disconnecting when the total power consumption is restored to rated power;\n\n3. Link quality:It mainly contains three levels: poor, average and good. Try to enable signal enhancement mode when the link quality is poor.", "net.PoEManagementExplanationNoQuality" : "Note: \n\n1. About icon:for PoE connection status, green circle means the device is connected and red circle means the device is disconnected;\n\n2. Power protection function:Once the system detects the connected total power consumption exceeds the threshold, it begins to disconnect device one by one according to the port number (N - 1). System stops disconnecting when the total power consumption is restored to rated power.", "net.PocExplain" : "AF: Max power consumption of the PoC camera is 6W.\n\nAT: Max power consumption of the PoC camera is 12W.\n\n--: Non PoC camera or no camera is connected.", "net.PoeChannel" : "LAN Mapping Channel", "net.PoeReplaceMessage" : "PoE %d port is occupied by [%s]. Confirm to delete it?", "net.Port" : "Port", "net.PortEnd" : "End Port", "net.PortMappingList" : "Port Mapping List", "net.PortStart" : "Start Port", "net.Portmap" : "Port Mapping", "net.PowerMode" : "Strong|Medium|Weak", "net.Pppstate" : "PPP Status", "net.RTSPModeName" : "RTSP Login Mode", "net.RTSPModeWarn" : "You connot log in to device from an RTSP client that does not support Digest authentication.", "net.RTSPTLSContent" : "RTSP stream is encrypted by using TLS tunnel before transmission.", "net.ReadCommon" : "Read Community", "net.Receiver" : "Receiver", "net.ReceiverRepeat" : "The receiver is already added.", "net.RecordBackup" : "Start record transfer?", "net.Recordbkup" : "Transfer Record", "net.Recv" : "Receive", "net.RegistFailInterval" : "Registration Failure Interval", "net.RemAddMau" : "Manual Add", "net.RemoteInfo" : "Channel Status", "net.Remotedevice" : "Add Camera", "net.Remotemouse" : "Mouse Roaming", "net.RepairMaster" : "Main Repair", "net.Repeater" : "Wi-Fi Repeater", "net.ReplaceChannel" : "The channel is connected. Replace it now?", "net.ReplaceMasterSlave" : "Main/Sub Switch", "net.ResetAutoRepeater" : "Recascade", "net.Restricttype" : "Allow List|Block List", "net.RtpSort" : "RTP Packet Sequencing", "net.RtpSortMaxNum" : "RTP Packet Queue Max. Value", "net.RtspFormat" : "RTSP Format", "net.RtspPort" : "RTSP Port", "net.RtspoverTLS" : "RTSP over TLS", "net.Running" : "Transferring", "net.SIMstate" : "SIM Status", "net.SIPDomain" : "SIP Domain", "net.SIPProtocol" : "Signaling Transport Protocol", "net.SMS" : "SMS", "net.SMTPName" : "EMAIL Security Configuration", "net.SMTPServer" : "SMTP Server", "net.SNMP" : "SNMP", "net.SNMP12RiskTip" : "SNMP V1 and V2 may be at risk. Continue?", "net.SNMP1RiskTip" : "SNMP V1 may be at risk. Continue?", "net.SNMP2RiskTip" : "SNMP V2 may be at risk. Continue?", "net.SNMPName" : "SNMP Security Configuration", "net.SNMPPort" : "SNMP Port", "net.SNMPv1" : "V1", "net.SNMPv1/v2" : "SNMP V1/V2", "net.SNMPv2" : "V2", "net.SNMPv3R" : "V3 (Recommended)", "net.SSIDList" : "SSID List", "net.SameSegment" : "IP segment conflict between network cards.", "net.SaveFirst" : "Please save current config first.", "net.Searchinfo" : "Device List", "net.Searching" : "Search...", "net.SecurityType" : "NetWork Access-Allowlist|NetWork Access-Blocklist|Sync Time-Allowlist", "net.SelectRecordPath" : "Please select a storage path.", "net.Selfreporttime" : "Auto Report Plan", "net.Sender" : "Sender", "net.SerialFunction" : "Function", "net.ServerAddr" : "Server Address", "net.ServerNames" : "Service Name", "net.ServerType" : "Server Type", "net.SetMtuError" : "MTU setting failed.", "net.Setuptip" : "The next step will be a Network Setup so you can view the cameras over the internet.", "net.SignalCheckTime" : "Validity Period of Signaling Interaction", "net.Signalqality" : "Signal Intensity", "net.SingleNetCard" : "Single NIC", "net.SipRegExpires" : "Registration Validity Period", "net.SipSvrId" : "SIP Server No.", "net.SipSvrIp" : "SIP Server IP", "net.SipSvrPort" : "SIP Server Port", "net.Slaveip" : "Sub IP Address", "net.Snifferset" : "Packet Sniffer Setting", "net.SniffersrcAddress" : "Host IP/MAC", "net.SnmpRWCommonNotEmpty" : "Read/write community cannot be null.", "net.SnmpRwUser" : "Read/Write Username", "net.SnmpuserConflict" : "The read-only username and read/write username cannot be the same.", "net.SnmpuserEmpty" : "Read-only or read/write username cannot be null.", "net.Somechnipportsame" : "Failed to add. Same IP address and TCP port already exist.", "net.SoundRecordTip" : "Talk will be recorded after enabling the function of audio recording.", "net.SourceIP" : "Source IP", "net.SourcePort" : "Source Port", "net.Speed" : "Transfer Rate", "net.SsidSearch" : "Search SSID", "net.StandardCard" : "Standard NIC", "net.StartIPBigger" : "Start address is bigger than end address.", "net.State" : "Network Status", "net.Static" : "Static", "net.Statusvalue" : "Succeed|Failed", "net.SubdeviceID" : "Sub-Device ID", "net.SubnetAddressesWrongTip" : "Invalid subnet mask.", "net.SubnetMask" : "Subnet Mask", "net.Switch" : "Switch", "net.SyncTimeWhitelist" : "Sync Time-Allowlist", "net.TLSRiskTip" : "Encryption type except TLS might have risk. TLS encryption type is recommended.", "net.TaskNum" : "Task Quantity", "net.TcpOrIp" : "TCP/IP", "net.TcpPort" : "TCP Port", "net.Tcpporttip" : "(1025-65535)", "net.TestEmailFailed" : "Test failed.", "net.TestResult" : "Test Result", "net.TestSuccess" : "Test succeeded.", "net.Testipandgateway" : "Please check the settings of IP address and gateway, and network cable connection.", "net.Thedeviceshouldbeslavedevice" : "The device can only be used as sub.", "net.Timepower" : "Sync Time", "net.Timetable" : "Effective Time", "net.TrapIP" : "Trap Address", "net.TrapPort" : "Trap Port", "net.UNEXIST" : "Not Exist", "net.UPNP" : "UPnP", "net.UPnPEnabledRiskTip" : "After enabling UPnP, Intranet service port of the device will be mapped to Extranet. Continue?", "net.URL" : "URL Address", "net.Udpport" : "UDP Port", "net.UnBond" : "Unbind", "net.UnknowError" : "Unknown error.", "conf_net.unknowError" : "Unknown error.", "net.Upnpstate" : "Checking router for UPnP function...", "net.UseInnerIP" : "Please repair cluste in LAN.", "net.UserID" : "Identity", "net.VirtualHost" : "Virtual Host", "net.VirtualhostRisktip" : "After virtual host is enabled, external network can access the internal network.", "net.WIFI" : "Wi-Fi", "net.Wanstate" : "Checking internet IP address…Error", "net.WhiteNote":"Only source hosts whose IP/MAC are in the following list are allowed to access corresponding ports of the device.", "net.WifiAPDisable" : "AP hotspot is not enabled.", "net.WifiAPUpgrade" : "Wi-Fi AP Module Update", "net.WifiAutoAdding" : "Pairing, countdown:", "net.WifiInfo" : "Wi-Fi Info", "net.Wifiap" : "WIFI AP", "net.Wire8021x" : "802.1x", "net.Wireless4gSet" : "3G/4G", "net.WirelessSignal" : "Wireless Signal", "net.Workdcsip" : "Working DCS IP Address", "net.Workdcsreplace" : "Working DCS Switch", "net.WriteCommon" : "Write Community", "net.manualPicupload" : "Manually Upload Image", "NotAllowedIPLogin" : "Prohibited IP Access Device", "NotAllowedTimeLogin" : "Login not in the specified time range.", "ocx.CantControlPTZChanneRealplay" : "Need to control PTZ in the realtime monitoring status.", "ocx.CapturePictureFaild" : "Snapshot failed.", "ocx.CloseChannelAudioFirst" : "Operation failed. Please disable the channel sound first.", "ocx.CloseVideo" : "Close", "ocx.CloudUpgradeInvalid" : "The device does not support online update.", "ocx.CompressionPlaybackFailed" : "Limited resources. HD transcoding failed.", "ocx.Filelistchecked" : "The file is selected and it cannot be clipped.", "ocx.FluencyMode" : "Fluency Mode", "ocx.FrontFrame" : "Previous Frame", "ocx.FunctionFailed" : "HD transcoding function is already enabled.", "ocx.HighPictureQuality" : "High Quality", "ocx.LocalRecord" : "Record", "ocx.LowPictureQuality" : "Low Quality", "ocx.MicSource" : "Please plug in a microphone.", "ocx.MutiDisplayMode" : "Split Mode", "ocx.Nomotionregion" : "No motion detection data in the area.", "ocx.PleaseCheckFirst" : "Please check first.", "ocx.RemoteBackup" : "Remote Backup", "ocx.Satu" : "Sat", "ocx.Slow" : "Slow", "ocx.Spaceinfo" : "Needed Space/Free Space:", "ocx.StartChannel" : "Live Channel", "per.AddSensor" : "Add Sensor", "per.AlarmBox" : "Alarm Box", "per.AlarmChnName" : "Alarm Input Channel Name", "per.AlarmDelay" : "Post-Alarm", "per.AlarmInput" : "Alarm-in Port", "per.AudioInput" : "Audio Input", "per.AutoScan" : "Scan", "per.Autopanon" : "Pan", "per.Aux" : "Auxiliary", "per.AuxNo" : "Aux No.", "per.Auxdiroper" : "Shortcut Aux", "per.Campower" : "Lens Power", "per.Cleartour" : "Delete Tour", "per.Comctrl" : "Serial Port", "per.Cruise" : "Tour", "per.DetectName" : "Access Point Name", "per.HighHumidityState" : "High Humidity", "per.HumidityGraph" : "Humidity Chart", "per.LowHumidityState" : "Low Humidity", "per.NatureRange" : "Normal Value Range", "per.Nightsee" : "Light", "per.PTZMenu" : "PTZ Menu", "per.Patrolno" : "Tour No.", "per.Pattern" : "Pattern", "per.PortIsSystemPort" : "Operation failed. Reserved port cannot be used.", "per.Preset" : "Preset", "per.PtzSet" : "PTZ", "per.Ptzctrlmode" : "Control Mode", "per.Ptztypeenum" : "Local|Remote", "per.RainBrush" : "Wiper", "per.Sensor" : "Sensor", "per.SensorPairing" : "Sensor Pairing", "per.Setp" : "Speed", "per.StartRec" : "Start Record", "per.Step" : "Speed(1-8):", "per.Stopautopanon" : "Stop Pan", "per.Stopcruise" : "Stop Tour", "per.Stopflip" : "Stop Flip", "per.Stoppattern" : "Stop Pattern", "per.Stoptour" : "Stop Scan", "per.TempSensor" : "Temperature Sensor", "per.TemperatureGraph" : "Temperature Chart", "per.WirelessCam" : "Camera Gateway", "per.WirelessDetect" : "Wireless Detector", "per.WirelessUsb" : "USB Gateway", "pfm.AEBell" : "AEBell", "pfm.AuthTypeOneWay" : "One-way Identity Authentication", "pfm.CivilCode" : "Division Code", "pfm.DeviceTree" : "Device Tree", "pfm.IntervideoID" : "Intervideo ID", "pfm.RecordState" : "Record Status", "pfm.VSPGAYS" : "GB Access", "PhoneCallDetect" : "Call Alarm", "Please draw lane" : "Please draw lane line.", "Please draw line" : "Please draw a rule.", "Please draw rect" : "Please draw rectangle.", "sto.AlreadyStart" : "Checking and repairing disks. Please try again later.", "sto.AtLeastOneReadWriteDisk" : "Operation failed. No operating disk available.", "sto.AutomaticRecord" : "Auto Recording: %s", "sto.Backuphistory" : "History Frame Extraction", "sto.BadSectorList" : "Bad Sector List", "sto.CPU" : "CPU Usage", "sto.Cabinet" : "Cabinet", "sto.CapCanNotBeNull" : "Space cannot be null.", "sto.CapaUsed" : "Used Space", "sto.Capainfo" : "Free Space/Total Space", "sto.Capcity" : "Space Info", "sto.Celerity" : "One-Click Create", "sto.Config" : "RAID", "sto.CopyExplain" : "Note: Cannot copy the configurations related to channel, such as recorded video, snapshot, alarm output, and tour.", "sto.Create" : "Manual Create", "sto.Createsharefile" : "Create Shared Folder", "sto.Describe" : "Description:", "sto.Detect" : "Disk Check", "sto.Detectbad" : "Bad", "sto.Detectcurrent" : "Checking Disk", "sto.Detectdetecting" : "Checking and repairing disks. Are you sure to pause and exit page?", "sto.Detectfast" : "Quick Check", "sto.Detectfull" : "Global Check", "sto.Detectnumber" : "Total Checked", "sto.Detectreport" : "Check Report", "sto.Detectresult" : "Results", "sto.Detectselect" : "Select Disk(s)", "sto.Detectsmart" : "S.M.A.R.T", "sto.Detectspeed" : "Speed", "sto.Detectstart" : "Start Check", "sto.Detectstop" : "Stop Check", "sto.Detecttime" : "Check Time", "sto.Detecttype" : "Check Type", "sto.Detectview" : "View", "sto.Disk" : "General Disk", "sto.DiskDetectTips" : "Note: Disk status error. Please go to Storage -> Disk Check, and check the disk.", "sto.DiskGroup" : "Disk Group", "sto.DiskHasBadSector" : "Bad sectors exist.", "sto.DiskInfoError" : "Failed to acquire disk information.", "sto.DiskOperate" : "Disk Operation", "sto.Diskno" : "Disk No.", "sto.DrawFrame" : "Frame Extraction", "sto.EnableAllChannelManualRecord" : "Enable all-channel manual record.", "sto.Ensuechannelhasspace" : "Please make sure each channel has enough storage space.", "sto.EnvTemperature" : "Case Temperature", "sto.Esata" : "eSATA", "sto.Explevel" : "SAS", "sto.FTPRiskTip" : "FTP may be at risk. Continue?", "sto.Finish" : "Sync End Time", "sto.ForbidAddLocalSpare" : "The number of the RAID disks reached max limit (16). Cannot add private hot spare disks.", "sto.FormatAndStopRecord" : "Data will be cleared. Continue?", "sto.FormatClearVFSTips" : "Clear HDD database", "sto.Globalhotspare" : "Global Hot Standby", "sto.Groupmode" : "Disk group mode selected.", "sto.HardDisk" : "Disk", "sto.HardVibrationType" : "Disk Vibration", "sto.HasdirName" : "Shared directory already exists.", "sto.HaspoolName" : "Storage pool name already exists.", "sto.HddError" : "Unrecoverable damage is detected in your disk, please back up your data immediately and replace a new disk.", "sto.HddLinkAbnomal" : "The communication between system and disk is continuously unstable\n1. Please check if SATA connection cable and port are in good status; \n2. Please check if the disk is properly installed, and power off the device, power on again after 20s and check if it is normal.\nIf it still fails to remove the alarm message, please contact manufacturer for support.", "sto.HddST" : "Seagate", "sto.HddWD" : "WD", "sto.Hddmng" : "Disk Group", "sto.Hddmode" : "Disk Mode", "sto.Hddmodefromhddtoquata" : "Are you sure you want to switch from disk group mode to quota mode?", "sto.Hddmodefromquatatohdd" : "Are you sure you want to switch from quota mode to disk group mode?", "sto.Hddopt" : "Operation Type", "sto.Hotdisk" : "Hot Standby", "sto.HotspareTitle" : "Hot Standby", "sto.ISCSIApplication" : "iSCSI Application", "sto.ISCSIManage" : "iSCSI Management", "sto.Ide" : "IDE", "sto.Info" : "RAID Info", "sto.InfoMembersstate" : "Disk Status", "sto.InfoName" : "RAID Name", "sto.IputNASname" : "Please input name first.", "sto.IsSubDisk" : "Disk Members", "sto.IscsiStorage" : "iSCSI Storage Pool", "sto.Iscsidetailinfo" : "iSCSI Details", "sto.Knowntime" : "By Time", "sto.Knownvolume" : "By Space", "sto.Localhotspare" : "Private Hot Spare", "sto.Lockerror" : "Operation failed. The file is writing or locked.", "sto.LogHddInfoone" : "Total Disk", "sto.LogHddInfotwo" : "Operating Disk", "sto.LogHddNoSpace" : "Free space percentage of operating disk: %d%%", "sto.MainSourceA" : "Power A", "sto.MainSourceB" : "Power B", "sto.Memory" : "Memory Usage", "sto.ModifyDir" : "Modify Shared Folder", "sto.Modle" : "Model", "sto.MonthReport" : "Monthly", "sto.NameNounderline" : "The shared folder name cannot include underline.", "sto.NeedStopRecord" : "System needs to pause recording when setting RAID, and the record will be automatically resumed after setting succeeds. Continue?", "sto.NoDelVal" : "There is no detection value within the period.", "sto.NoExist" : "Disk not found.", "sto.NoVGname" : "Storage pool name does not exist.", "sto.NotEnoughPdRaid0" : "Disk quantity (2-16).", "sto.NotEnoughPdRaid1" : "Disk quantity (2).", "sto.NotEnoughPdRaid10" : "Disk quantity (4-16, must be even)", "sto.NotEnoughPdRaid5" : "Disk quantity (3-16).", "sto.NotEnoughPdRaid6" : "Disk quantity (4-16).", "sto.Notallcalibrate" : "Either main or sub camera is not calibrated.", "sto.NumberError" : "Disk Amount Error", "sto.Nummax" : "Locked file amount or space has reached the threshold.", "sto.Parater" : "Please check parameters.", "sto.PhyMainboard" : "Host", "sto.Physicalposition" : "Physical Position", "sto.PicVideoLoss" : "Both picture and video are missing.", "sto.PoolName" : "Please input storage pool name.", "sto.Progress" : "Synopsis Progress", "sto.Quata" : "Disk Quota", "sto.QuotaSetup" : "Disk Quota", "sto.Quotamode" : "Disk quota mode selected.", "sto.Raid" : "RAID", "sto.Raiderror" : "RAID status changed.", "sto.ReadOnly" : "Read Only", "sto.Realtimebkstarted" : "Instant recording…", "sto.RecentDelVal" : "Recent Check Value", "sto.Recetmonth" : "Recent One Month", "sto.Recetweek" : "Recent One Week", "sto.Redundancy" : "Redundancy", "sto.Repairstop" : "Stop Repair", "sto.ResumeSyn" : "Sync Recovery", "sto.SDError" : "SD card error", "sto.Sata" : "SATA", "sto.Scalstat" : "Quota Statistics", "sto.Searchfile" : "CH Type Start Time End Time Size(KB)", "sto.SectorNum" : "Sector No", "sto.Select" : "Please select history synopsis video.", "sto.Setchanstore" : "Disk Manager", "sto.Sethdd" : "Switch to Disk Group", "sto.Setscal" : "Quota Setting", "sto.SingleSource" : "Power", "sto.SmartAttributeValue" : "Value", "sto.SmartNo" : "Worse", "sto.SmartRawvalue" : "Initial Value", "sto.SmartWorst" : "Worst", "sto.Source" : "Power Info", "sto.SpaceLeft" : "Free Space", "sto.Specialraidnotallowed" : "Trans-cabinet RAID exists in the system. It is recommended to delete the RAID or plug its disks into the same cabinet.", "sto.StatusOk" : "OK", "sto.Storage" : "Storage", "sto.StorageHealthAlarmTip" : "SD Card Durability Warning", "sto.StorageLowSpaceChanQuata" : "Low quota space of the channel.", "sto.StorageManage" : "Storage", "sto.Synch" : "Sync Progress", "sto.Tank" : "Disk Enclosure", "sto.TankNo" : "Expansion Port", "sto.TemperAbnomal" : "The operating temperature of disk is continuously high. Please check if your device ventilation is blocked, and then lower ambient temperature. \nIf it still fails to remove the alarm message, please contact manufacturer for support.", "sto.Temperature" : "CPU Temperature", "sto.TemperatureType" : "Disk Temperature", "sto.Time" : "Record Time", "sto.Tipmessage" : "Support Seagate Skyhawk 4T or above.", "sto.TipsForbidFormatInactiveRaid" : "Inactive RAID is not allowed to be formatted.", "sto.Tipsspareformatandstoprecord" : "Data will be cleared after the disk is set as hot spare. Continue?", "sto.TooMuchSpare" : "Global hot spare disks can be added up to 4.", "sto.TotalCapacity" : "Total Space", "sto.TypeSnapshot" : "Snapshot", "sto.TypeUnkown" : "Unknown Type", "sto.TypeW" : "Read/Write", "sto.Unformat" : "Unformatted", "sto.UrgentRecord" : "Instant Record", "sto.Usbspace" : "(Free/Total)", "sto.VibrationType" : "Disk Link", "sto.Videoanalysis" : "Note: The record estimate data is for reference only. Please be cautious when evaluating record period.", "sto.Videocalcalculation" : "Rec Estimate", "sto.addspare" : "Add Hot Spare", "storepairstart" : "Start Repair", "sys.APupgradeTip" : "Insert USB and select files to update AP module. Do not power off during update.", "sys.ATMPOS" : "ATM/POS", "sys.ATMSetting" : "ATM Setting", "sys.Accbreak" : "ACC Power Off", "sys.Account" : "Account", "sys.AccountOrpasswordFailedTip" : "Wrong username or password. %d attempts remaining.", "sys.AccountStatContent" : "Detect whether a user password is as complicated as required.", "sys.Accountlocked" : "Account locked. Please reboot or try again in %d minutes.", "sys.Accresume" : "ACC Power Restored", "sys.ActivebackupToBalanceRR" : "Fault Tolerance -> Load Balance", "sys.ActivebackupToMultiadd" : "Fault Tolerance -> Multi-address", "sys.AddAndDelUserTip" : "Add/delete user, user permission management.", "sys.Addgroup" : "Add Group", "sys.AddgroupS" : "Add Group <%s>", "sys.Addgroupexist" : "The group already exists.", "sys.Adduser" : "Add User", "sys.TimeZone1Amsterdam" : "(UTC+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna", "sys.ArbitrageIP" : "Arbitrage IP", "sys.AtmposDescription" : "ATM/POS function setting, info query and playback.", "sys.AtmposTransTypes" : "--|Insert Card|Query|Withdraw|Change Password|Withdrawal Reverse|Detail Enquiry|Transfer|Deposit|Cash Deposit|Direct Debit|No Card Deposit|No Card Enquiry|Exit|Electronic Recharge|Other", "sys.AudioSelectAudioFile" : "Select Audio File", "sys.AuthCodeRefused" : "Incorrect or invalid security code. Please try again in 5 minutes.", "sys.Authority" : "Permission", "sys.AutoLogoutTime" : "Logout Time", "sys.AutoMaintain" : "Maintenance", "sys.AutoRebootSys" : "Auto Reboot", "sys.AutoRegister" : "Register", "sys.Autocheck" : "Auto Check for Updates", "sys.Backboard" : "Rear Panel", "sys.Backup" : "Backup", "sys.BackupDescription" : "Backup videos and pictures.", "sys.BackupMediaFileToFtp" : "Upload file to FTP", "sys.Backupdetect" : "Backup Device Found", "sys.Backuperr" : "Backup failed.", "sys.Backuprunning" : "Backup in progress. Operation failed.", "sys.BadConfigFileFormat" : "Config file error.", "sys.BalanceRRToActivebackup" : "Load Balance -> Fault Tolerance", "sys.BalanceRRToMultiadd" : "Load Balance -> Multi-address", "sys.Basicservice" : "Basic Services", "sys.Baudrate" : "Baud Rate", "sys.Beingbackup" : "Backup in progress. Please wait…", "sys.BindMail" : "Reserved Email", "sys.BindMobilePhone" : "Reserved Mobile Number", "sys.BkConfigAuth" : "Config Backup", "sys.Bkuperror" : "Backup error. Please check the status of backup device.", "sys.Bkupover" : "Backup completed.", "sys.BlastTimes" : "Brute Force Attack Times", "sys.BruteWarnContent" : "The device gives a warning to user when an access violation is detected.", "sys.Businessused" : "Used by", "sys.CAContent" : "Protect communication security based on the PKI digital certificate technology.", "sys.CPU" : "CPU", "sys.CamOnekeyadd" : "Smart Add", "sys.CantDelRecord" : "Failed to delete. The ongoing video backup tasks cannot be deleted.", "sys.CertCRL" : "Certificate Revocation List (CRL)", "sys.CfgEncStoreContent" : "Configuration files storage is encrypted.", "sys.CfgEncStoreName" : "Storage Encryption", "sys.CfgExpEncContent" : "Support configuration files encryption before export.", "sys.CfgExport" : "Config Export", "sys.CfgFileSecName" : "Configuration Files Security", "sys.CfgImport" : "Config Import", "sys.ChannelList" : "Channel List", "sys.CheckPoint" : "Detection Item", "sys.CheckPwdError" : "Password verification failed.", "sys.ChooseCountry" : "Please select region", "sys.CloudAccessNote" : "The Cloud will be enabled to assist you in remotely managing your device. We need to collect your IP address, MAC address, device name, device SN after enabling Cloud and connecting to the Internet. All collected info is used only for the purpose of remote access. \nPlease un-select the check box if you do not agree to enable the Cloud function.", "sys.CloudAccessTip" : "Video surveillance will be suspended during device update. Continue?", "sys.CloudUpgChecking" : "Checking", "sys.CloudUpgErrCheckTimeout" : "Check timeout.", "sys.CloudUpgErrDisable" : "Online update is not enabled.", "sys.CloudUpgErrHasNewVersion" : "New version found. Please check again.", "sys.CloudUpgErrNoVersion" : "You are using the latest version.", "sys.CloudUpgErrUnknown" : "Other error.", "sys.CloudUpgrateAffirm" : "Launch online update now?", "sys.ClusterLog" : "Cluster Log", "sys.CollectRename" : "Rename", "sys.Com" : "Packet sniffer mode is COM", "sys.ComRebootTip" : "Config comes into effect after reboot. Are you sure you want to reboot the device?", "sys.Combineorder" : "Group Sequence", "sys.CommAnnunciator" : "Siren", "sys.CommBocom" : "BOCOM Keyboard", "sys.CommCardreader" : "Card Reader", "sys.CommCombanknote" : "Training Banknote", "sys.CommComptzmatrix" : "PTZ Matrix", "sys.CommConsole" : "General", "sys.CommDhatm" : "Protocol", "sys.CommDhkbd" : "Serial Port Keyboard", "sys.CommGuaocom" : "GOOAO", "sys.CommNetkeyboard" : "Network Keyboard", "sys.CommRedapple" : "Red Apple Keyboard", "sys.CommTranscom" : "Transparent", "sys.CommXueyuan" : "RTM Keyboard", "sys.CommYdvs" : "YDVS", "sys.CompatibleMode" : "Compatible Mode", "sys.ConfImportTip" : "Imported configuration will overwrite previous configuration.", "sys.ConfigFile" : "Profile", "sys.ConfigIO" : "Import/Export", "sys.ConfigManage" : "Profile Management", "sys.ConfigOpr" : "Config", "sys.Confirmformat" : "File system incompatible. Please format the disk first.", "sys.Coordinatex" : "X", "sys.Coordinatey" : "Y", "sys.DOStitle" : "Anti-DoS Attack", "sys.DST" : "DST", "sys.DataBit" : "Data Bit", "sys.DataOpr" : "Storage", "sys.DateFormat" : "Date Format", "sys.DateTime" : "Date&Time", "sys.Dateformatsel" : "YYYY MM DD|MM DD YYYY|DD MM YYYY", "sys.Datespector" : "Date Separator", "sys.Day4" : "Thu", "sys.DayMonthYear" : "DD MM YYYY", "sys.DcsBackup" : "DCS Backup Device", "sys.DcsReplaceIP" : "Replace IP", "sys.DcsSwtich" : "Cluster Switch", "sys.DcsTaskId" : "Task ID", "sys.DcsWillBeClosed" : "There is no DCS backup device. The DCS cluster is going to close after deletion.", "sys.DcsWork" : "DCS Working Device", "sys.Ddnsothereerror" : "Config error or network error.", "sys.DealNum" : "Transaction No.", "sys.DealTime" : "Transaction Time", "sys.DecDisabled" : "Decode Disable", "sys.DecodeVideout" : "Decode Tour", "sys.Defensetitle" : "ATTACK DEFENSE", "sys.DelFileTip" : "The deleted files cannot be restored. Continue?", "sys.Deletetime" : "Never|Custom", "sys.Deleteuser" : "Delete User", "sys.Delgroup" : "Delete Group", "sys.Deltag" : "Delete Record Tag", "sys.DetectTour" : "Motion Tour", "sys.DevInitSuccess" : "Initialization succedded.", "sys.DevStatus" : "Malfunction", "sys.Devcerttip" : "A device certificate is a proof of device legal status. For example, when the browser is visiting device via HTTPS, the device certificate shall be verified.", "sys.DeviceMaintain" : "MAINTENANCE", "sys.DeviceUpgrade" : "Camera Update", "sys.Displayposition" : "Top Left|Bottom Left|Top Right|Bottom Right", "sys.Displaytime" : "Overlay Time", "sys.EncryTip" : "Please keep unencrypted files well to avoid data leakage.", "sys.Errortypes" : "--|Note Swallowed|Card Swallowed|", "sys.EvtSettip" : "Set event config and control alarm mode.", "sys.ExceptionProgramRun" : "Invalid executable programs attempting to run", "sys.FactorySetTip" : "All the parameters will be restored to factory default settings. Continue?", "sys.Failed" : "Update failed.", "sys.Fan" : "CPU Fan", "sys.FanState" : "Fan Status", "sys.FileBackup" : "File Backup", "sys.FileBackupEncrypt" : "Backup Encryption", "sys.Finance" : "Financial Service", "sys.FindNewVersion" : "New system version found.", "sys.FindResult" : "Results: Total %d logs. Time range: %s - %s", "sys.FireWall" : "FIREWALL", "sys.FirmEncContent" : "Storage of firmware in device Flash is encrypted for data safety.", "sys.FirmEncName" : "Firmware Encryption", "sys.GenDevice" : "SHUTDOWN", "sys.GetbackPasswordType" : "Reset Mode", "sys.GetbackPasswordtypeemail" : "Email", "sys.Global" : "Case", "sys.Groupname" : "Group Name", "sys.Groupnameinvalidchar" : "Operation failed. Group name cannot be null or include invalid characters.", "sys.HardVersion" : "Hardware Version", "sys.HddBeepReset" : "Disk buzzer alarm reset.", "sys.Hsdownload" : "Unlimited|Custom", "sys.Httpstip" : "To enhance system security, the %s service can be accessed to device via HTTPS.", "sys.ICMPFloodName" : "ICMP Flood Attack Defense", "sys.ICMPflood" : "ICMP Flood Attack Defense:", "sys.IPVersion" : "IP Version", "sys.IQIMode" : "Image Enhancement", "sys.Im3rdpartycert" : "Import Third-party Certificate", "sys.Imageplayfile" : "Picture Playback", "sys.ImportCRL" : "Import CRL", "sys.InfoType" : "Message Type", "sys.InputSafecode" : "Security Code", "sys.InputSerialError" : "Registration code is wrong.", "sys.InputSerialNumber" : "Registration Code", "sys.InputSerialOld" : "Registration code is expired.", "sys.Installtrucert" : "Install Trusted Certificate", "sys.InteractiveCreator" : "Originator", "sys.Ipcchecktime" : "CAM Time Sync", "sys.Ipconflictresume" : "IP conflict solved.", "sys.Lcdclsdowntime" : "LCD Sleep", "sys.Log" : "Log", "sys.LogAlarm" : "Local Alarm:%d", "sys.LogBackup" : "Backup [CH%d %s]", "sys.LogBlindEnd" : "Video tampering solved: %d", "sys.LogBlindIn" : "Video Tampering: %d", "sys.LogClear" : "Clear Log", "sys.LogClearInfo" : "Log Cleared", "sys.LogConfLoad" : "Load <%s> config.", "sys.LogConfSave" : "Saved <%s> config.", "sys.LogDeleteGroup" : "Delete group <%s>.", "sys.LogDeleteUser" : "Delete user <%s>.", "sys.LogFSError" : "File system error", "sys.LogFilterTip" : "Please select the logs to be saved.", "sys.LogHddAddr" : "Bad Sector", "sys.LogHddCapaFormat" : "Format disk<%s>", "sys.LogHddCapaRead" : "Disk <%s> read error [%x]", "sys.LogHddCapaTypeBK" : "Modify disk <%s> as backup", "sys.LogHddCapaTypeDF" : "Modify disk <%s> as frame extraction", "sys.LogHddCapaTypeGROUP" : "Modify disk group<%s>", "sys.LogHddCapaTypeRE" : "Modify disk <%s> as redundancy", "sys.LogHddCapaTypeRO" : "Modify disk <%s> as read-only", "sys.LogHddCapaTypeRW" : "Modify disk <%s> as read/write", "sys.LogHddCapaTypeSS" : "Set disk <%s> as snapshot disk", "sys.LogHddCapaWrite" : "Disk <%s> write error [%x]", "sys.LogHddFormat" : "Format disk<%d>", "sys.LogHddOtherErrone" : "Other disk errors", "sys.LogHddRead" : "Disk <%d> read error [%x]", "sys.LogHddTypeBK" : "Modify disk <%d> as backup", "sys.LogHddTypeDF" : "Modify disk <%d> as frame extraction", "sys.LogHddTypeRE" : "Modify disk <%d> as redundancy", "sys.LogHddTypeRO" : "Modify disk <%d> as read-only", "sys.LogHddTypeRW" : "Modify disk <%d> as read/write", "sys.LogHddTypeSS" : "Modify disk <%d> as snapshot", "sys.LogHddWorkdirChange" : "Switch Operating Disk", "sys.LogHddWrite" : "Disk <%d> write error [%x]", "sys.LogLogin" : "<%s> User logged in.", "sys.LogLogout" : "<%s> User Logout", "sys.LogLossEnd" : "Video loss ended: %d.", "sys.LogLossIn" : "Video Loss: %d.", "sys.LogManualRecord" : "Manual Record:%s", "sys.LogManualRecordStart" : "Start Record: %s", "sys.LogManualRecordStop" : "Stop Recording: %s", "sys.LogModPasswd" : "Modify password of user <%s>.", "sys.LogModifyGroup" : "Modified Group <%s>", "sys.LogModifyUser" : "Modify user <%s>.", "sys.LogMotionEnd" : "Motion Detection End: %d", "sys.LogMotionIn" : "Motion detection:%d", "sys.LogReboot" : "Reboot with Flag [0x%02x]", "sys.LogRecPlayback" : "Playback [CH %d %s]", "sys.LogRecPlaybackFile" : "Playback file [CH %d %s]", "sys.LogRecPlaybackStop" : "Stop playback [CH %d %s].", "sys.LogRecSearch" : "Search [CH %d %s]", "sys.LogSearch" : "Search Log", "sys.LogSelAlarm" : "Event", "sys.LogSelPlayback" : "Playback", "sys.LogShut" : "Shutdown [%s]", "sys.LogTime&event" : "Log Time & Event", "sys.LogUnknown" : "Unknown log.", "sys.Logamendip" : "IP address was modified as [%d.%d.%d.%d].", "sys.Logamendsubmask" : "Subnet mask is modified as [%d.%d.%d.%d].", "sys.Logcdrw" : "Disc", "sys.Logdisc" : "Portable Hard Drive", "sys.Logguiset" : "GUI Setting", "com.LoginErrorNo9" : "Failed to find network host.", "sys.LoginModeContent" : "Detect whether the current login authentication mode conforms to the recommendation.", "sys.LoginModeName" : "Login Authentication", "sys.LoginModeTip" : "Compatible Mode has potential security risks. It is recommended to use Security Mode.", "sys.LoginTimeoutContent" : "System will log out automatically after long-time inactivity, so as to prevent security threats in case the user forgot to log out.", "sys.LoginTimeoutName" : "Auto Logout after Timeout", "sys.Logout" : "User Logout", "sys.LossFrameAlarm" : "Video Frame Loss", "sys.Macconflictresume" : "MAC conflict solved.", "sys.MainScreen" : "Main Screen", "sys.Mainboard" : "Mainboard", "sys.MakeCollection" : "Modify Favorites", "sys.Manager" : "Admin", "sys.ManuCtrAuth" : "MANUAL CONTROL", "sys.Manualrec" : "Manual Record", "sys.MasterDeviceAndIP" : "Main Device Name/IP", "sys.MasterDeviceIP" : "Main Device IP", "sys.MasterDeviceName" : "Main Device Name", "sys.MauDecCache" : "Decode Strategy", "sys.MinLimit" : "Lower Limit", "sys.MobilePush" : "Mobile Push Notifications", "sys.Mobiletip" : "System will push the subscribed alarm messages to your mobile phone after this service is enabled.", "sys.Modgroup" : "Mofify Group", "sys.ModifyContact" : "Modify Contact Info", "sys.ModifyPwd" : "Modify Password", "sys.Moduser" : "Modify User", "sys.MonthDayYear" : "MM DD YYYY", "sys.MouseSensitive" : "Mouse Sensitivity", "sys.MskingMode" : "Masking Mode", "sys.MultiaddToActivebackup" : "Multi-address -> Fault Tolerance", "sys.MultiaddToBalanceRR" : "Multi-address -> Load Balance", "sys.NASServerState" : "Share Service", "sys.NTPRiskTip" : "If NTP is enabled, device time will be automatically synchronized with server. Enable?", "sys.Name" : "User Status", "sys.NeeDoneMasterDevice" : "Please make sure there is at least one main device.", "sys.NeeDoneSlaveDevice" : "Please make sure there is at least one sub device.", "sys.Net" : "Packet sniffer mode is NET", "sys.NettimingFailed" : "Time sync error.", "sys.NettimingSuccess" : "Sync network time successfully.", "sys.NewConfig" : "New Setting", "sys.NewPwd" : "New Password", "sys.NextScreen" : "Next Screen", "sys.NoAccount" : "No User", "sys.NoSetSecretQuestion" : "Admin password can be found after setting security questions.", "sys.Noauthmoderror" : "Select at least one permission.", "sys.Nomodifyauthority" : "User's own permission cannot be modified.", "sys.Notsupport" : "The function is not supported by the selected device.", "sys.Noupgrade" : "Pending", "sys.Ntpupdate" : "Manual Update", "sys.OldPwd" : "Old Password", "sys.OneByOneModeSetArbitrageIP" : "Note: In 1+1 mode, arbitration IP address must be set. Arbitration IP address can be accessed by all device nodes. For example, the arbitration IP can be the web client IP.", "sys.Onlineuser" : "Online User", "sys.OnvifClientVer" : "ONVIF Client Version", "sys.OnvifName" : "ONVIF User Status", "sys.OnvifServerVer" : "ONVIF Server Version", "sys.OnvifUser" : "ONVIF User", "sys.OperationFirst" : "Operation Priority", "sys.OprateCertFailTip" : "Operation failed. The Certificate is in use.", "sys.OutPutPower" : "Redundancy Status", "sys.Overwrite" : "Overwrite", "sys.Owner" : "User", "sys.POCPowerState" : "Exceeded Max Power", "sys.PackLength" : "Max Duration", "sys.PacketType" : "Create Video Files", "sys.Parity" : "Parity", "sys.PhoneLength" : "Invalid phone number.", "sys.PleaseLoginSlaveDevice" : "Please login backup device", "sys.PoeBrowser" : "Webpage", "sys.PoeManagement" : "PoE", "sys.PosName" : "POS Name", "sys.PosNameConflict" : "POS name already exists or it is null.", "sys.PosPort" : "POS Port", "sys.PosSet" : "POS Setting", "sys.PreviewShowPos" : "POS Info", "sys.PreviousScreen" : "Previous Screen", "sys.ProtectName" : "Trusted Protection", "sys.PshellContent" : "Multi-factor authentication is applied to restrict user permissions to operate the background system and to prevent illegal operations.", "sys.PshellName":"Secure Shell", "sys.PswResetClosed" : "The function of password reset is already disabled.", "sys.Ptzmodeenum" : "Serial Port|HDCVI", "sys.PwdComplexity" : "Password Strength", "sys.Pwdconfirm" : "Confirm Password", "sys.Qsuregetdflt" : "Please select items to restore default.", "sys.Reboot" : "Reboot", "sys.RebootException" : "Abnormal Reboot", "sys.RebootNormal" : "Normal Reboot", "sys.Rebootday" : "Never|Everyday|Sun|Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat", "sys.Recplay" : "Record Playback", "sys.Recplayfile" : "Playback File", "sys.Recplaystop" : "Stop Playback", "sys.Recsearch" : "Search Record", "sys.RefuseContent" : "Restrict users to copy sensitive files from the background system to avoid data leakage.", "sys.Releasedate" : "Build Date", "sys.SafeBaseVersion" : "Security Baseline Version", "sys.SafeMode" : "Security Mode (Recommended)", "sys.SafeOpr" : "Security", "sys.SafecodeTipEmail" : "The security code will be delivered to %s.", "sys.SafecodeTipMobilePhone" : "The security code will be delivered to %s.", "sys.SafetyIllegalexec" : "Unauthorized Executable Program Trying to Run", "sys.SafetyMonitorevent" : "Event Monitoring", "sys.SafetyTip" : "The device gives warnings to user when a security exception is detected.", "sys.SafetyVirusattack" : "Virus Attack", "sys.Saveconfig" : "Save Config", "sys.ScanQrcodeTipEmail" : "Note (For admin only): \n Option 1. Please download and use EasyViewer, go to Me -> Password Security -> Reset Device Password and scan the left QR code.\nOption 2. Please use any APP with scanning and recognition function, scan the left QR code to get encryption strings. And then send the strings to support_gpwd@htmicrochip.com.", "sys.ScanQrcodeTipEmailAbroadLC" : "Note (For admin only): \n Option 1: Please download and use Imou Life, go to Me -> Settings -> Reset Device Password and scan the QR code on the left. \n Option 2: Scan the QR code on the left and send the encryption string to support_rpwd@imoulife.com.", "sys.ScanQrcodeTipEmailPrivate" : "Note (For admin only): \n Option 1. Please download and use DMSS, go to Me -> Password Security -> Reset Device Password and scan the left QR code.\nOption 2. Please use any APP with scanning and recognition function, scan the left QR code to get encryption strings. And then send the strings to support_rpwd@global.dahuatech.com.", "sys.ScreenChangeVideoOut" : "Switch Video Source", "sys.ScreenMouseInputMain" : "Main Screen", "sys.Screennum" : "Screen No.", "sys.SearchContentEmpty" : "Search condition cannot be null.", "sys.SecBootContent" : "Firmware signature is verified while the device is starting, so as to ensure firmware integrity and validity.", "sys.SecBootName" : "Trusted Boot", "sys.SecContent" : "Detect whether the current %s configuration conforms to the recommendation.", "sys.SecDefenseName" : "Attack Defense", "sys.SecName" : "Configuration Security", "sys.SecStatusSecuritywarnname" : "Security Warning", "sys.Security" : "SECURITY", "sys.Selectcert" : "Select a device certificate", "sys.Selecttrucert" : "Please select a trusted CA certificate.", "sys.SelfCheckError1" : "Password is not strong enough.", "sys.SelfCheckError13" : "The current encryption algorithm is not safe.", "sys.SelfCheckError14" : "Some users do not use strong passwords.", "sys.Serial" : "Serial Port", "sys.SerialNumber" : "SN", "sys.SessionBlasting" : "Session Brute Force Attack ", "sys.SessionBruteContent" : "When continuous visit attempts with wrong session credentials are detected, the device will block the host to prevent session leakage.", "sys.SessionBruteName" : "Brute-force Access Prevention", "sys.SessionHijackContent" : "Device identifies the binding relation between session credentials and client PC, and denies unmatched session requests, so as to prevent session leakage.", "sys.SessionHijackName" : "Anti-hijacking", "sys.SessionHijacking" : "Session Hijacking", "sys.SessionIDErrorOverLimit" : "Session ID bruteforcing", "sys.SessionName" : "Session Security", "sys.SessionNumOverLimit" : "Number of session connections exceeds limit", "sys.Setpwd" : "Password Setting", "sys.Setsplitcomb" : "Video Setting", "sys.Setstatus" : "Setting Status", "sys.SeviceRiskTip" : "There might be safety risk if this service is enabled. Continue?", "sys.Shutdown" : "Shutdown", "sys.Signagency" : "Issued by", "sys.SlaveCanNotBeDeleted2" : "Failed to delete. DCS working device is replacing host now.", "sys.SlaveCanNotBeDeleted3" : "Failed to delete. DCS backup device is working as host now.", "sys.SlaveDeviceAndIP" : "Sub Device Name/IP", "sys.SlaveDeviceIP" : "Sub Device IP", "sys.SlaveDeviceName" : "Sub Device Name", "sys.Slot" : "Slot", "sys.Slow" : "Slow", "sys.Snapinterval" : "Picture Upload Interval", "sys.Speed" : "Fan Speed", "sys.Spt" : "View", "sys.StartTime" : "Start Time", "sys.StateDetailtip" : "%d items can be optimized. You are recommended to optimize them immediately.", "sys.StopBit" : "Stop Bit", "sys.SubConnectFail" : "Sub-link failed.", "sys.Succeed" : "Update succeeded.", "sys.SuperManager" : "Super Admin", "sys.SureToClose" : "Backup will be stopped if the page is closed, continue?", "sys.Suretocancel" : "Backup in progress. Stop now?", "sys.Suretoclear" : "Are you sure to clear logs?", "sys.SycTimeDescription" : "Time synchronization operation is only allowed with hosts in the allowed list.", "sys.Sync" : "Sync Priority", "sys.SyncFloodName" : "SYN Flood Attack Defense", "sys.Syncpc" : "Sync PC", "sys.Synflood" : "SYN Flood Attack Defense:", "sys.SysInfoAuth" : "System Info", "sys.SysInfoTitle" : "SYSTEM INFO", "sys.SysOpear" : "System", "sys.SysTime" : "System Time", "sys.Sysservice" : "SYSTEM SERVICE", "sys.SystemLog" : "Log", "sys.SystemService" : "System Service", "sys.SystemUpgrade" : "Update", "sys.SystemVersion" : "System Version", "sys.TVadjust" : "TV Adjustment", "sys.TimeLength" : "Time Length", "sys.TimeZone0Dublin" : "(UTC+00:00) Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London", "sys.TimeZone0Monrovia" : "(UTC+00:00) Monrovia, Reykjavik", "sys.TimeZone0UTC0" : "(UTC) Coordinated Universal Time", "sys.TimeZone10Astana" : "(UTC+06:00) Astana", "sys.TimeZone10Dhaka" : "(UTC+06:00) Dhaka", "sys.TimeZone10Omsk" : "(UTC+06:00) Omsk", "sys.TimeZone11Yangon" : "(UTC+06:30) Yangon (Rangoon)", "sys.TimeZone12Bangkok" : "(UTC+07:00) Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta", "sys.TimeZone12Barnaul" : "(UTC+07:00) Barnaul, Gorno-Altaysk", "sys.TimeZone12Hovd" : "(UTC+07:00) Hovd", "sys.TimeZone12Krasnoyarsk" : "(UTC+07:00) Krasnoyarsk", "sys.TimeZone12Novosibirsk" : "(UTC+07:00) Novosibirsk", "sys.TimeZone12Tomsk" : "(UTC+07:00) Tomsk", "sys.TimeZone13Beijing" : "(UTC+08:00) Beijing, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Urumqi", "sys.TimeZone13Irkutsk" : "(UTC+08:00) Irkutsk", "sys.TimeZone13KualaLumpur" : "(UTC+08:00) Kuala Lumpur, Singapore", "sys.TimeZone13Perth" : "(UTC+08:00) Perth", "sys.TimeZone13Taipei" : "(UTC+08:00) Taipei", "sys.TimeZone13Ulaanbaatar" : "(UTC+08:00) Ulaanbaatar", "sys.TimeZone14Chita" : "(UTC+09:00) Chita", "sys.TimeZone14Osaka" : "(UTC+09:00) Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo", "sys.TimeZone14Seoul" : "(UTC+09:00) Seoul", "sys.TimeZone14Yakutsk" : "(UTC+09:00) Yakutsk", "sys.TimeZone15Adelaide" : "(UTC+09:30) Adelaide", "sys.TimeZone15Darwin" : "(UTC+09:30) Darwin", "sys.TimeZone16Brisbane" : "(UTC+10:00) Brisbane", "sys.TimeZone16Canberra" : "(UTC+10:00) Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney", "sys.TimeZone16Guam" : "(UTC+10:00) Guam, Port Moresby", "sys.TimeZone16Hobart" : "(UTC+10:00) Hobart", "sys.TimeZone16Vladivostok" : "(UTC+10:00) Vladivostok", "sys.TimeZone17BougainvilleIsland" : "(UTC+11:00) Bougainville Island", "sys.TimeZone17Chokurdakh" : "(UTC+11:00) Chokurdakh", "sys.TimeZone17Magadan" : "(UTC+11:00) Magadan", "sys.TimeZone17NorfolkIsland" : "(UTC+11:00) Norfolk Island", "sys.TimeZone17Sakhalin" : "(UTC+11:00) Sakhalin", "sys.TimeZone17SolomonIslands" : "(UTC+11:00) Solomon Is., New Caledonia", "sys.TimeZone18Anadyr" : "(UTC+12:00) Anadyr, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky", "sys.TimeZone18Auckland" : "(UTC+12:00) Auckland, Wellington", "sys.TimeZone18Fiji" : "(UTC+12:00) Fiji", "sys.TimeZone18UTC12" : "(UTC+12:00) Coordinated Universal Time+12", "sys.TimeZone19Nukualofa" : "(UTC+13:00) Nuku'alofa", "sys.TimeZone19Samoa" : "(UTC+13:00) Samoa", "sys.TimeZone19UTC13" : "(UTC+13:00) Coordinated Universal Time+13", "sys.TimeZone1Belgrade" : "(UTC+01:00) Belgrade, Bratislava, Budapest, Ljubljana, Prague", "sys.TimeZone1Brussels" : "(UTC+01:00) Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris", "sys.TimeZone1CentralandwesternAfrica" : "(UTC+01:00) West Central Africa", "sys.TimeZone1Sarajevo" : "(UTC+01:00) Sarajevo, Skopje, Warsaw, Zagreb", "sys.TimeZone1Windhoek" : "(UTC+01:00) Windhoek", "sys.TimeZone20Azores" : "(UTC-01:00) Azores", "sys.TimeZone20CaboVerdeIslands" : "(UTC-01:00) Cabo Verde Is.", "sys.TimeZone21UTC02" : "(UTC-02:00) Coordinated Universal Time-02", "sys.TimeZone22Araguaina" : "(UTC-03:00) Araguaina", "sys.TimeZone22Brasilia" : "(UTC-03:00) Brasilia", "sys.TimeZone22BuenosAires" : "(UTC-03:00) City of Buenos Aires", "sys.TimeZone22Cayenne" : "(UTC-03:00) Cayenne, Fortaleza", "sys.TimeZone22Greenland" : "(UTC-03:00) Greenland", "sys.TimeZone22MondVeeDya" : "(UTC-03:00) Montevideo", "sys.TimeZone22SaintPierre" : "(UTC-03:00) Saint Pierre and Miquelon", "sys.TimeZone22Salvatore" : "(UTC-03:00) Salvador", "sys.TimeZone23Newfoundland" : "(UTC-03:30) Newfoundland", "sys.TimeZone24Asuncion" : "(UTC-04:00) Asuncion", "sys.TimeZone24Atlantictime" : "(UTC-04:00) Atlantic Time (Canada)", "sys.TimeZone24Caracas" : "(UTC-04:00) Caracas", "sys.TimeZone24Cuiaba" : "(UTC-04:00) Cuiaba", "sys.TimeZone24Georgetown" : "(UTC-04:00) Georgetown, La Paz, Manaus, San Juan", "sys.TimeZone24Santiago" : "(UTC-04:00) Santiago", "sys.TimeZone24Turks" : "(UTC-04:00) Turks and Caicos", "sys.TimeZone25Bogota" : "(UTC-05:00) Bogota, Lima, Quito, Rio Branco", "sys.TimeZone25Chetumal" : "(UTC-05:00) Chetumal", "sys.TimeZone25Easterntime" : "(UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)", "sys.TimeZone25Haiti" : "(UTC-05:00) Haiti", "sys.TimeZone25Havana" : "(UTC-05:00) Havana", "sys.TimeZone25Indiana" : "(UTC-05:00) Indiana (East)", "sys.TimeZone26CentralAmerica" : "(UTC-06:00) Central America", "sys.TimeZone26EasterIsland" : "(UTC-06:00) Easter Island", "sys.TimeZone26Guadalajara" : "(UTC-06:00) Guadalajara, Mexico City, Monterrey", "sys.TimeZone26Middletime" : "(UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)", "sys.TimeZone26Saskatchewan" : "(UTC-06:00) Saskatchewan", "sys.TimeZone27Arizona" : "(UTC-07:00) Arizona", "sys.TimeZone27Chihuahua" : "(UTC-07:00) Chihuahua, La Paz, Mazatlan", "sys.TimeZone27Mountaintime" : "(UTC-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)", "sys.TimeZone28LowerCalifornia" : "(UTC-08:00) Baja California", "sys.TimeZone28Pacifictime" : "(UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)", "sys.TimeZone28UTC08" : "(UTC-08:00) Coordinated Universal Time-08", "sys.TimeZone29Alaska" : "(UTC-09:00) Alaska", "sys.TimeZone29UTC09" : "(UTC-09:00) Coordinated Universal Time-09", "sys.TimeZone2Amman" : "(UTC+02:00) Amman", "sys.TimeZone2Athens" : "(UTC+02:00) Athens, Bucharest", "sys.TimeZone2Beirut" : "(UTC+02:00) Beirut", "sys.TimeZone2Cairo" : "(UTC+02:00) Cairo", "sys.TimeZone2Chisinau" : "(UTC+02:00) Chisinau", "sys.TimeZone2Damascus" : "(UTC+02:00) Damascus", "sys.TimeZone2EasternEurope" : "(UTC+02:00) E. Europe", "sys.TimeZone2Gaza" : "(UTC+02:00) Gaza, Hebron", "sys.TimeZone2Harare" : "(UTC+02:00) Harare, Pretoria", "sys.TimeZone2Helsinki" : "(UTC+02:00) Helsinki, Kyiv, Riga, Sofia, Tallinn, Vilnius", "sys.TimeZone2Jerusalem" : "(UTC+02:00) Jerusalem", "sys.TimeZone2Kaliningrad" : "(UTC+02:00) Kaliningrad", "sys.TimeZone2Tripoli" : "(UTC+02:00) Tripoli", "sys.TimeZone30AleutianIslands" : "(UTC-10:00) Aleutian Islands", "sys.TimeZone30Hawaii" : "(UTC-10:00) Hawaii", "sys.TimeZone31UTC11" : "(UTC-11:00) Coordinated Universal Time-11", "sys.TimeZone32InternationalDateLineWest" : "(UTC-12:00) International Date Line West", "sys.TimeZone34LordHoweIsland" : "(UTC+10:30) Lord Howe Island", "sys.TimeZone35KiritimatiIsland" : "(UTC+14:00) Kiritimati Island", "sys.TimeZone36MarquesasIslands" : "(UTC-09:30) Marquesas Islands", "sys.TimeZone37Pyongyang" : "(UTC+08:30) Pyongyang", "sys.TimeZone38Eucla" : "(UTC+08:45) Eucla", "sys.TimeZone39ChathamIslands" : "(UTC+12:45) Chatham Islands", "sys.TimeZone3Baghdad" : "(UTC+03:00) Baghdad", "sys.TimeZone3Istanbul" : "(UTC+03:00) Istanbul", "sys.TimeZone3Kuwait" : "(UTC+03:00) Kuwait, Riyadh", "sys.TimeZone3Minsk" : "(UTC+03:00) Minsk", "sys.TimeZone3Moscow" : "(UTC+03:00) Moscow, St.Petersburg, Volgograd", "sys.TimeZone3Nairobi" : "(UTC+03:00) Nairobi", "sys.TimeZone4Tehran" : "(UTC+03:30) Tehran", "sys.TimeZone5AbuDhabi" : "(UTC+04:00) Abu Dhabi, Muscat", "sys.TimeZone5Astrakhan" : "(UTC+04:00) Astrakhan, Ulyanovsk", "sys.TimeZone5Baku" : "(UTC+04:00) Baku", "sys.TimeZone5Izhevsk" : "(UTC+04:00) Izhevsk, Samara", "sys.TimeZone5PortLouis" : "(UTC+04:00) Port Louis", "sys.TimeZone5Saratov" : "(UTC+04:00) Saratov", "sys.TimeZone5Tbilisi" : "(UTC+04:00) Tbilisi", "sys.TimeZone5Yerevan" : "(UTC+04:00) Yerevan", "sys.TimeZone6Kabul" : "(UTC+04:30) Kabul", "sys.TimeZone7Ashkhabad" : "(UTC+05:00) Ashgabat, Tashkent", "sys.TimeZone7Ekaterinburg" : "(UTC+05:00) Ekaterinburg", "sys.TimeZone7Islamabad" : "(UTC+05:00) Islamabad, Karachi", "sys.TimeZone8Chennai" : "(UTC+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi", "sys.TimeZone8SriJayawardenapura" : "(UTC+05:30) Sri Jayawardenepura", "sys.TimeZone9Kathmandu" : "(UTC+05:45) Kathmandu", "sys.TimeZone0Casablanca" : "(UTC+00:00) Casablanca", "sys.Timeupdate" : "Sync System Time", "sys.ToDesktop" : "Desktop", "sys.Transactiontypes" : "--|Query|Withdraw|Change Password|Transfer|Deposit|No Card Enquiry|No Card Deposit|Other", "sys.TrustEnvContent" : "Device running status is monitored in real time, so as to guard against virus.", "sys.TrustEnvName" : "Trusted Execute", "sys.TrustUpdateContent" : "Firmware signature is verified while the device is updating, so as to ensure firmware integrity and validity.", "sys.TrustUpdateName" : "Trusted Update", "sys.TrustedCAcert" : "Trusted CA Certificates", "sys.Trustedcerttip" : "A trusted CA certificate is used to verify the legal status of a host. For example, a switch CA certificate shall be installed for 802.1x authentication.", "sys.TvOutput" : "TV Output", "sys.USBDevIsPollOut" : "Backup device is unplugged. Operation suspended.", "sys.Ugmset" : "ACCOUNT", "sys.Unlockplayfile" : "File Unlocked", "sys.Update" : "Update", "sys.UpdateValidate" : "Update Registration Code", "sys.Updateperiod" : "Update Period of Secret Key", "sys.UpgradeImmediately" : "Update Now", "sys.UpgradeTip" : "Please insert USB if you need to update the system now. Press Start button to launch update and do not shut down the power during update.", "sys.Upgradering" : "Updating", "sys.Upgraderingfile" : "Please select update.", "sys.UpgradingAttention" : "System update in progress. Please do not log out of Web or power off.", "sys.UserGroup" : "Group", "sys.UserLogin" : "User logged in.", "sys.UserLoginTime" : "User Login Time", "sys.UserMac" : "User MAC", "sys.UserStLoginLocal" : "Local Login", "sys.UserStLoginNet" : "Network Login", "sys.Userlocktip" : "An account will be temporarily locked after %d failed login attempts. It cannot log in for %d minutes.", "sys.VersionInfo" : "Version", "sys.VgaOutput" : "VGA Output", "sys.VideoEncTransContent" : "Stream transmission is encrypted by using private protocol.", "sys.VideoOutRecover" : "Display output will be automatically restored back to previous status in %d seconds.", "sys.Vlugsel606":"English|简体中文|繁體中文|Italiano|Español(Latinoamérica)|日本語|РУССКИЙ|Français|Deutsch|Português|Türkçe|Polski|Română|Magyar|Suomi|Eesti|한국어|FARSI|Dansk|Čeština|Български|Slovensky|Slovenščina|Hrvatski|Nederlands|Ελληνικά|Українська|Svenska|Srpski|Tiếng Việt|Lietuvių|Tagalog|اللغة العربية|Català|Latviešu|ภาษาไทย| עברית|Norsk|Español(Europa)|Bahasa Indonesia", "sys.VoverdoLAPSTP" : "Stop|Overwrite", "sys.WebURLErrorOverLimit" : "Web directory bruteforcing", "sys.Webver" : "Web Version", "sys.Weekshow" : "Week Display", "sys.YearMonthDay" : "YYYY MM DD", "SessionIDErrorOverLimit" : "Session ID bruteforcing", "SmokeDetection" : "Smoke Alarm", "SmokingDetect" : "Smoking Alarm", "StayDetection" : "People Stay Detection", "StereoApproachDetection" : "People Approach Detection", "w_Baseline" : "H.264B", "w_High" : "H.264H", "sys.UserPasswordInvalidchar":"Password must be 8 to 32 characters, including at least two of the following categories: numbers, uppercase letters, lowercase letters and special characters(Characters like ' \" ; : & cannot be included in ).", "net.P2pEnableTips":"P2P connection is different from mobile push function. If you want to stop pushing alarm information to remote client, please go to SETTING->SECURITY->System Service->Basic Services and disable the function of \"Mobile Push Notifications\".", "sys.RemoteUpgrade" : "Online Update", "sys.FileUpgrade" : "File Update", "sys.ManualCheck" : "Manual Check", "appEventNetAbort" : "Network Disconnection Event", "appEventStorageLowSpace" : "Low disk space warning", "appEventStorageFailure" : "Disk Error", "appEventVideoMotion" : "Motion Detection", "com.AlarmName" : "Alarm Name", "StereoManStayDetection" : "People Stay Detection", "StereoAbnormalCountDetection" : "People No. Exception Detection", "sys.SecurityDataRiskTip" : "There might be safety risk if this service is disabled. Continue?", "net.SSH" : "SSH", "com.SysSet" : "Configure basic parameters, system date and language.", "com.Security" : "Check the security status and modify security configurations of the device.", "sys.AutoSetH265" : "H.265 Auto Switch", "com.ComparisonLib" : "Database", "sys.SoftwareLicenceNoted" : "I have read and agree to all terms", "Mail_Test" : "Test Email", "ivs.ConcreteMixerTruck" : "Mixer Truck", "ivs.MinDetectHeight" : "Min Detection Height", "com.AudioStereo" : "Mixing", "com.TemperatureSwitch" : "Temperature", "com.EventOpr" : "Alarm Event", "per.AlarmInChannel" : "Alarm Input Channel No.", "med.AlarmStartTime" : "Alarm Start Time(D/M/Y H:M:S)", "med.AlarmEndTime" : "Alarm End Time(D/M/Y H:M:S)", "per.AlarmDevicename" : "Alarm Device Name", "com.ValidStartTime" : "Valid Start Time", "com.ValidEndTime": "Valid End Time", "com.Validity": "Validity Period", "com.DownloadTemplate": "Download Template", "ivs.CarOwner": "Owner Name", "sto.StorageConfig" :"STORAGE", "com.SysConfig" :"SYSTEM", "med.GainRed" : "Red Gain", "med.GainBlue" : "Blue Gain", "com.OperationDescription" : "View System info, System update and Config import/export etc.", "com.SafeError" : "Security Exception", "com.LoginFailureTip" : "Illegal Login", "net.CertSefialNum" : "Certificate Serial Number", "net.CertManage" : "Certificate Management", "net.DeviceCert" : "Device Certificate", "com.Channel1" : "CAM 1", "com.Channel2" : "CAM 2", "appEventAlarmLocal" : "Local Alarm", "appEventAlarmNet" : "Net Alarm", "appEventVideoLoss" : "Video Loss", "appEventVideoBlind" : "Video Tampering", "pfm.CommonUse" : "General", "pfm.SendInterval" : "Sending Interval", "sys.LogPartitionError" : "Partition table error", "sys.LogSuperBlockError" : "Superblock error", "sys.LogIndexError" : "Index error", "sys.LogDeviceError" : "Device error", "sys.LogRWTimeout" : "Read-write timeout", "sys.LogMediaError" : "Media error", "sys.LogHostBusError" : "Host bus error", "sys.LogATABusError" : "ATA bus error", "sys.LogHMSViolation" : "HSM violation", "sys.LogLBA" : "Logic Block Address", "med.CameraProperty" : "Camera Property", "med.OsdOverlay" : "OSD", "ivs.Invalid" : "Invalid", "com.treenavigation" : "Are you sure to go to the corresponding interface now?", "net.NetworkSet" : "NETWORK" , "med.Slow" : "Slow", "com.FastBack" : "Fast", "com.ChannelNo" : "Channel No.", "med.Fluency" : "Fluent", "com.SearchingTip" : "Searching...", "com.PleaseDrawRegionTip" : "Please draw an area.", "Account.LockUser" : "Lock Account", "appEventTemperatureHigh" : "Over Temperature", "net.CreateCertificateRequest" : "Create Certificate Request", "net.ImportCert" : "Import Certificate", "com.InvalidParam" : "Invalid Parameter", "com.InsideError" : "Internal Error", "net.netProxy" : "Network Proxy", "sys.importrestart" : "The device will restart after the configurations are imported successfully. Continue?", "net.ethModeMutilAddr" : "Multi-address", "net.PocInfo": "PoC Info", "sys.AudioVideoEncrypt" : "A/V Encryption", "ivs.StartAlertTrace" : "Alarm Tracking", "net.Discover" : "Enable Device Discovery", "appEventWanderDetection" : "Loitering Detection", "appEventMoveDetection" : "Fast Moving", "StereoFallDetection" : "Fall Detection", "StereoFightDetection" : "Violence Detection", "StereoBehavior" : "Stereo Analysis", "appEventHeatImagingTemper" : "Temperature", "appEventBetweenRulesTemperDiffAlarm" : "Temperature Contrast", "gui.Split6" : "View 6", "appEventStorageNotExist" : "No Disk", "appEventIPConflict" : "IP Conflict", "appEventAlarmIPC" : "CAM External Alarm", "appEventNetDisconnect" : "CAM Offline Alarm", "appEventMacArp" : "MAC Conflict", "com.Speed" :"Speed", "com.SameRuleOnlyOneTip" : "The same rule can only be set once.", "ivs.AlarmRepeatTime" : "Repeat Alarm Time", "ivs.DistanceThreshold" : "Spacing Threshold", "com.NoRecordTip" : "No Record", "ivs.AlarmCount" : "Alarm People No.", "med.AlarmOutInfo" : "Alarm Output Info", "com.NextOne" : "Next", "med.Extracode3" : "Sub Stream 3", "LightWiper" : "Light Wiper", "com.ImportingTip" : "Import in progress…", "com.NameDuplication" : "This name exists.", "com.EventConfig" : "EVENT", "com.TagSingleChannel" : "The mark only supports single channel!", "com.Dahua" : "Dahua", "sto.KeyAreaDetect" : "Key Area Detect", "net.OnlineUserNone" : "There is no online user now", "ivs.CarType" : "Vehicle Type", "com.Bigger" : "Greater than", "com.Equal" : "Equal to", "com.Unequal" : "Unequal to", "sys.AuthCodeError" : "Security code error or invalid.", "sys.MailName" : "Email Address", "sys.SimpleDefaultTip" : "All the parameters will be restored to default settings except network, user management and so on.", "sys.FullyDefaultTip" : "Completely recover device parameters to factory default.", "com.IPFilter" : "IP Filter", "appEventAlarmAudio" : "Audio Detection", "appEventTrafficJunction" : "ANPR", "HumanTrait" : "Human", "ivs.Smoking" : "Smoking", "sto.InsufficientQuotaSpace" : "HDD quota capacity is insufficient.", "sto.StoFull" : "Disk Full", "appEventAlarmInfrared":"Wireless Alarm", "appEventAudioDetect":"Audio Detection", "appEventAudioMutation":"Intensity Change", "appEventBoatDetection":"Boat Detection", "appEventClassroomBehavior":"Classroom Behavior Analysis", "appEventClimbDetection":"Climbing Detection", "appEventCrossFenceDetection":"Crossing Virtual Fence", "appEventCrossLineDetection":"Tripwire", "appEventCrossRegionDetection":"Intrusion", "appEventDoorFrontDirty":"Dirty & Messy in Front of Door", "appEventDustbinOverflow":"Full Garbage Can", "appEventExTrafficBacking":"Illegal Reversal", "appEventExTrafficCrossLane":"Illegal Lane Change", "appEventExTrafficParking":"Illegal Parking", "appEventExTrafficU-Turn":"Illegal U-turn", "appEventExTrafficVehicleInBusRoute":"Illegal Road Occupancy", "appEventExTrafficVehicleInRoute":"Vehicle in Lane", "appEventFaceDetection":"Face Detection", "appEventFaceOverHeating":"Face Overtemperature", "appEventFaceRecognition":"Face Recognition", "appEventFightDetection":"Violence Detection", "appEventFireDetection":"Fire Detection", "appEventFlowBusiness":"Unlicensed Stall Vendor", "appEventFogDetection":"Fog Detection", "appEventGarbageExposure":"Garbage Exposure", "appEventGoodsDetect":"Object Detection", "appEventHoldUmbrella":"Illegal Sheltering", "appEventHumanTrait":"People Detection", "appEventLeaveDetection":"Leave Post Detection", "appEventLeftDetection":"Abandoned Object", "appEventManNumDetection":"People No. Exception", "appEventManStandDetection":"Stand Detection", "appEventParkingDetection":"Parking Detection", "appEventPhoneCallDetect":"Call Detection", "appEventPrisonerRiseDetection":"Getting up Detection", "appEventQueueNumDetection":"Queue People No. Exception", "appEventQueueStayDetection":"Queue Stay Time", "appEventSceneChange":"Scene Changing", "appEventShopPresence":"Out-of-Store Operation", "appEventShopSignAbnormal":"Signage Abnormity", "appEventShopWindowPost":"Shop Window Display", "appEventSmartMotionHuman":"SMD(Human)", "appEventSmartMotionVehicle":"SMD(Vehicle)", "appEventSmokeDetection":"Smoke Detection", "appEventSmokeDetectionStop":"Smoke Detection", "appEventSmokingDetect":"Smoking Detection", "appEventStayDetection":"Staying Detection", "appEventTailDetection":"Tail Detection", "appEventTakenAwayDetection":"Missing Object", "appEventTrafficBacking":"Illegal Reversal", "appEventTrafficCrossLane":"Illegal Lane Change", "appEventTrafficRetrograde":"Wrong-way Driving", "appEventTrafficU-Turn":"Illegal U-turn", "appEventTrafficVehicleInBusRoute":"Illegal Road Occupancy", "appEventTumbleDetection":"Fall Detection", "com.ContactNotSet":"Your email is not reserved. Please reset password by clicking on \"Forgot Password\" on the local interface.", "com.Daytime":"Day", "com.MaxPreview":"Reached the maximum number of live view channels: %d.", "com.ParameterConfig":"Parameters", "com.ResolutionConfirm":"The monitor supports %s resolution, do you want to change the device resolution?", "gui.Split12":"View 12", "gui.Split20":"View 20", "gui.Split49":"View 49", "med.NoFrameHead":"No frame head.", "net.LinkState":"Connection Status", "net.WifiSSIDHide":"Hide SSID", "sto.FormatHddtoGroup":"After switching, it takes effect after formatting the HDD. Are you sure to switch from quota mode to disk group mode?", "sto.FormatHddtoQuota":"After switching, it takes effect after formatting the HDD. Are you sure to switch from disk group mode to quota mode?", "sto.HddCapacity":"Total HDD Capacity (GB)", "sto.PicUsedSpace":"Used Capacity of Picture (GB)", "sto.PicEstimatedSpace":"Storage Capacity of Picture (GB)", "sto.QuotaBleaSpace":"Remaining Quota (GB)", "sto.RecUsedSpace":"Used Capacity of Recorded Video (GB)", "sto.RecEstimatedSpace":"Estimated Capacity of Recorded Video (GB)", "sto.RecordTime":"Record Duration", "sto.SetToQuotaMode":"Switch to Quota Mode", "ivs.HumanSnap" : "Human Body Snapshot", "ivs.InAreaNum" : "Area People Counting Alarm", "net.SQI":"Link Quality", "sto.PartCapa":"Disk Partition", "com.Upper":"Up", "com.Rate":"time", "com.IntelliCloseExclusionFunctions4":"Please disable AI function of this channel, and then enable this function again.", "com.IntelliCloseExclusionFunctions3":"Resource is limited. Please disable face detection or face comparison by device, and then enable this function again.", "com.AlarmMDTips":"MD linkage configuration synchronizes with SMD linkage configuration.", "com.AlarmSMDTips":"SMD linkage configuration synchronizes with MD linkage configuration.", "ivs.IntelRule" : "AI Rule", "com.DayWeek" : "Day", "net.AuthenticationMode" : "Authentication Mode", "ivs.QueueNumber" : "Queue People No.", "com.NoSupport" : "Not Support", "com.LinkChannelConflict":"No POS activation channel or channel conflict occurs.", "med.TvAntidither" : "CAM AntiDither", "med.CamFlip" : "Never|Rotate&Flip|Rotate|Flip", "med.OverDecPower" : "Over decode ability", "net.LanDownload" : "LAN Download", "com.ChinaTelecom":"China Telecom", "com.ChinaUnicom":"China Unicom", "com.CloseMutiDisplayTip":"Please disable 4K display of Auxiliary screen", "com.VDiagnoseTip":"Video diagnosis function shall be enabled in Adequate light (recommended)", "gui.SwitchMainScreen":"Switch to Main Screen", "ivs.CurRule":"Current rule", "ivs.HisAnalyse":"Historic Analysis", "med.SrcVideo":"Original Video Clip", "med.SynopsisDensity":"Synopsis Density", "med.VideoAnalyse":"Video Analysis", "net.ErrorAppWeb":"Talk between client and device in progress. Failed to enable local bidirectional talk.", "net.ErrorNetToIPCTalk":"Talk between client and camera in progress. Failed to enable local bidirectional.", "net.FiberNetCard":"Fiber Card", "ocx.MutiDisplay":"Split TrackSplit Track", "sto.Burning":"Burning", "sto.DiskBad":"Serious", "sto.StoragePoolName":"Pool Name", "sto.USB":"USB Device", "Log_DeleteConfig":"Delete Config File", "Log_Encode":"Audio Format", "Log_Encode":"Sub Stream", "Log_Encode":"General Main Stream", "Log_Encode":"Motion Detection Main Stream", "Log_Encode":"Scheduled", "Log_Encode":"Event Snapshot", "Log_Event":"Event", "Log_FSDisk":"Disk Operation", "Log_FSType":"Operation Type", "Log_SmartSearch":"AI Search", "Log_Storage":"Storage", "Log_Time":"User Login Time", "net.DDNSconnecttingTip":"Connecting. Please wait...", "ivs.AIHddForamtTips" : "To use AI function more properly, please format the following disks.", "med.SunriseTime" : "Sunrise Time", "med.SunsetTime" : "Sunset Time", "sto.StoragePosition" : "Storage Setup", "sto.LogHddCapaWorkingDisk" : "Change Working HDD to<%s>", "sto.LogHddWorkingDisk" : "Change Working HDD to<%d>", "appEventPosDetect" : "POS Detection", "appEventSpeedLow" : "Low Speed Alarm", "appEventSpeedHigh" : "High Speed Alarm", "appEventAlarmDropFrame" :"Loss Frame Alarm", "appEventPanorama" : "Switch Panorama", "sys.LogHddCapaTypeREVERSE" : "Set disk <%s> to be a reserved partition.", "sys.LogHddCapaWorkingDisk" : "Change operating disk to <%s>.", "sys.LogHddInfo" : "HDD totals <%d> , operating disk <%d>.", "sys.LogHddType" : "Modify property of disk <%d>.", "sys.LogHddWorkingDisk" : "Change operating disk to <%d>.", "net.CameraFull":"No enough idle channel.", "med.SunTimeError" :"Sunrise time must be earlier than sunset time.", "com.FanModeConflict" :"Fan Speed Exception Detection and Auto Mode cannot be enabled at the same time.", "sto.PlayBack":"Search", "com.Decrypt" : "Decrypt", "ivs.PersonBodyPic" : "Human Matting", "net.GpsTitle" : "GPS Display", "net.StreamMaximumDelay":"The current video play experience is poor. Please download and replay video.", "sys.DownloadCer":"Please click here to download certificate.", "med.NotSupportAudioType":"Failed to support audio config.", "FTP.Status":"FTP Status", "NFS.Status":"NAS Status", "net.NoteType":"Message Type", "com.UsernameTip":"Please enter a frequently-used email address.", "com.FTPNotAcessTip":"Failed to connect to server.", "per.ChooseChannel":"Select Channel", "com.AIPreview":"AI Live", "com.PswResetLimit":"Password resetting times have reached the limit. Please try again after XXXX seconds.", "alarm_smtp.devicename":"Alarm Device Name", "alarm_smtp.inchannel":"Alarm Input Channel No.", "alarm_smtp.matter":"Alarm Event", "alarm_smtp.senderIP" : "Sender IP Address", "alarm_smtp.starttime":"Alarm Start Time (D/M/Y H:M:S)", "alarm_smtp.stoptime":"Alarm Stop Time(D/M/Y H:M:S)", "appEventAlarmExtended":"Wireless Alarm", "com.ChinaMobile":"China Mobile", "com.ColdHotSpot":"Cold Hot Spot", "com.CpDDNS0Tip":"Server or network error. Please try again later or contact technical support.", "com.Distance":"Distance", "com.Global":"Global", "com.ImportUserCert":"Import User Certificate", "com.MutiDisplay":"Split Track", "com.PasswordLength":"Password must be 8 to 32 characters.", "com.PleaseSelectStaff":"Please select a ruler.", "com.ReDrawRule":"Redraw Rule", "com.SwitchMainScreen":"Switch to Main Screen", "com.Thermal":"Thermal", "com.TmpContrast":"Temperature Contrast", "com.TotalNumber":"Total No.", "ivs.Bicycle":"Bicycle", "ivs.DetectHeight":"Detection Height", "ivs.DownstairsLine":"Bottom Fence", "ivs.Duration":"Stay Time", "ivs.InsideNumber":"Inside No.", "ivs.LeftSet":"Set Left Limit", "ivs.SpotTip":"Supports at least 4 calibration points", "med.FrameHeadError":"Frame Header Error", "med.InterArea":"ROI", "net.CreatAndDownloadCert":"Create and Download Certificate Request", "net.ImportCACert":"Import CA Certificate", "net.ImportCRLFile":"Import CRL File", "net.ImportLocalCert":"Import Local Device Certificate", "net.PoliceInfoNet":"Public Security Information Network", "net.SpecialVideoNet":"Video Private Network", "pfm.SituationalPlatform":"Situational Awareness Platform", "sto.AboutToError":"A disk error will occur", "sto.HardDriveAbnormal":"Disk link exception", "sto.HealthAbnormal":"Disk Health Exception", "sto.TemperatureHigh":"Disk temperature is too high", "sys.Height":"Altitude", "sys.SoftwareLicence":"Software License Agreement", "ManNumDetection":"In Area No.", "com.Fahrenheit":"Show ℉(Fahrenheit Degree)", "com.CoaxialSmoke":"HDCVI Smoke Alarm", "net.GpsResSignal":"GPS Signal Recover", "appEventCoaxialVoltageAlarm":"HDCVI Voltage Alarm", "appEventAlarmDecoder":"Decoder Alarm", "appEventCoaxialSmokeAlarm":"HDCVI Smoke Alarm", "appEventCoaxialTemperatureAlarm":"HDCVI Temperature Alarm", "com.NetcoderAbort":"Decoder Alarm", "com.NetcoderCover":"Decoder alarm solved.", "sys.LogAddUser":"Add User <%s>.", "sys.APStart":"Wi-Fi AP module start update.", "net.ErrorPoEPorts":"PoE port Exception", "com.RecsearchStop":"Exit video playback.", "advc_hdd.hddopt" : "Operation Class", "raid.titles.deleteRaid" : "Delete Raid", "Specific_spare" : "Local", "raid.info.state" : "Raid Status", "titles.hdderror" : "HDD Error", "raid.info.name" : "RAID Name", "raid.titles.deletespare" : "Delete Hotspare", "info_hdd.physicalposition" : "Physical Position", "disk.Number" : "Sub-Disk SN", "advc_hdd.type" : "Type", "raid.titles.addspare" : "New Hotspare", "raid.info.members" : "Member Disk", "raid.titles.addRaid" : "New RAID", "conf_hdd.globalhotspare" : "Global Hotspare", "raid.info.type" : "Raid Type", "raid.titles.deletefaulty" : "Delete Fault Disk", "info_log.raiderror" : "Raid Status", "com.BackToHost" : "It is the extension host, do you want to switch mouse back to the main host now?", "com.Share" : "Reuseable", "com.CamModify" : "Prompt", "net.DhDdnsTip" : "Note: System will reclaim the domain that is idle for more than one year. You can get a notification email one month before the reclaim if your email address setup is right. ", "sto.AddRaid" : "New RAID", "sto.DeleteRaid" : "Delete Raid", "com.SqiLevel1" : "Poor", "com.SqiLevel2" : "General", "com.SqiLevel3" : "Good", "net.ReplyList" : "Permitted IP List", "com.PosNumOver" : "POS amount has exceeded the threshold.", "net.EndIpAddr" : "End IP", "com.CamChannelFull" : "Device channel is full now. Smart add function failed.", "net.IpCfg" : "IP Config", "net.CamDevSearching" : "Device is auto adding IPC now...", "com.FanCorrect":"Fan Calibration", "net.CamCancelTip" : "The cancel operation may terminate smart search and add operation. Are you sure to continue?", "med.ColorSetAuth" : "COLOR SETTING", "net.CamAutoAddError" : "Can not enable smart add function.", "net.PortInvalid" : "Invalid port.", "net.CamNotFoundIpc" : "There are no IP cameras found. Please check the network and try again.", "com.Pppoe" : "PPPoE Dial", "sto.HardDriverType" : "HDD Physical Strike", "com.UserDefault" : "Default User", "com.IpSet" : "IP SETTING", "com.MaxRecExtraNum" : "The max number of sub stream channels is over. ", "com.ViewSetting": "View Setting", "com.RemotemouselocationTime" : "Auto switch when the mouse staying on the margin for", "com.WizardStart" : "Startup", "net.SetIpinfoFail" : "Can not set network information.", "net.ApNoExist" : "Can't detect WIFI AP module.", "net.CamStopSearch" : "Are you sure to stop smart add function now?", "com.PasswdNeedModify" : "Password of '%s' is invalid. Please change first.", "com.DdnsBadoemFail" : "OEM verification failed.", "comg.AddConfirmInfo" : "User Name or Password is Null, default to the anonymous login.", "sto.NotEnoughPd" : "Please select enough disk amount to create RAID. ", "com.ListLimitTen" : "The record amount shall be less than 10 items.", "com.ModifyConfig" : "Modifying now, please wait…", "com.AddChannelFinish" : "Successfully added the channel(s).", "com.NoTip" : "Don't show this message again", "com.UpgradeError" : "Update failed. Please try again.", "ivs.VehicleFurniture" : "Decoration", "ivs.AiBoardErrTips" : "AI module error. Please contact the maintenance engineer for help.", "com.IntelliUppart2" : "Please upgarde part2.bin", "sto.Partition" : "PARTITION", "com.AlarmDecoder" : "Alarm Decoder", "med.DisplayPosition" : "OSD Area", "com.MskingName" : "Ascend|Descend", "com.AddPosTitle" : "Add Title", "com.OverlayChannel" : "Overlay Channel", "com.OverlayPosition" : "Overlay Position", "com.LapPos" : "Overlay Position", "sto.FrameRecordTime" : "Record Time", "ivs.FaceHideNose" : "Cover Nose", "ivs.FaceNormal" : "Normal Face", "com.AutoOpen" : "Auto Boot up", "com.HolidayEnable" : "Holiday Enable", "com.OverlayEx" : "Overlay", "ivs.HumanHaveBag" : "Yes", "com.AutoMaintain" : "AUTO MAINTAIN", "net.Identify" : "AUTH", "net.MultiAddress" : "Multi-address", "net.Prefix" : "Subnet Prefix Length", "net.TransferTime" : "Upload Time", "com.RunMode" : "Device Mode", "com.MotionType" : "MD Type", "com.NormalMotion" : "General MD", "med.CamChannelMode" : "Channel Mode", "med.CurrentBps" : "Current BPS", "com.RealTimeMode" : "Real Time Mode", "med.Assistant3" : "Sub Stream3", "ivs.FaceSearchRace" : "All|Asians|Africans|Caucasian", "ivs.FaceSearchRetrieveSetting" : "Search Setting", "ivs.SearchTargetFac" : "Target Face", "com.SearchFailed" : "Search failed.", "com.DecodeTour" : "Display Tour", "sto.FaceRecord" : "Face Record", "sto.VideoControl" : "Video Control", "com.CloudAccess": "DMSS", "com.ACTi" : "ACTi", "com.Airpop" : "Airpop", "com.Hikvision" : "Hikvision", "com.IMatek" : "IMatek", "com.JVC" : "JVC", "com.LG" : "LG", "com.StringLow" : "Low", "com.PSIA" : "PSIA", "com.Sanyo" : "Sanyo", "com.Watchnet" : "Watchnet", "com.Xunmei" : "Xunmei", "com.OtherChannels" : "Other Channels", "com.BackupType" : "Backup Type ", "com.AutomaticTip" : "Set automatic maintenance tasks.", "net.NtpServer" : "time.windows.com", "com.NeverShowThis" : "Do not prompt admin to change its default password.", "sto.CardRec" : "Card Record", "com.NetFtpServer" : "FTP Server", "com.PoePowerFailed" : "Failed to provide power to the device", "com.OverCPUZoomPower" : "It has exceeded chip zoom capability.", "com.CalibrateMartix" : "Calibrated Matrix", "com.HasNoFreeAnalyseChannel" : "No analyzing channel available.", "net.AddIp" : "Add IP", "com.MasslogWorkHdd" : "Masslog Workdir", "com.RealtimeSstartTip" : "System is burning now, please wait", "com.InsideOver" : "Inside", "ivs.Stay" : "Stay", "med.AudioMode" : "Audio input mode", "net.CascadeMode" : "Cascade Mode", "com.FreeDay" : "Free day", "com.WeekDayEx" : "Sun|Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat|Work Day|Free Day", "sto.RecordRestart" : "Restart", "com.Channel1_4" : "CAM 1-4", "com.Channel1_2" : "CAM 1-2", "com.Channel3_4" : "CAM 3-4", "com.AnalyseFinish" : "OK.", "com.NetCardPri" : "Network Priority", "com.WeakPasswordTips" : "For your device safety, please change admin default password. Are you sure to quit changing now?", "sto.RealtimeNero" : "Burn't Capacity", "com.OnlySupportOneChannle" : "For 1-channel mode only", "com.RealtimeSync" : "Start Synchronize ", "com.NetSet" : "General Network", "ivs.OnlySupportOneChannle" : "The behavior analytics supports one channel only.", "sto.InfoRealplayWaring" : "Not to realpaly in zooming out state,please cancel.", "sto.HddDetectRecording" : "Please pause record when detecting HDD (RECOMMEND). Are you sure to pause record now?", "sto.BackupInturns" : "Start Alternate ", "sto.ClearErase" : "Disc is not rewritable.", "sto.BackupDiscchange" : "Change HDD", "med.AudioOutFile" : "Audio out file", "com.ShallNotPwdSame" : "The new password shall not be the same as the old password.", "com.PlateExist" : "Plate exist.", "com.Screen1" : "Screen 1", "com.Screen2" : "Screen 2", "sto.TotalDuration" : "Total Duration", "sto.EasySpace" : "Easy Space", "sto.HddBadTrack" : "S.M.A.R.T. ", "com.CloudStroage" : "EASY SPACE", "com.PhoneString" : "Cell Phone", "ivs.AnalyticsList" : "Analytics List", "com.WorkDay" : "Work Day", "com.LimitCchannelBegin" : "Input channel count out of limite, Add preceding ", "com.LimitchannelEnd" : "Channels", "com.DisSrcChangeString" : "Adjust Channel Sequence", "com.AutoShut" : "Auto Shutdown System", "com.AdminPwdNotDefault" : "The password of %s can not be %s", "net.Eth7" : "Card 8", "net.Eth6" : "Card 7", "net.Eth5" : "Card 6", "net.Eth4" : "Card 5", "net.Eth3" : "Card 4", "net.Eth2" : "Card 3", "net.Eth1" : "Card 2", "net.Eth0" : "Card 1", "com.RecworkSheet" : "Normal Period", "net.GgpsUpdateTime" : "GPS Update Time", "titles.userset" : "User Setting", "appEventNetArp" : "IP Conflicted", "appEventVideoIntelMove" : "Scene Detect", "com.AirLive" : "AirLive", "com.DcsSwtichAlarm" : "M/S Switch Alarm", "com.NasServerAlarm" : "NAS Server Alarm", "com.SuggestValue" : "Recommended Setup", "sto.DeleteVgFirst" : "Please delete stroagepool created on the raid.", "com.InspectionPeriod" : "Inspection Period", "sys.ShutDelay" : "Acc Delay", "ivs.FaceAlreadyAllot" : "Allocated", "ivs.FaceCertTypeName" : "----|ID Card|Passport|Military officer certificate", "ivs.FaceCreate" : "New", "ivs.FaceNoValidFolder" : "There is no valid file in current folder", "ivs.FaceLibIllegalName": "Invalid user name", "ivs.FaceNamingFormat" : "Naming Format", "ivs.NamingFormat" : "Naming Format", "ivs.FaceNoAllot" : "To be allocated", "ivs.FacePicSupport" : "Support Image", "ivs.FaceSexSelect" : "Male|Female", "ivs.FaceStranger" : "Stranger", "ivs.FaceWaitSet" : "To be set", "net.IPOrGatewayInvalid" : "Please input valid IP, gateway, and subnet mask.", "sto.HddNotEnoughPdRaid50" : "Please make sure there are at least 6 disks to add RAID50.", "sto.HddNotEnoughPdRaid60" : "Please make sure there are at least 8 disks to add RAID60.", "sys.DeveloperLog" : "Developer Log", "ivs.UpstairsLine" : "Up Line", "sto.DiskWillFail" : "Bad Soon", "ivs.CarDetection":"Vehicle Detection", "ivs.ApplyScene":"Application Scene", "com.RecordCtrlCheckConfig" : "MainStream and ExtraStream can't be recorded at the same time,please check your config.", "com.RecordCtrlExtraCheckConfig" : "Sub Streams of one Channel can not open at one time", "com.EventInsufficientQuotaSpace" : "Low Quota Space", "ivs.VisitorsEnterOver" : "People Counting(Entered)", "ivs.VisitorsExitOver" : "People Counting (Exited)", "ivs.VisitorsInsideOver" : "People Counting (Stayed)", "com.FailedTalking":"Audio talking Failed.", "com.PlayStep" : "Step ", "com.NoalarmTypeSupported" : "No supported alarm", "net.MonitorAlarm" : "Listen Alarm", "com.OpenVideo" : "Open Video", "com.Weak" : "Weak", "ivs.VehicleSignALPHINA":"ALPHINA", "ivs.VehicleSignASCARI":"ASCARI", "ivs.VehicleSignAllard":"Allard", "ivs.VehicleSignAlto":"Alto", "ivs.VehicleSignAscari":"Ascari", "ivs.VehicleSignBAC":"BAC", "ivs.VehicleSignBertone":"Bertone", "ivs.VehicleSignBistol":"Bistol", "ivs.VehicleSignBitter":"Bitter", "ivs.VehicleSignBizzarrini":"Bizzarrini", "ivs.VehicleSignBugatti":"Bugatti", "ivs.VehicleSignCaterham":"Caterham", "ivs.VehicleSignChenglong":"Chenglong", "ivs.VehicleSignCisitalia":"Cisitalia", "ivs.VehicleSignCizeta":"Cizeta", "ivs.VehicleSignConquest":"Conquest", "ivs.VehicleSignCorvette":"Corvette", "ivs.VehicleSignCrown":"Crown", "ivs.VehicleSignDAF":"DAF", "ivs.VehicleSignDKW":"DKW", "ivs.VehicleSignDMC":"DMC", "ivs.VehicleSignDacia":"Dacia", "ivs.VehicleSignDatsun":"Datsun", "ivs.VehicleSignDeTomaso":"DeTomaso", "ivs.VehicleSignDelage":"Delage", "ivs.VehicleSignDelahaye":"Delahaye", "ivs.VehicleSignDiatto":"Diatto", "ivs.VehicleSignEDAG":"EDAG", "ivs.VehicleSignELFIN":"ELFIN", "ivs.VehicleSignElemental":"Elemental", "ivs.VehicleSignEmgrand":"Emgrand", "ivs.VehicleSignEnglon":"Englon", "ivs.VehicleSignFarboud":"Farboud", "ivs.VehicleSignFuShiDa":"FuShiDa", "ivs.VehicleSignGAZ":"GAZ", "ivs.VehicleSignGAZZ":"GAZZ", "ivs.VehicleSignGMG":"GMG", "ivs.VehicleSignGleagle":"Gleagle", "ivs.VehicleSignHeiBao":"HeiBao", "ivs.VehicleSignHerbertAustin":"HerbertAustin", "ivs.VehicleSignHino":"Hino", "ivs.VehicleSignHolden":"Holden", "ivs.VehicleSignHorch":"Horch", "ivs.VehicleSignIkarus":"Ikarus", "ivs.VehicleSignItaldisign":"Italdisign", "ivs.VehicleSignJOSS":"JOSS", "ivs.VehicleSignJiangnan":"Jiangnan", "ivs.VehicleSignKAMAZ":"KAMAZ", "ivs.VehicleSignKTM":"KTM", "ivs.VehicleSignKarlAbarth":"KarlAbarth", "ivs.VehicleSignKoenigsegg":"Koenigsegg", "ivs.VehicleSignKuBo":"KuBo", "ivs.VehicleSignLADA":"LADA", "ivs.VehicleSignLagonda":"Lagonda", "ivs.VehicleSignLeyland":"Leyland", "ivs.VehicleSignLingzhi":"Lingzhi", "ivs.VehicleSignMACK":"MACK", "ivs.VehicleSignMEILU":"MEILU", "ivs.VehicleSignMELKUS":"MELKUS", "ivs.VehicleSignMGROVER":"MGROVER", "ivs.VehicleSignMITSUOKA":"MITSUOKA", "ivs.VehicleSignMarcos":"Marcos", "ivs.VehicleSignMclaren":"Mclaren", "ivs.VehicleSignMeiYa":"MeiYa", "ivs.VehicleSignMercury":"Mercury", "ivs.VehicleSignMetropolitan":"Metropolitan", "ivs.VehicleSignMorgan":"Morgan", "ivs.VehicleSignMoskvich":"Moskvich", "ivs.VehicleSignMustang":"Mustang", "ivs.VehicleSignNanoflowcell":"Nanoflowcell", "ivs.VehicleSignNoble":"Noble", "ivs.VehicleSignNsu":"Nsu", "ivs.VehicleSignOldsmobile":"Oldsmobile", "ivs.VehicleSignPGO":"PGO", "ivs.VehicleSignPONTIAC":"PONTIAC", "ivs.VehicleSignPROTON":"PROTON", "ivs.VehicleSignPanoz":"Panoz", "ivs.VehicleSignPatton":"Patton", "ivs.VehicleSignPlymouth":"Plymouth", "ivs.VehicleSignPolonez":"Polonez", "ivs.VehicleSignQingLing":"QingLing", "ivs.VehicleSignRAV4":"RAV4", "ivs.VehicleSignRUF":"RUF", "ivs.VehicleSignRUFU":"RUFU", "ivs.VehicleSignRenaultSamsung":"RenaultSamsung", "ivs.VehicleSignRochetSchneider":"RochetSchneider", "ivs.VehicleSignRonart":"Ronart", "ivs.VehicleSignSPYKER":"SPYKER", "ivs.VehicleSignSaibao":"Saibao", "ivs.VehicleSignSaturn":"Saturn", "ivs.VehicleSignScion":"Scion", "ivs.VehicleSignSeata":"Seata", "ivs.VehicleSignShelby":"Shelby", "ivs.VehicleSignSongHuaJiang":"SongHuaJiang", "ivs.VehicleSignSsc":"Ssc", "ivs.VehicleSignTVR":"TVR", "ivs.VehicleSignTaurus":"Taurus", "ivs.VehicleSignTianYe":"TianYe", "ivs.VehicleSignTrabant":"Trabant", "ivs.VehicleSignTramontana":"Tramontana", "ivs.VehicleSignUAZ":"UAZ", "ivs.VehicleSignVauxhall":"Vauxhall", "ivs.VehicleSignVenturi":"Venturi", "ivs.VehicleSignWartburg":"Wartburg", "ivs.VehicleSignWeiZi":"WeiZi", "ivs.VehicleSignWiesmann":"Wiesmann", "ivs.VehicleSignYingTianTruck":"YingTianTruck", "ivs.VehicleSignZOEMO":"ZOEMO", "ivs.VehicleSignZenvo":"Zenvo", "info_hdd.remaincapa":"Free Space", "ugm_addgroup.gname":"Group Name", "conf_tim.rectype":"Record Type", "LoginIPAddr":"Login IP Address", "appEventCoaxialMotionDetect":"HDCVI Motion Detection", "sto.HddState":"HDD State", "com.LengthLimit":"The length shall not be more than %d digits(or %d Chinese letters)", "com.MasterSlaveGroup":"Main-Sub Group", "ivs.VehicleSignPininfarina" : "Pininfarina", "ivs.VehicleSignFoden" : "Foden", "com.Strong":"Strong", "com.EventInvalidTimeLogin" : "Invalid Period Login", "ivs.VehicleSignBeijingTruck":"BAW Trunk", "ivs.VehicleSignWuZhengTruck":"WAW Truck", "ivs.VehicleSignChangan":"Changan Car", "ivs.VehicleSignSCANIA":"Vabis", "ivs.VehicleSignChanganBus":"Changan Bus", "ivs.VehicleSignDongFengTruck":"DongFeng Trunk", "ivs.VehicleSignDongFengBus":"DongFeng Bus", "ivs.VehicleSignFotonTruck":"Foton Truck", "ivs.VehicleSignFotonBus":"Foton Bus", "ivs.VehicleSignJACTruck":"JAC Truck", "ivs.VehicleSignJACBus":"JAC Bus", "ivs.VehicleSignJMCTruck":"JMC Truck", "ivs.VehicleSignJinBeiTruck":"Jinbei Truck", "ivs.VehicleSignKaiMaTruck":"kama Truck", "ivs.VehicleSignMudanBus":"Mudan Bus", "ivs.VehicleSignNanJun" : "Nan Jun", "ivs.VehicleSignNissanCivilian":"Nissan Civilian", "ivs.VehicleSignNissanTruck":"Nissan Truck", "ivs.VehicleSignSanyTruck":"Sany Truck", "ivs.VehicleSignVolvoBus":"Volvo Bus", "ivs.VehicleSignLsuzuTruck":"ISUZU Truck", "ivs.VehicleSignYangZiBus":"Yangtse Bus", "ivs.VehicleSignYiqiBus":"FAW Bus", "ivs.VehicleSignYueJinTruck":"Yuejin Truck", "net.ModIPSameToSelf":"The IP is the same as current device IP. Please input again.", "net.AddRecordTask":"Add Task", "net.HighSpeedBack":"High Speed", "net.NormalSpeedBack":"Normal Speed", "net.LowSpeedBack":"Low Speed", "net.RecordBackInfo":"Task Detail", "net.RecordBackFile":"File size", "com.NotStart":"Normal", "com.PleaseChooseOneTask":"Please select a task.", "com.DeleteTheDevice":"Are you sure to delete the device?", "com.OpenClusterFailed":"Failed to enable clusters.", "net.EventTime":"Event Time", "com.EventTime":"Event Time", "net.EventName":"Event Name", "com.PasswordIsError":"Incorrect password.", "com.InBlackList":"The account has been blacklisted.", "com.MainConnectFailed":"Main connection failed.", "net.OverMaxConnect":"Number of devices can be connected has reached the upper limit.", "net.HasNoMasterCfg":"There is no config for the main device.", "net.ClusterIP":"CLUSTER IP", "com.AllString":"All", "net.HealthTest":"Mail Health Test", "com.Ping":"PIN Code", "com.LoginErrorNo17" : "Invalid user name or password.", "med.LiveAudio" : "Live Audio", "conf_info.peoplenum" : "People No.", "com.Leave" : "Exit", "com.DecodeEnable":"Enable Decoding", "com.EnableExtraScreen":"Enable Sub Screen", "com.ExtraScreenEnableRecover":"Display output mode will be automatically restored to previous settings in %d seconds.", "com.ExtraScreenEnableConfirm":"Are you sure to enable sub screen display?", "com.PlayBackChannel" : "Playback Channel", "net.DeleteCert35114EnableTip" : "GB35114 has been enabled, and the certificate cannot be deleted.", "ivs.MasterSlaveNumNotEnough":"Please select more video channels of speed dome.", "ivs.MasterSlaveSameNameExist":"Main name and sub name cannot be the same.", "ivs.MasterSlaveSelectTooManyDevices": "Too many video channels.", "ivs.MasterSlaveDeviceNotOnline":"Main-sub tracking is not supported (Device is not online).", "ivs.MasterSlave":"Main-Sub Tracking", "com.FisheyeSplitScreenConflict" : "Fisheye and split-screen tracking cannot be enabled at the same time.", "net.Bkworkdcsip":"Non-working DCS IP", "net.Beforedcsreplace":"Before replacement", "net.Delmasterdev":"Delete Main Device", "net.Delcluster":"Delete Cluster", "net.CryptoModuleAbnormal":"Password module is lost or abnormal.", "com.GB35114":"GB35114", "net.RemDevMacDetail":"Device conflicts with <%s>", "net.EventReason":"Event Reason", "sto.QuotaModeCloseTip":"Disable quota function. Please format HDD.", "sto.QuotaModeOpenTip":"Enable quota function. Please format HDD.", "per.AuxConfig":"AUX Config", "med.LimitChannelAdded":"Number of channels exceeded the limit. %d channels can be added by default.", "sto.SetToQuotaModeTip":"Please go to Main Menu > STORAGE > Basic interface, set HDD Full to be Overwrite, and then enable this function.", "sto.SetToOverWriteTip":"Please go to Main Menu > STORAGE > Disk Group interface, switch to the disk group mode, and then enable this function.", "com.Channel65":"CAM 65", "com.Channel66":"CAM 66", "com.Channel67":"CAM 67", "com.Channel68":"CAM 68", "com.Channel69":"CAM 69", "com.Channel70":"CAM 70", "com.Channel71":"CAM 71", "com.Channel72":"CAM 72", "com.Channel73":"CAM 73", "com.Channel74":"CAM 74", "com.Channel75":"CAM 75", "com.Channel76":"CAM 76", "com.Channel77":"CAM 77", "com.Channel78":"CAM 78", "com.Channel79":"CAM 79", "com.Channel80":"CAM 80", "com.Channel81":"CAM 81", "com.Channel82":"CAM 82", "com.Channel83":"CAM 83", "com.Channel84":"CAM 84", "com.Channel85":"CAM 85", "com.Channel86":"CAM 86", "com.Channel87":"CAM 87", "com.Channel88":"CAM 88", "com.Channel89":"CAM 89", "com.Channel90":"CAM 90", "com.Channel91":"CAM 91", "com.Channel92":"CAM 92", "com.Channel93":"CAM 93", "com.Channel94":"CAM 94", "com.Channel95":"CAM 95", "com.Channel96":"CAM 96", "com.Channel97":"CAM 97", "com.Channel98":"CAM 98", "com.Channel99":"CAM 99", "com.Channel100":"CAM 100", "com.Channel101":"CAM 101", "com.Channel102":"CAM 102", "com.Channel103":"CAM 103", "com.Channel104":"CAM 104", "com.Channel105":"CAM 105", "com.Channel106":"CAM 106", "com.Channel107":"CAM 107", "com.Channel108":"CAM 108", "com.Channel109":"CAM 109", "com.Channel110":"CAM 110", "com.Channel111":"CAM 111", "com.Channel112":"CAM 112", "com.Channel113":"CAM 113", "com.Channel114":"CAM 114", "com.Channel115":"CAM 115", "com.Channel116":"CAM 116", "com.Channel117":"CAM 117", "com.Channel118":"CAM 118", "com.Channel119":"CAM 119", "com.Channel120":"CAM 120", "com.Channel121":"CAM 121", "com.Channel122":"CAM 122", "com.Channel123":"CAM 123", "com.Channel124":"CAM 124", "com.Channel125":"CAM 125", "com.Channel126":"CAM 126", "com.Channel127":"CAM 127", "com.Channel128":"CAM 128", "com.CloseMultiDisplayTip":"Please close 4K split-screen display.", "com.CloseTourTip":"Please close tour display.", "raid.info.membersstate" : "Disk status", "sto.SpeedSyn":"Sync Speed", "com.ReservedMaskDefPwdTip":"***** is a reserved string and cannot be set as a password.", "med.EncodeDisableNeedReboot":"Are you sure to disable smart codec? After you have disabled smart codec, cameras connected to the video recorder might restart.", "sto.DefaultQuotaModeTip":"After restoring the device to default settings, the quota mode will be closed, and the disk needs to be formatted. Sure to close the quota mode?", "com.Cabinet0":"Cabinet 1", "com.Cabinet1":"Cabinet 2", "com.Cabinet2":"Cabinet 3", "com.TopLeft1":"Top Left 1", "com.TopLeft2":"Top Left 2", "com.TopRight1":"Top Right 1", "com.TopRight2":"Top Right 2", "com.ButtomRight":"Bottom Right", "med.fastPreview" : "Fast Live", "med.previewStartChnl" : "Live Start Channel", "med.previewSplit" : "Split Screen", "net.FiberCardBonding" : "Fiber Optic NIC Bonding", "com.IntelliCloseExclusionFunctions5":"Limited resources. Enable this function after you have disabled AI by video recorder.", "com.DefaultIp":"Default IP:", "med.RemoteAlarmOutput":"Remote Device Alarm Output", "com.AddConfirmInfo" : "The user name or password is null. This will be treat as an anonymous login.", "com.AIEncode":"AI Codec", "sys.MauEncCache":"Coding Strategy", "net.DeleteChannelTip":"Are you sure to delete the channel(s) that you have selected?", "med.DisarmEnableAllAlarmTip":"Alarm linkage selected will not be valid if you disarm this area.Continue?", "ivs.ExportProcess":"Export Progress", "ivs.ImportProcess":"Import Progress", "com.PasswordNoTureTip":"Password error.", "com.ImportFileFail":"Failed to import file(s).", "com.FileAnalysisPleaseWait":"The file is being parsed. Please wait…", "com.InfoSearchPicWarning":"You cannot search by picture when it is zoomed in. Cancel zooming in first.", "com.PleaseDrawSearchArea":"Drag the anchor points to draw a searching area.", "ivs.FaceIdentifyStranger":"Face Recognition (Stranger)", "ivs.FaceIdentifyGeneral":"Face Recognition (General)", "net.DcsWorkIsUse":"Cluster working device in use", "net.DcsWorkIsFree":"Cluster working device idle", "net.DcsWorkIsError":"Cluster working device fault", "net.DcsBackupIsUse":"Cluster backup device in use", "net.DcsBackupIsFree":"Cluster backup device idle", "net.DcsBackupIsError":"Cluster backup device fault", "ivs.OverFaceImageMax":"Failed to import pictures because number of pictures exceeds limit.", "ivs.PleaseSelectFaceLib":"Please select a face database.", "sto.TankRaid":"Disk Enclosure %d_%d", "ivs.PicSearchBeyondTips":"There are too many targets. Maximum 30 pictures can be displayed.", "com.NotBeltTime":"Not Wearing Seatbelt Duration", "com.NotBeltAlarm":"Not Wearing Seatbelt Alarm", "com.Recommend":"(Recommended)", "sto.ChangeV1AndV2":"The new disk mode will be valid after the disk is formatted. Continue?", "sys.OpenPlatform":"Open Platform", "sys.AppManage":"Application Management", "sys.UploadAppPack":"Upload Application Package", "sys.SelectAppPack":"Select Application Package", "sys.AppList":"Application List", "sys.ExpiredDate":"Expiration Date", "com.Update":"Update", "com.Uninstall":"Uninstall", "com.InstallSuccess":"Installed successfully.", "sys.PlatformDownloadFailed":"Failed to download application.", "sys.PlatformInvalid":"Application illegal.", "sys.PlatformFailed":"Failed to upload application.", "sys.PlatformInvalidHttp":"Uploaded request illegal.", "sys.PlatformUnsupportedMode":"Uploaded mode unsupported.", "sys.PlatformUrlAppNotMatch":"Certificate and app do not match.", "sys.PlatformReadInfoFailed":"Failed to read internal storage.", "sys.PlatformWrite3rdFailed":"Failed to write in application certificate.", "sys.PlatformWriteFailed":"Failed to write in authorized certificate.", "sys.PlatformNoSuchApp":"Failed to find corresponding application of authorized certificate.", "sys.PlatformVerifyFailed":"Signature verification failed or authorized certificate illegal.", "sys.PlatformFileUnmatch":"Application package failed to match.", "sys.PlatformCancelled":"Application upload cancelled.", "sto.DiskSetToStopTip":"Please go to Main Menu > STORAGE > Disk Quota to disable quota mode, and then enable this function.", "med.OverDecPowerClosePreview":"Insufficient decoding resources. Please close some live channels.", "med.OverDecPowerLowPreview":"Insufficient decoding resources. Auto switch to lower stream?", "ivs.FullScreen":"FullScreen", "sys.ResetPwdSCError":"Security Code Error", "sto.ChangeToQuotaAndFormat":"The device will be switched to disk quota mode. Please format the disk; otherwise videos cannot be recorded.", "sto.ChangeToDiskGroupAndFormat":"The device will be switched to disk group mode. Please format the disk; otherwise videos cannot be recorded.", "sto.UnquotadChannelsNote":"There are channels with no allocated quotas. Videos captured by these channels will be stored in disks with no allocated quotas.", "sto.ChangeToReadWriteAndFormat":"Switching the disk property to Read/Write will format the disk. Continue?", "sto.OpenQuotaAndFormat":"Disk quota mode will be turned on. Please format the disk; otherwise videos cannot be recorded.", "sto.CloseQuotaAndFormat":"Disk quota mode will be turned off. Please format the disk; otherwise videos cannot be recorded.", "ivs.licenseTimeTip":"Algorithm authorization expired", "ivs.licenseExistTip":"Algorithm is not authorized", "ivs.licenseTypeTip":"Algorithm authorizations do not match", "ivs.licenseOtherTip":"Algorithm authorization failed", "ivs.ReAbstractingTip":"Algorithmic models are being updated, AI functions cannot be used at the moment.", "ivs.ReAbstractingSearchTip":"In data modeling, query results are inaccurate.", "ivs.AlgorithmVersion":"Intelligent Algorithm", "ivs.LicenseStatement":"License Status", "ivs.LicenseOverDeadline":"Failed. Please update the license.", "com.previewAudio":"Live Audio", "com.IvsAndSmd":"IVS&SMD", "com.ScreenConfirm":"Are you sure to switch %s to the main screen?", "com.Random":"Random Number", "ivs.LargeCar" :"Large-sized", "ivs.MicroCar" :"Small-sized", "net.TLSOldVersionTip":"TLS Protocol Compatibility", "net.StartUsingLowVersionTLSTip":"There might be security risks if TLS of earlier versions are enabled. Please select carefully.", "net.StartUsingLowVersionTLS":"Compatible with TLSv1.1 and earlier versions", "ivs.VanTricycle":"Van Cargo Tricycle", "ivs.MannedConvertibleTricycle":"Open Tricycle with Passenger", "ivs.NoMannedConvertibleTricycle ":"Open Tricycle without Passenger", "ivs.HumanShape":"Human Detection", "med.CautionLightSet":"Warning Light Settings", "med.CautionLight":"Warning Light", "net.DialState":"Dial-up Status", "DisableLinkageTimeSection":"Disarm by Period", "ivs.CycleDisarmTip":"Disarm by Period will be valid after one-click disarm is disabled.", "med.DisarmingTimeSection":"Duration of Disarm by Period", "med.MauRemChnDisarming":"Sync Disarm Config with Channels", "sys.SoftwareStatement":"Open Source Software Statement", "gui.Split13":"View 13", "com.DisplayScale":"Aspect Ratio", "com.ImageQualityAdjustment":"Image Quality", "com.FluencyOption":"Smoothness", "com.FullScreenDisplay":"Full Screen", "com.VerticalSync":"V-Sync", "com.MultiEncode":"Zero-Channel Codec", "net.firmwareUpgrade":"Firmware Update", "net.moduleFirmware":"Module Firmware", "net.Netsignal":"Network Signal", "net.SingleAPN":"Special APN", "net.AutoCinfig":"Auto Config", "net.MoudleType":"Module Model", "net.FlowStat":"Data Traffic", "net.FluxTotal":"Total", "net.FluxSend":"Sent", "net.FluxRecv":"Received", "com.RecordTime":"Recorded Time", "net.BeehiveNet":"Cellular Network", "net.SIMExitTip":"Exists", "ivs.IntelliRebootTips":"After enabling this function, the camera will restart. Continue?", "ivs.IntelliCloseFaceTips":"After enabling this function, some intelligent functions will be disabled. Continue?", "ivs.IntelliCloseSMDTips":"After enabling this function, smart motion detection of the camera will be disabled. Continue?", "com.AdjustFluency":"Fluency Adjustment", "sys.LegalInfo":"Legal Info", "sys.OpenSourceLicense":"Open Source Software Notice", "net.ModuleSIMChangeTip":"Changes occurred to modules/SIM. Use auto config?", "net.Unrecognized":"Unrecognized", "com.MasterslavePreview":"Panoramic-detailed Live", "ivs.Bus":"Bus", "com.Install":"Install", "sys.RunningState":"Running Status", "ivs.AIShowSet":"AI Display Settings", "com.AttributeSet":"Attribute Settings", "net.FluxMonth":"Monthly Data Usage", "net.FluxDay":"Daily Data Usage", "sto.HddWorkModeInEffect":"The disk mode is about to be effective. Please try again later.", "net.CertState":"Certificate Status", "com.EventTransmitSvr":"Event Forwarding Service", "ivs.StereoFightDetectionMaxRulesTip":"The max number of violence detection rules is %d.", "ivs.StereoApproachDetectionMaxRulesTip":"The max number of people approach detection rules is %d.", "ivs.StereoFallDetectionMaxRulesTip":"The max number of fall detection rules is %d.", "ivs.StereoManNumDetectionMaxRulesTip":"The max number of people No. exception detection rules is %d.", "ivs.StereoStayDetectionMaxRulesTip":"The max number of people staying detection rules is %d.", "com.DevRegisterStatus":"Device Registration Status", "net.ServerIP":"Server IP", "net.ServerPort":"Server Port", "pfm.ConnetIdentCode":"Access Identification Code", "com.GAVIUsername":"View Database Username", "com.GAVIPassword":"View Database Password", "sys.PlatformSameAsOldApp":"App is the same. Update is not needed.", "sys.PlatformLicOutOfDate":"Certificate expired.", "pfm.AccessKey":"Authentication Key", "pfm.SecretKey":"Access Code", "pfm.VSPGAVI":"Snapshot & Video Database", "com.UninstallSuccessTip":"Uninstalled successfully.", "com.UninstallFailTip":"Failed to uninstall.", "ivs.PortraitDetection":"Face & Body Detection", "ivs.PortraitDetectionEnhance":"Face & Body Image Enhancement", "ivs.EffectiveTargetTip":"Select at least one between human detection and face detection.", "sys.ChnPowerInfo":"Connected/Total (PoC) : %d/%d", "sys.RTPowerInfo":"Current/Total Power (W): %d/%d (W)", "net.5G":"5G", "net.ISP":"ISP", "com.ModeErrorChangeTitle":"Incompatible camera exists. Please change the private protocol authentication mode into incompatible mode.", "com.ModeAbnormal":"Mode Exception", "com.ModeIncompatibleTip":"Incompatible authentication mode. Please change the private protocol authentication mode in SECURITY.", "net.PoEManagementExplanationNoQualityOrPower":"Note: \n\n1. PoE status icon description: Green circle means device is connected and red circle means not connected.\n\n", "sys.PasswordResetOption1":"Notes (Only for admin): \n Option 1. Download the mobile phone client, go to password resetting interface, and scan the QR code on the left of the interface.", "sys.PasswordResetOption2":"Option 2. Please use any APP with scanning and recognition function, scan the left QR code to get encryption strings. And then send the strings to support_gpwd@htmicrochip.com.", "sys.PasswordResetOption2Private":"Option 2. Please use any APP with scanning and recognition function, scan the left QR code to get encryption strings. And then send the strings to support_rpwd@global.dahuatech.com.", "ivs.VehicleBrand":"Unknown|Audi|Honda|Buick|Volkswagen|Toyota|BMW|Peugeot|Ford|Mazda|Nissan|Hawtai|Suzuki|Citroen|Benz|BYD|Geely|Lexus|Chevrolet|Chery|Kia|Xiali|DongFeng|Iveco|SGMW|JinBei|JAC|Geely|Changan|Great Wall|Skoda|BaoJun|Subaru|Land Wind|Luxgen|Renault|Mitsubishi|Roewe|Cadillac|MG|Zotye|Zhonghua|Foton|Hafei|Opel|Hongqi|Fiat|Jaguar|Volvo|Acura|Porsche|Jeep|Bentley|Bugatti|GAC|Daewoo|Soueast|Ferrari|Foday|SMA|Hawtai|JMC|King Long|Joylong|Karry|Chrysler|Lamborghini|Rolls-Royce|Everus|Lifan|Leoparrd|Lincoln|Land Rover|Lotus|Maserati|Maybach|McLaren|Youngman|Tesla|Rely|Isuzu|FAW Besturn|Infiniti|Yutong |Ankai|Changhe|Haima|Toyota Crown|Huanghai|Golden Dragon|Smart|Dodge|Lotus|Mini|Geely|Foton|Shuanghuan|ZX Auto|Yaris|Geely|Zhongtong|Changan|Yuejin|Changan|Suzuki|BAW Weiwang |DFLQ|Higer|Shaolin|North|BAIC|Haval|Jonway|Maxus|BAW|Ford Mustang|Gonow|Hummer|Polarsun|Ssangyong|Victory|Koenigsegg|Aston Martin|TechArt|Carlsson|Seat|Wiesmann|Alfa Romeo|Spyker|Mercury|Scania|PROTON|LANCIA|Panoz|Holden|ASCARI|Dacia|Renault Samsung|VAUXHALL|VENTURI|Morgan|HINO|PONTIAC|ABARTH|Saturn|Tianma|DAIHATSU|Oldsmobile|Saibao|Moskvich|DS|Venucia|MITSUOKA|Gumpert|Polonez|Zotye|LADA|Scion|DAF|Enranger|Xinkai|Dadi|Tata|KAMAZ|Datsun|Foden|Austin|Ginetta|CHTC|DENZA|Zinoro|Fornasari|Keyton|Qoros|Huasong|Cowin|Levdeo|LEAHEAD|Green Wheel|King Long|RUF|Tong Jia|Ciimo|Yogomo|ZD|Shenlong|BAC|Borgward|Conquest|DMC|Elemental|GAZ|GMC|KTM|nanoflowcell|noble|ssc|Tramontana|Zenvo|Brabus|G.PATTON|Melkus|BAIC Huansu|Anyuan|Riich|Haima|Yema|Hafei|CHMC|Hua Ling|Sinotruck|C&C|Sany|kama|Beiben|YTC|Hongyan|T.King|YangZi|Sinocars|AsiaStar|Youyi|Elfin|Joss|MAN|Alpino|Alvis|ASCARI|Allard|Bitter|Bizzarrini|Pininfarina|PGO|Bertone|Bristol|De Tomaso|Delage|Delahaye|Diatto|NSU|VABIS|Farboud|Ford|GAZ|Horch|Caterham|Chevrolet|Lagonda|Leyland|RUF|Roewe|Rochet-Schneider|Marcos|Mack|Meilu|Metropolitan|Meiya|Plymouth|Italdisign||TATRA|Trabant|Trevor|Wartburg|Cizeta|SSC TUATARA|Cisitalia|Siata|DKW|EDAG|Ikarus|UAZ|JMC|Kandi|Saab|Shifeng|WAW|Yaolon|Dongfanghong|Tri-ring Sitom|XCMG |Wangpai|Sinotruck|Speed|Granton|Mudan|Sunwin|Sunwin|Sunwin|Silver|Wuzhoulong|Tongxin|Haval|Jionggong|Jianghuan|Chunlan|Dayun|Lifan|Shacman|Iveco|Suzuki|Changan|Changan|Equus| Coupe|Hyundai|GAC|GAC|JAC|JAC|JMC|Borgward|UD Trucks|Yangtse|WAW|Dongyu|Kawei|Horki|Kasheng|Lynk&Co|Bisu|Ranz|Kombat|La Joya|NIO|Hanteng|Byvin|HengTong|SWM|WEY|Singulato|Yudo|BAIC DaoDa|Changan |AsiaStar|ShaoRao|Shuchi|ChuFeng|HanTang|Forta|Fuhuan|Hyundai|Foton|JMC|Traum|Dearcc|Xpeng|Weltmeister|Ruichi|Shineray|Leapmotor|Baolong|Jetour|Neoplan|Yuancheng|Boloda|BiaoMa|Skywell|Ruiyi|Sowar|Shuangfu|Hyundai|Wanda|Zonda|Sinogold|Dahan|Alfa Bus|Yixing|Red Star|Shudu|Hengshan|Wanxiang Auto|XDBS|Dojo|TXDDC|Yuexi|UD|Dayang|Bobang|Fulu|Guilin|Hongri|Lewei|Lichi|Supaq|Verong|Yuesun|TEG|AVIC|Dahe|Henghe|Jihai|Ora|Wanxiang|Weikerui|ChangjiangEV|CORE|Zhongxin|Oushan|LITE|Qiantu|SOL|Dorcen|Lixiang|Link Tour|Yulu|Rolfhartge|Luchi|CRCC|NETA|Oushan|Pagani|Dafudi|Wanfo|SAIC|CSR|Huakai Toyota|Ford|Chery|Landrover|Landrover|Isuzu|Infiniti|Dodge|Jaguar|Toyota|Toyota|Volvo|Maserati|Lincoln|Porsche|Porsche|Smart|Chevrolet|Chevrolet|Suzuki|Mazda|NISSAN|Mitsubishi|Tata|Changhe|Changhe|Durablev|BAIC|ENTU|Haiquan|Hanteng|LANSEL|Huanghai|Huili|Zhongji Mingyang|Geely|Jinbei|Jinpeng|Jinggong|Kama|Lifan|Viano|CHJ|NAC|Runruji|Tri-ring|Shuanghuan|SITECH|Yuejin|Zotye|Hong Qi|LEVC|Polestar|SAIC MAXUS|Jinghua|Lamborghini|Kawei|SF EV|Yema|Hong Qi|Leopaard|Haima|BORGWARD|Qingling|Dongfeng|XK|Lifan|Baojun|YUDO|JONWAY|JONWAY|LANDWIND|Beijing Automobile|BESTUNE|JMC|Jinma|Qingji|CENNTRO|SINOTRUK|SINOTRUK|Zhongzhuo Shidai|EXEED|Yuzhou|Baojun|Xindadi|ZEV Auto", "com.LegalStatement":"DAHUA SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT\n\n1. PREAMBLE\nIMPORTANT NOTICE, PLEASE READ CAREFULLY:\n1.1 This Agreement is a Software License Agreement between you and Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co.,Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as 'Dahua'). Please read this software license agreement (hereinafter referred to as 'Agreement') carefully before using the Software. By using Dahua Software, you are deemed to agree to be bound by the terms of this Agreement. If you do not agree to the terms of this Agreement, please do not install or use the Software, and click the 'disagree' button(If there is any provision for 'agree' or 'disagree'). If the Software you get is purchased as part of Dahua device, and you do not agree to the terms of this Agreement, you may return this device/Software within the return period to Dahua or authorized distributor where you purchased from for a refund, but it should be subject to the Dahua's return policy.\n1.2 Consent to use of data\nYour personal information, including the name, IP address and email address of the user, may be required in order to provide certain functions, such as on-line updates, P2P, and resetting password. When dealing with such information, Dahua will act in accordance with the data processing principles provided by law and using proper technological measures and management system to make sure that your personal information is securely used and your legal rights are well protected.\nIf you are a child, please read this Agreement and other related documents with your guardian(s) and pay more attention to the child protection terms.\nDahua stick on to personal information protection and has made the Product Privacy Policy to disclose the important information about the collection, usage, share, storage, and deletion of personal information. In all circumstance, your personal information will be handled according to the Product Privacy Policy. You can search for 'Dahua Product Privacy Policy' or 'Product Privacy Policy' on Dahua's official website. For the sake of a better protection of your personal information, you must have read and fully understood the contents of the 'Product Privacy Policy' before using Dahua software.\nBy opening or using these functions, you are deemed to agree to be bound by the terms of this Agreement.\n\n2. DEFINITIONS\n'Software' refers to information processing program(s) or supporting file(s) consisting of a number of modules or functions. Supporting file(s) includes all or part of the Software source codes, object codes, and the images, photographs, icons, animations, audio, video, music, words and codes incorporated therein. It also includes all relevant paper or electronic information and technical documentation which describe the functions, characteristics, contents, quality, tests, customer manuals, user agreements, etc. (hereinafter referred to as 'Software Products' or 'Software'). \n\n'You' refers to natural person or legal entity that has obtained the right to use the Software under the license of Dahua. Legal entities include company, enterprise, institution, organization or work unit.\n\n'Probation period' refers to a specific period before the official registration in which Dahua authorizes the internal use of users for evaluation purpose.\n\n3. SOFTWARE LICENSE\nSubject to your compliance with this Agreement, you are granted non-exclusive license including: \n1) Probation license\nYou are granted to install the software on a single device controlled by you and use all the functions provided for evaluation purpose for free.\n2) Commercial license\na) Right of installation and use: You are granted to install and use the software on a single device you control, and use all the functions provided thereby.\nb) Back-up: You are granted to reproduce materials for archival purpose. Unless otherwise stated in this Agreement, you may not be permitted to copy the software or printed materials or electronic documentations accompanying for any other purposes and by any other means.\n\n4. PERMITTED LICENSE USES AND RESTRICTIONS\n1) Restrictions on single use\nThis Agreement does not allow the software to exist on more than one device at a time, unless otherwise agreed by both parties.\n2) Restrictions on software sharing\nYou may not use part or all of the software on multiple devices by sharing all or part of the Software.\n3) Restrictions on software decomposition\nYou can not use different functions on different devices or embed different parts of the Software into other software system by decomposing the Software.\n4) Restrictions on integrity preserving\nYou can not remove any copyright statement or notice in the Software, nor smear, modify or delete any trademarks or logos appearing in the Software.\n5) Restrictions on reverse engineering, decompile and disassemble\nYou can not reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software.\n6) Abidance by the law:\nYou agree to use the Software and/or the Services in compliance with all applicable laws, including local laws of the country or region in which you reside or in which you download or use the Software and Services. Functions and services of the Software may not be available in all languages in all regions. Internet connection is required for some functions of the Software and Services.\n7) Confidentiality restriction: \nYou may not disclose the performance of the software, or any other assessment, test results, technical secrets or any such confidential information derived from the Software to any third party without the written consent of Dahua.\n8) Automatic updates\nThe software will periodically check with Dahua for updates. The update will automatically download and install onto your device, if one is available. It is deemed to accept the automatic download and installation onto your device once you used the Dahua software. You can turn off the automatic updates at any time by changing the Automatic updates settings.\n\n5. DECLARATION ON INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY\n1) The Software is developed by Dahua. Dahua reserves all the lawful rights of the software which are not expressly granted to you .\n2) The Software is protected by laws of the People's Republic of China. Pursuant to this Agreement, you are only granted a nonexclusive license to use the Software, but not sell or transfer of the Software.\n3) Trademark: This Agreement does not grant to you any right related to any trademark(s) or service mark(s) of Dahua or its supplier(s).\n4) All intellectual property rights involved in the Software, including but not limited to patents, copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets and technical secrets, remain vested with their respective owners. Dahua reserves the right to profit from its intellectual properties. Furthermore, for any contents not contained in the Software but can be accessed by using the Software, its title and intellectual property rights remain vested with their respective owners and may be protected by applicable copyrights or other intellectual property laws and treaties.\n5)You further acknowledge and agree that all intellectual property rights regarding any improvements, modifications or adjustment to the software, arising directly or indirectly by using the software, shall vest in Dahua.\n\n6. TECHNICAL SUPPORT\nFor any queries or problems arising in the Software installation and use, please contact Dahua for a prompt solution.\n\n7. Transfer\nIf the Dahua Software you obtained is pre-installed on Dahua device , You may make a one-time permanent transfer of all of your license rights (in its original form) to a third party, provided that: (i)the Software transfer must be accompanied by your Dahua device; (ii)the transfer must include all of the Dahua Software, including all its component parts, printed materials and this Agreement; (iii)you can not retain any copies of the Software, including copies stored on the computer or other storage device; (iv) the party receiving the Software agrees to accept the terms and conditions of this Agreement. An updated version of Dahua Software is deemed to be part of Dahua Software, and can not be transferred separately from the previous version.\n\n8. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES\n8.1 You are responsible for the risks resulting from accessing to internet, including but not limited to, cyber-attacks, hacker attacks, computer virus and etc. Please protect your network, data and personal information by taking necessary actions, including but not limited to modifying the factory default password and using a strong password, periodically changing the password, updating the firmware to the latest version, and so on. Dahua do not bear any responsibility for any dysfunction, information leakage or other problems.\n8.2 If you are a consumer client (using the Software outside of your trade, business or profession), you may have legal rights in your country of residence which would prohibit the following limitations from applying to you, and if prohibited they will not apply to you. To find out more about rights, you should contact local consumer consulting organizations.\n8.2.1 You expressly acknowledge and agree that, to the extent permitted by applicable laws, the use of the Software and any Service performed by or accessed through the Software is at your sole risk and that the entire risk as to satisfactory quality, performance, accuracy and effort is with you.\n8.2.2 To the maximum extent permitted by applicable laws, the Software and Services are provided 'as is' and 'as available', with all faults and without warranty of any kind, and Dahua hereby disclaim all warranty and conditions with respect to the software and services, either express, implied or statutory, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties and/or conditions of merchantability, satisfactory quality, fitness for a particular purpose, accuracy, quiet enjoyment, and not-infringement of third party's rights.\n8.2.3 Dahua does not warrant against interference with your enjoyment of the Software and Services, that the functions contained in, or services performed or provided by the Software will meet your requirements, that the operation of the Software and Services will be uninterrupted and error-free, that any Service will continue to be made available, that defects in the Software or Services will be corrected, or that the Software will be compatible or work with any third party software, applications or third party services.\n8.2.4 No oral or written information or advice given by Dahua or an authorized representative of Dahua shall create a warranty. Should the Software or services prove defective, you assume the entire cost of all necessary servicing, repair or correction. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of implied warranties or limitations on applicable statutory rights of a consumer, so the above exclusion and limitations may not apply to you.\n\n9. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY\nTo the extent not prohibited by applicable laws, in no event shall Dahua, its affiliates, agents or principals be liable for personal injury, or any incidental, special, indirect or consequential damages whatsoever, including, without limitation, damages for loss or profits, corruption or loss of data, failure to transmit or receive any data, business interruption or any other commercial damages or losses, arising out of or related to your use or inability to use the Software and Services. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or extension of limitation of liability for personal injury, or of incidental or consequential damages, so this limitation my not apply to you. In no event shall Dahua's total liability to you for all damages (other than may be required by applicable laws in cases involving personal injury) exceed the amount of money you spent on device. The forgoing limitations will apply even if the above stated remedy fails of its essential purpose.\n\n10. TERMINATION\nThis Agreement is effective until terminated. Your rights under this Agreement will terminate automatically or otherwise cease to be effective without notice from Dahua if you fail to comply with any term(s) of this Agreement. Upon the termination of this Agreement, you shall cease the use of the Software, delete all contents that have been copied or installed on devices and backup copy(s). Section 1.2,8,9,12,13 of this Agreement shall survive any such termination.\nYou should be liable for any loss arising from your breach of the provisions of this Agreement to Dahua.\n\n11. EXPORT CONTROL\nYou must comply with the national exportation/importation laws, as well as the end-users, end-use, and destinations restrictions applicable to the Software. Without the prior approval or permission of the necessary government authority, you may not export or re-export the Software, directly or indirectly, to any countries/regions that is subject to export restrictions. This obligation shall survive the termination of this Agreement.\n\n12. CONTROLLING LAW AND SEVERABILITY\nThe interpretation, validity and dispute settlement of this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China. If a court of judicial jurisdiction finds any provision, or portion thereof, to be unacceptable, the remainder of this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect. Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Agreement, the parties shall agree to submit to the People's Court where the jurisdiction of Dahua is settled. \n\n13. COMPLETE AGREEMENT; GOVERNING LANGUAGE\nThis Agreement includes the terms of the Agreement, other agreements expressly invoked in this Agreement, the various rules that may have been issued or may be issued in the future by Dahua, which are integral parts of this Agreement and shall have the same legal effect as it. Unless otherwise stated expressly, users who use the Dahua software are subject to this Agreement. No amendment to or modification of this Agreement will be binding unless in writing and signed by Dahua. Any translation of this Agreement is done for local requirements. In the event of a dispute between the Chinese and any non-Chinese versions, the Chinese version of this Agreement shall govern, to the extent not prohibited by local law in your jurisdiction.\n\n14. OTHERS\nThis Agreement may be updated by Dahua at any time, and the updated terms of the Agreement shall take the place of the terms of the original Agreement once published in Dahua's official website. If you do not accept the revised term(s), please stop using the software immediately. Your continued use of the Software will be deemed to have accepted the updated agreement.", "com.LeChengLegalStatement":"HUACHENG SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT\n\n1. PREAMBLE\nIMPORTANT NOTICE, PLEASE READ CAREFULLY:\n1.1 This Agreement is a Software License Agreement between you and Hangzhou Huacheng Network Technology Co.,Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as 'Huacheng'). Please read this software license agreement (hereinafter referred to as 'Agreement') carefully before using the Software. By using Huacheng Software, you are deemed to agree to be bound by the terms of this Agreement. If you do not agree to the terms of this Agreement, please do not install or use the Software, and click the 'disagree' button(If there is any provision for 'agree' or 'disagree'). If the Software you get is purchased as part of Huacheng device, and you do not agree to the terms of this Agreement, you may return this device/Software within the return period to Huacheng or authorized distributor where you purchased from for a refund, but it should be subject to the Huacheng's return policy.\n1.2 Consent to use of data\nYour personal information, including the name, IP address and email address of the user, may be required in order to provide certain functions, such as on-line updates, P2P, and resetting password. When dealing with such information, Huacheng will act in accordance with the data processing principles provided by law and using proper technological measures and management system to make sure that your personal information is securely used and your legal rights are well protected.\nIf you are a child, please read this Agreement and other related documents with your guardian(s) and pay more attention to the child protection terms.\nHuacheng stick on to personal information protection and has made the Product Privacy Policy to disclose the important information about the collection, usage, share, storage, and deletion of personal information. In all circumstance, your personal information will be handled according to the Product Privacy Policy. You can search for 'Huacheng Product Privacy Policy' or 'Product Privacy Policy' on Huacheng's official website. For the sake of a better protection of your personal information, you must have read and fully understood the contents of the 'Product Privacy Policy' before using Huacheng software.\nBy opening or using these functions, you are deemed to agree to be bound by the terms of this Agreement.\n\n2. DEFINITIONS\n'Software' refers to information processing program(s) or supporting file(s) consisting of a number of modules or functions. Supporting file(s) includes all or part of the Software source codes, object codes, and the images, photographs, icons, animations, audio, video, music, words and codes incorporated therein. It also includes all relevant paper or electronic information and technical documentation which describe the functions, characteristics, contents, quality, tests, customer manuals, user agreements, etc. (hereinafter referred to as 'Software Products' or 'Software'). \n\n'You' refers to natural person or legal entity that has obtained the right to use the Software under the license of Huacheng. Legal entities include company, enterprise, institution, organization or work unit.\n\n'Probation period' refers to a specific period before the official registration in which Huacheng authorizes the internal use of users for evaluation purpose.\n\n3. SOFTWARE LICENSE\nSubject to your compliance with this Agreement, you are granted non-exclusive license including: \n1) Probation license\nYou are granted to install the software on a single device controlled by you and use all the functions provided for evaluation purpose for free.\n2) Commercial license\na) Right of installation and use: You are granted to install and use the software on a single device you control, and use all the functions provided thereby.\nb) Back-up: You are granted to reproduce materials for archival purpose. Unless otherwise stated in this Agreement, you may not be permitted to copy the software or printed materials or electronic documentations accompanying for any other purposes and by any other means.\n\n4. PERMITTED LICENSE USES AND RESTRICTIONS\n1) Restrictions on single use\nThis Agreement does not allow the software to exist on more than one device at a time, unless otherwise agreed by both parties.\n2) Restrictions on software sharing\nYou may not use part or all of the software on multiple devices by sharing all or part of the Software.\n3) Restrictions on software decomposition\nYou can not use different functions on different devices or embed different parts of the Software into other software system by decomposing the Software.\n4) Restrictions on integrity preserving\nYou can not remove any copyright statement or notice in the Software, nor smear, modify or delete any trademarks or logos appearing in the Software.\n5) Restrictions on reverse engineering, decompile and disassemble\nYou can not reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software.\n6) Abidance by the law:\nYou agree to use the Software and/or the Services in compliance with all applicable laws, including local laws of the country or region in which you reside or in which you download or use the Software and Services. Functions and services of the Software may not be available in all languages in all regions. Internet connection is required for some functions of the Software and Services.\n7) Confidentiality restriction: \nYou may not disclose the performance of the software, or any other assessment, test results, technical secrets or any such confidential information derived from the Software to any third party without the written consent of Huacheng.\n8) Automatic updates\nThe software will periodically check with Huacheng for updates. The update will automatically download and install onto your device, if one is available. It is deemed to accept the automatic download and installation onto your device once you used the Huacheng software. You can turn off the automatic updates at any time by changing the Automatic updates settings.\n\n5. DECLARATION ON INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY\n1) The Software is developed by Huacheng. Huacheng reserves all the lawful rights of the software which are not expressly granted to you .\n2) The Software is protected by laws of the People's Republic of China. Pursuant to this Agreement, you are only granted a nonexclusive license to use the Software, but not sell or transfer of the Software.\n3) Trademark: This Agreement does not grant to you any right related to any trademark(s) or service mark(s) of Huacheng or its supplier(s).\n4) All intellectual property rights involved in the Software, including but not limited to patents, copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets and technical secrets, remain vested with their respective owners. Huacheng reserves the right to profit from its intellectual properties. Furthermore, for any contents not contained in the Software but can be accessed by using the Software, its title and intellectual property rights remain vested with their respective owners and may be protected by applicable copyrights or other intellectual property laws and treaties.\n5)You further acknowledge and agree that all intellectual property rights regarding any improvements, modifications or adjustment to the software, arising directly or indirectly by using the software, shall vest in Huacheng.\n\n6. TECHNICAL SUPPORT\nFor any queries or problems arising in the Software installation and use, please contact Huacheng for a prompt solution.\n\n7. Transfer\nIf the Huacheng Software you obtained is pre-installed on Huacheng device , You may make a one-time permanent transfer of all of your license rights (in its original form) to a third party, provided that: (i)the Software transfer must be accompanied by your Huacheng device; (ii)the transfer must include all of the Huacheng Software, including all its component parts, printed materials and this Agreement; (iii)you can not retain any copies of the Software, including copies stored on the computer or other storage device; (iv) the party receiving the Software agrees to accept the terms and conditions of this Agreement. An updated version of Huacheng Software is deemed to be part of Huacheng Software, and can not be transferred separately from the previous version.\n\n8. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES\n8.1 You are responsible for the risks resulting from accessing to internet, including but not limited to, cyber-attacks, hacker attacks, computer virus and etc. Please protect your network, data and personal information by taking necessary actions, including but not limited to modifying the factory default password and using a strong password, periodically changing the password, updating the firmware to the latest version, and so on. Huacheng do not bear any responsibility for any dysfunction, information leakage or other problems.\n8.2 If you are a consumer client (using the Software outside of your trade, business or profession), you may have legal rights in your country of residence which would prohibit the following limitations from applying to you, and if prohibited they will not apply to you. To find out more about rights, you should contact local consumer consulting organizations.\n8.2.1 You expressly acknowledge and agree that, to the extent permitted by applicable laws, the use of the Software and any Service performed by or accessed through the Software is at your sole risk and that the entire risk as to satisfactory quality, performance, accuracy and effort is with you.\n8.2.2 To the maximum extent permitted by applicable laws, the Software and Services are provided 'as is' and 'as available', with all faults and without warranty of any kind, and Huacheng hereby disclaim all warranty and conditions with respect to the software and services, either express, implied or statutory, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties and/or conditions of merchantability, satisfactory quality, fitness for a particular purpose, accuracy, quiet enjoyment, and not-infringement of third party's rights.\n8.2.3 Huacheng does not warrant against interference with your enjoyment of the Software and Services, that the functions contained in, or services performed or provided by the Software will meet your requirements, that the operation of the Software and Services will be uninterrupted and error-free, that any Service will continue to be made available, that defects in the Software or Services will be corrected, or that the Software will be compatible or work with any third party software, applications or third party services.\n8.2.4 No oral or written information or advice given by Huacheng or an authorized representative of Huacheng shall create a warranty. Should the Software or services prove defective, you assume the entire cost of all necessary servicing, repair or correction. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of implied warranties or limitations on applicable statutory rights of a consumer, so the above exclusion and limitations may not apply to you.\n\n9. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY\nTo the extent not prohibited by applicable laws, in no event shall Huacheng, its affiliates, agents or principals be liable for personal injury, or any incidental, special, indirect or consequential damages whatsoever, including, without limitation, damages for loss or profits, corruption or loss of data, failure to transmit or receive any data, business interruption or any other commercial damages or losses, arising out of or related to your use or inability to use the Software and Services. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or extension of limitation of liability for personal injury, or of incidental or consequential damages, so this limitation my not apply to you. In no event shall Huacheng's total liability to you for all damages (other than may be required by applicable laws in cases involving personal injury) exceed the amount of money you spent on device. The forgoing limitations will apply even if the above stated remedy fails of its essential purpose.\n\n10. TERMINATION\nThis Agreement is effective until terminated. Your rights under this Agreement will terminate automatically or otherwise cease to be effective without notice from Huacheng if you fail to comply with any term(s) of this Agreement. Upon the termination of this Agreement, you shall cease the use of the Software, delete all contents that have been copied or installed on devices and backup copy(s). Section 1.2,8,9,12,13 of this Agreement shall survive any such termination.\nYou should be liable for any loss arising from your breach of the provisions of this Agreement to Huacheng.\n\n11. EXPORT CONTROL\nYou must comply with the national exportation/importation laws, as well as the end-users, end-use, and destinations restrictions applicable to the Software. Without the prior approval or permission of the necessary government authority, you may not export or re-export the Software, directly or indirectly, to any countries/regions that is subject to export restrictions. This obligation shall survive the termination of this Agreement.\n\n12. CONTROLLING LAW AND SEVERABILITY\nThe interpretation, validity and dispute settlement of this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China. If a court of judicial jurisdiction finds any provision, or portion thereof, to be unacceptable, the remainder of this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect. Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Agreement, the parties shall agree to submit to the People's Court where the jurisdiction of Huacheng is settled. \n\n13. COMPLETE AGREEMENT; GOVERNING LANGUAGE\nThis Agreement includes the terms of the Agreement, other agreements expressly invoked in this Agreement, the various rules that may have been issued or may be issued in the future by Huacheng, which are integral parts of this Agreement and shall have the same legal effect as it. Unless otherwise stated expressly, users who use the Huacheng software are subject to this Agreement. No amendment to or modification of this Agreement will be binding unless in writing and signed by Huacheng. Any translation of this Agreement is done for local requirements. In the event of a dispute between the Chinese and any non-Chinese versions, the Chinese version of this Agreement shall govern, to the extent not prohibited by local law in your jurisdiction.\n\n14. OTHERS\nThis Agreement may be updated by Huacheng at any time, and the updated terms of the Agreement shall take the place of the terms of the original Agreement once published in Huacheng's official website. If you do not accept the revised term(s), please stop using the software immediately. Your continued use of the Software will be deemed to have accepted the updated agreement." }